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  1. Your query will not be posted immediately. Give me a day or two to get it posted. Unless, of course, if I'm on vacation or on a business trip.
  2. Put ALL surnames in CAPITALS.
  3. To the best of your knowledge, let people know WHO you are looking for, WHERE they were in the Philippines, and WHEN they were in Philippines.
  4. Other people do not know all towns, past and present, in Philippines so be sure to put places as "City or Town and Province, Philippines".
  5. Your query must mention a connection to the Philippines or it will not be posted.


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ABAD - Seeking information on WILLIAM GUERRY BELL, b: February 1881 Paola, Florida. He went to the Philippines around 1916-1917. He was married to ABAD, Faustina marriage information ca 1918 b. Cebu Philippines, had one son, Charles J. Bell b. 1920. Later married CAALIM, Jauna C. marriage information ca 1921 b. Nov 24, 1907 Pasquin, Ilocos, Norte, had one son, Frank Bell b. 1922. William, managed a Sugar Cane Plantation. He was interred by the Japanese during WWII as a POW. Any information regarding WILLIAM GUERRY BELL and/or his descendants would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Darrel R. Bell. Posted 31 May 1999.

ABAD - Looking for my father, Carlos ABAD. He served in the U.S. Navy sometime between 1966-1971. He was stationed at Oahu, Hawaii during 1968-1971. All my mother will tell me is that he said he was going back to Cavite, PI after he left Hawaii. His age would be between 50-55 today. He may still be in Cavite or possibly the U.S. I know nothing else about this man but he does know that I am his child. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Diedre L. (Dacoscos-Bersamin) Smith. Posted 7 March 1999.

ABAD - Looking for information about my Filipino family tree. My mother is the youngest of the ABAD family and was raised by her brother, Monsignor Pedro LEGASPI ABAD. My father is George BATACAN. I would appreciate any help in finding out information about my family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Richard Spellman. Posted 7 March 1999.

ABAD - Looking for information for my family tree. My grandfather was Ricardo Asuncion Abad born 1903 in Luzon. He married Timothea Alferos of which I do not have a birth date. I would like to have information on their ancestors to learn more about my Filipino heritage. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Terry1011@aol.com. Posted 26 July 1999.

ABOLINAS - Trying hard to find my Dad's relatives. Mariano Abolinas was my Father's name and his sister was Emilija Abolinas. I am wondering if there were any more relatives left. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Leroy Abolinas. Posted 18 October 1998.

ABOLOC - Looking for information/relatives of Agre (SANCHEZ) ABOLOC, my father. He was born on November 9, 1896 in the Philippines and died November 27, 1972, in Vallejo, California, US. I do not know any information about where in the Philippines he was from. I am thinking that he may have been from the Visayan Islands. His parents were Juaquin ABOLOC and Damiana SANCHEZ. He has/had two sisters, Victoria (married name LUENGO) and Mrs. Roberto TATHAP (I do not know her first name). He also has/had a brother, Mamerto ABOLOC. My father immigrated to California in the 1930-40's and married my mother, Benita LICOPIT, of Basay, Samar, Philippines, in 1952. As a note, my father legally changed his name to read: Agre ABOLOC SANCHEZ when he became a U.S. citizen. Any information regarding this family would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Beth Sanchez Hardy. Posted 31 August 1998.

ACERON - I am interested in anything you can tell me about my last name. I am interested in anything historical anything ... what I ultimately want done is to find something that means ACERON and have it tattooed on my back and my brothers .. it is my gift to him. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Vincent Aceron. Posted 7 March 1999.

ACHURRA - Looking for ACHURRA family from the province of Iloilo. Relatives of Manuel Alcantara ACHURRA, born in the 1875 in Sara, Iloilo. Had two brothers name: Cito and Roman Jr. and two sisters name: Matilde and Antonina. He was married to Juliana Kalinisan DIAZ of Cavite City., had seven children: Angela, Ramon, Teodoro, Dominador, Carmen, Pacifico and Salvador. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. ONGI-ETORRI "IZAN GABE EMAN DEZAKEGUN GAUZA BAKARRA DA ZORIONA" ESKERRIK ASKO. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Augusto D. Achurra. Posted 19 September 1998.

