Welcome to Ferretland!

Heartland Award of Excellence

Hi, my name is Toni and my ferrets name's are Scout, Peanut, Sneezle, Mookie, Jeep, Jezebel and Lily. We are proud to announce that Ferretland is a GeoCities Featured Page and winner of the Heartland Award of Excellence. We hope you enjoy your visit here, stay as long as you like.

My page is about my life in Texas and how I came about living there. The girl's page is full of Ferret FAQ including a pop quiz at the end. If you're new to HTML, then you should stop by my HTML help page. For fun and excitement, you've just got to see The Ferret Show. It's great for kids!

I have 2 pages full of awards I've won, with links to the sites so you can win them too. You can even try out for the award I give out. It's the Ferret Lover's Award! So if your site is extra ferrety, give it a try. If you enjoy belonging to groups then take a look at the Webrings I belong to. I also have some weird art. I'm not an artist so, again, it's just WEIRD art. And don't forget to sign my guestbook.

There's lots to see, so let's get going!

Weird Art 1 The Ferret Show Toni's Page Ferret Lovers Award
The Ferret Page Email us Awards Page
Webring Page HTML Hot Tips Weird Art 2

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