Scarlet Phoenix, Dark Immortal

Recently I found a page on the web through a dear friend of mine. Her name is Lynn, and I met her on icq. If you dont know what that is, its a sort of chat program that allows people to talk to others on the web. Very useful. Ill get a link to it soon.

This page is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Basicaly it holds alot of differnt poems and writings by a friend of mine who goes by the name of Rhea. She is an excellent writer and if for no other reason then that, you should check out her page. The page also contains a story board and special guestbook, with these, the people who go to the page create a story. Many of the people there roleplay as Vampires, Ghosts, Witches, Mortals, and even a Druid or two. The stories are thought up as basic guidlines (by differnt roleplayers) and then the roleplayers try and move through the story as seamlessly as possible. Acting out their roles and portraying their charachters as best they can. The stories can become quite intricate and are quite nice to read, even if you arnt playing.

Hey! I have an idea, why dont I show you some pics that I grabbed while I was there? Maybe it will help you get a feel for the Bower. Thats what many of us like to call the place as a whole. Ill try to give these things some kind of an order, but dont count on it! *Laughs*

The Bower is set in Louisianna, somewhere in the outskirts of New Orleans. The mansion was built sometime back, on the outskirts of the Bayou. It can be quite dangerous for the unwary. Though its not too close to New Orleans, its not far by vehicle..or bat wing. *grins*

Here we have The Mansion itself, beautiful yes? Very southern, this used to be an old plantation. The Mansion and its grounds are always kept well cleaned by the army of servants that Rhea keeps. Sometimes they have to work overtime from all the activity there. Dont you just hate the unexpected Vampire Attacks?

(Pic of the real Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, LA)

This, is the Library, where many of us gather to talk or just sit by the warm fire with a glass of cool wine, or whatever you may prefer. Many activities go on through out the bower, but we always seem to be drawn back to here. Maybe because its so cozy. Usually its kept rather dark, with only the fire and candles set around the room to keep it cheery. It seems to work rather well. Giving people a chance to be comfortable, wheather they prefer the light, or the shadows. It also helps to cause everyone to bunch up a little more, so we are more apt to talk. I love it. Thanks Rhea for letting me turn on the lights for this pic! *Grin*

Martin Conrad (C) 1999 Digital Art

Well, thats all the pics I have for now. When I can, I may put up some other pictures of The Bower. Or maybe, if youd like.....

Why dont you go take a look? Explore the Mansion, take a look at the grounds surrounding it, or youmight want to read some of Rhea's poems or stories. Some are sad...others very upbeat, but all are very well done. Some are even past roleplaying stories, that everyone helped to build.

Please bear with me, this page is still under construction.