ACOBA - Looking for information on parents and birthplace of ACOBA, Pedro, born 12 Jan 1898, Ilocos Norte, PI, emigrated to Kauai, HI about 1922, married ACOBA, Petra, born 17 May 1909, Ilocos Norte, PI, emigrated to Kauai, HI about 1922-1924. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Adrienne Acoba. Posted 8 April 1998.

ADONA - Looking for any information on ADONA, Pedro. He was married to Melicia Agbanglo and he died about 1935 in Aparri, Cagayan. Please send any information on Pedro or Melicia to Herman Adona. Posted 7 July 1998.

AGARAN - I am looking for anyone connected to the Agaran family from Mindoro and/or Marinduque. My grandmother was Juanita (de los) Angeles, who was married to Pedro Agaran. I would appreciate anyone who could tell me anything about this family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to starspecials@philstar.com.ph. Posted 31 May 1999.

AGUDO - Looking for any information on my grandfather, Luis AGUDO, divorced my grandmother when my mother was an infant in 1931. At that time, he was an editor of a Filipino newspaper in Salinas, California. He was also a leader in the Filipino community, an advocate for the rights of the people. His parents were Concepcion AGRA and Pedro AGUDO. He returned to the islands, possibly Manila after 1936. He remarried and had two daughters. The last known location of Luis AGUDO and his wife was Baguio City in 1976. He died in 1982. I am very interested in corresponding with any of my grandfather's relatives and learning more about the family line and would like to read more of his work. I have his newpaper editorials to share. I look forward in hearing from one of his relatives or associates. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jean Cordero. Posted 10 April 1998.

AGUILA - I'm trying to get information on my family name. My grandfather's name was Fernando I. Aguila. His family in the Philippines had an export business, and he had maybe 6 brothers but I think they were killed in the war. He came to the USA in the late 30's and became a doctor and had a practice in Chicago. Any information on family members would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to John Aguila. Posted 7 March 1999.

AGUILLO - Endeavouring to obtain any information relative to my father's parents, grandparents, great-grandparents (as far back as possible) as well as brothers, sisters, cousins their husbands, wives and children. Here is what I know: My father, Severo Aguida Aguillo was the son of Silas Aguillo and Eulalia Aguda. He had several brothers and sisters: Matias, Clotilde, Gabriela, Ruperto, Zoilo, Bernardo and Agapita. Other names relative to my father of which I do not know the relationship include the following: Engracio Calpo, Benemerito, Aguinaldo, Aguirre. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Dolores Fay Tamoria (nee Aguillo). Posted 2 August 1998.

ALBIO - Looking for Rogelio ALBIO, last known location: Bangar, La Union around 1967. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ray Albio. Posted 18 May 1998.

ALFEROS - I am looking for information regarding my family tree. My grandfather, Ricardo Alferos born December 24, 1910 left the Philippines in the late 1920's when he joined the U.S. Navy. He is from San Felipe or Zambales. His father's name was Florintino Alferos Sr. and has 13 brothers and sisters. There are many of my relatives still living in the Philippines. Any information regarding my family would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Christine. Posted 31 May 1999.

ALTRE - Searching for information on the family/descendants of my grandfather Daniel de la Cruz ALTRE. He was born July 22, 1886 in Lingayen Gulf, Pangasinan. He passed his civil service exam in 1905, served in the Philippine Constabulary from 1909 - 1912, then left the country when he joined the US Navy in 1913 (in which he served until 1943). He married Alma MARESCH in Riga, Latvia in 1924 and had three children, all of whom are still living in the US. I know little about his family, except that he had a brother, Jose ALTRE, who was doctor and remained in the Philippines, and a cousin Moises (no last name known) who also served in the US Navy. I also am aware of a Fernando ALTRE, also from Lingayen Gulf who was born January 10, 1899, died February 14, 1979, but do not know what the family connection may be. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Joel Altre-Kerber in Buffalo NY, USA. Posted 26 July 1999.

ALVES - Looking for relatives & family history of ALVES, Juliana lived in Santa Domingo, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Married to Mariano TACADENA. They had a surviving son, Robert born 28 March 1908. Robert immigrated to the US at age 16. Robert is my grandfather. I would appreciate any information on this family. Thank you. Please send information to Dawna Westbrook. Posted 3 January 1998.

AMABA - Looking for relatives & family history of AMABA, Mary Ann Estopia. She was born on April 15, 1971 in Ilas Norte Dao Copiz, San Agustin, Philippines. Her father is Regalado Amaba, Sr. and her mother is Lillia Estopia. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Tommy Ramage. Posted 21 Nov 1997.

