Hi there!
I am just learning how to create this homepage so please bear with me!

Pokey...A very special man
to me. Have really enjoyed his company.
HB....The first friend that I made on the net and has been so helpful,
sweet, and kind.
Tortured Man...A great friend. Love his squad!!! LOL!!! We didn't get
along a first but have become true friends.
Mickey & Minnie Mouse...Two great people that make the chat rooms so
much fun.
Carley...A great Minnesota gal just like me!!! So much fun to be around.
Dad33/LevisMale...Whatever name it is today!! LOL!! Another fellow
Minnesotan. Never know what can happen when he's around.
If you are not listed here---don't
worry--just getting started and maybe haven't met you yet!!!
The description of
my page is:
Here is a cute one that
the kids love: My kids love this kitty and soon I will have their pictures
on my page so you can see how wonderful they are. I love them more than anything. By son
is 8 years and his name is Tony. My daughter is 4 and her name is Amy.

and Conversation

tjamz@rconnect.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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Last modified: December 22, 1997