AMADO - AMADO, Corazon married Manuel GENOVA on July 25,1974 and had 9 children - 5 still living: Melizza (1/3/76) Christina (11/17/80) Manuel (12/6/82) Mary Grace 5/26/84 who would like to know where she is. Corazon disappeared in 1986 informing her husband that she was joining the NPA. She returned a year later and was to go to Manila to get her belongings and return to Gaongan, Bicol but she was never heard from after that. This is a great mystery and causes these children to feel something is missing from their lives because they do not know where their mother is. Their father declared Corazon dead in 1994 had their mariage anulled and married me at that time. I have tried to bo a good mother to these kids. But they still have unanswered questions that I can understand (being adopted myself). I hope someone can help shed some light on Corazon's whereabouts so the children will have answers and so she can know what great people her children have become. Thank you and God bless. Please send any information to Saro Genova. Posted 31 May 1999.

AMBAY - Looking for AMBAY, Eusebio born in (perhaps August 14) late 1890s or early 1900s in Banan (possibly Bauan or Baban), Batangas, Philippines. He joined the U.S. Navy on July 17, 1918 on the receiving ship in Cavite, Philippines. He remained on active duty in the U.S. Navy until his death in San Diego, California on January 21, l937. He married Amada Guerra in 1929. They had three daughters and one son. I would like to correspond with anyone having any information about this individual. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Connie A. (Ambay) Morales. Posted 18 October 1998.

ANABO - I am looking for information about my grandfather, Julian ANABO. I believe he was from Legaspi and joined the U.S. Navy in the late 1920's. He returned frequently and we believe he was living in the Philippines in the 1960's and 70's. If any family members or friends have information, I would be very pleased to talk to you. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Katherine Anabo. Posted 26 July 1999.

ANAMA - Would like to search the surname "Anama". The family is in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Sheryl Rodriguez. Posted 1 November 1999.

ANDRE - I am searching for possible descendants of my great-grand uncle. His name was Dr. Victor John ANDRE, he was a veterinary surgeon (of French Descent) in the Philippines in the late 1800's or early 1900's (possibly around 1902). I am trying to find out if he had any children there. If you have any information regarding Dr. Andre's stay in the Philippines or any information regarding possible children he may have left behind, please contact me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kathy Grant. Posted 18 May 1998.

ANDRES - I am doing research on our family history and currently focusing on my father, Casiano Santos Andres, born in 1906 in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. He was married to Benedicta Buted, born in 1915 in Laoag City and had 11 children. Florencio, Nicolas, Francisco, Saturnino, Pepito, Genaro, Christina, Romulo, Christopher, Evelyn Christeta and Risalina. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Michael Asto. Posted 7 March 1999.

ANFENGER - Looking for any information on a Filomena Ayachi Anfenger. Born in Bontoc, PI in about 1916. Her father was Harold Anfenger. Believe that her mothers name was Mary Ayachi. Filomena grew up in an Episcopal Convent in the Philippines. Exactly where I do not know. A missionary by the name of Margaret Kilburn brought Filomena to the U.S. when she was about 18. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to GRose24701@aol.com. Posted 26 July 1999.

ANGELO - In search of anyone willing to exchange information on the following surnames: JACINTO or TRIAS of General Trias, Cavite (my father is Jesus Trias). REYES or ANGELO of Bulacan or Baguio (my mother is Lucia Reyes Angelo). I am a first generation of Filipino-American desperately trying to regain some connection to my Filipino roots. Hope someone out there can help. Thank you. Please send information to Jessica Jacinto. Posted 2 April 1998.

ANIASCO - Looking for ANIASCO (formerly ANASCO with tilda over 'n'), Fermino Seledio Anasco (aka Aniasco) here from approx. 1930. Thank you very much. Please send any information to dalp@lanset.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

ANICOCHE - Looking for information on my grandparents, Simplicio MANDAC and Cornelia ANICOCHE. They had 5 children, one of them being my father, Andy MANDAC. They were both 17 years old when they married in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, July 4, 1898. His parents were Severo Mandac and Severina Artillar. Her parents were Roman Anicoche and Quirina Arde. Any information would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ofelia Vickery. Posted 7 March 1999.

ANSELMO - I'm researching my last name, ANSELMO, for my French class. I wanted to know if anyone else was related to me and my family. From what I have been told, it is of Spanish and/or Italian descent. My grandfather, Emiterio, was from Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. My grandmother, Josefa, is part Chinese, (CHONG) and her maiden name is BUENAVENTURA, and she's from Orani, Bataan. She told me that one of her uncles, who was a priest, was shot outside the church, which was by her house with my grandfather, in Bataan. Thank you for spending your time! Please send any information to Nicole Pauline Anselmo. Posted 31 May 1999.

ANTONIO - Searching for other descendants of Valeriano Antonio, married to Augustina Deguzman who may be interested in sharing information before and after the life of this couple. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Alika Brown. Posted 26 July 1999.

AQUINO - Looking for information about my father, Bernardino P. Aquino, passed away in October 1967, I was just wondering if you knew anything about him and my relatives there. I believe he was from Binmaley, Pangasinan. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ronnie B. Aquino. Posted 31 May 1999.

ARBIS/ARBIZ - Looking for relatives or family history on the Arbis family. My grandfather: Guillermo Rappa Arbiz (Arbis) who was called "Imong" by family and was born in the Visayan Islands in 1910. Place of birth was Romblon or Cajidiocan. He was the son of Peligrino or Palicruno Arbis from Spain. His mother was Jovita Rappa. Guillermo was a relative of Manuel Roxas of the Visayan Islands, who later became President of the Philippines during the 1940's. Guillermo came the U.S. in the 1920's to attend Cornell University and stayed in the U.S. marrying my grandmother Leila LeBoon. Both my grandparents are now deceased but the Arbiz family has numerous descendants in the Philadephia area (Pennsylvania, USA). Thank you very much. Any family history or relatives, please send information to zibraj@aol.com or to jjapg@yahoo.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

ARBIZO - Looking for relatives & family history of ARBIZO from Zambales. It is my paternal grandmother's maiden name. She came from a Castillano speaking lineage, as do many Filipinos. If you have any infomation on this family name, please let me know. Thank you. Please send any information to Jannette Josafat Foster. Posted 27 January 1998.

ARBON - Searching for information regarding Guillaume Arbon, born about 1869 in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental. Father: Joseph Arbon Mother: Sedora. Guillaume immigrated to New Orleans, LA in the 1890s and died in 1937. He had one sister name unknown who married a doctor. His father is believed to have immigrated from Australia but we have no evidence of this. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Angela Arbon. Posted 1 November 1999.

ARGANOZA - I am looking for relatives,any information, and/or family history of my father Victor Abanto ARGANOZA. I only know he has a brother named Emilio and a sister named Maura. I believe they are originally from Daet, Camarines Norte, but may be living in other areas of the Philippines. Please help me if you can. I am trying to trace my roots, for I have no information on my father's family. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Felix Arganoza. Posted 7 March 1999.

ARMAS - Looking for ARMAS Family from the Province of La Union, Philippines. I was informed by my elder relatives that the ORDINARIO surname started out as ARMAS. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about siblings, parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Precy T. Ordinario. Posted 11 Dec 1997.

ARTES - Seeking ancestors, siblings, and descendants of Isidoro ARTES and his wife, Remigia BUENCONSEJO. One son is Luis Buenconsejo Artes, born in 1892 in Dalaquete, Cebu, who had 14 children. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley Edillon. Posted 26 July 1999.

ATIENZA - Looking for any information on my great-grandfather's name is Ramon Medina Atienza. He was born in Taal, Batangas and lived in Romblon. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mike Atienza. Posted 31 May 1999.

ATIENZA - Looking for information about Manuel Arboleda Atienza; born in Guinobatan, Albay July 11, 1898. He moved to Manila at some point. He was my father. Thank you very much. Please send any information to belcook@aol.com. Posted 1 November 1999.

AVILA - Looking for some information on my grandfather was born on 1897, in Macalelon. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mike Atienza. Posted 31 May 1999.

AYACHI - Looking for information on Filomena AYACHI, born in the Philippines on September 16, 1916. Her mother's name was Mary Ayachi and her father's name was Harold Anfenger. Filomena possibly spent some time in an Episcopal Convent in the PI. She came to the US with a missionary named Margaret Kilburn possibly around 1930-1935. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Gail. Posted 31 May 1999.

AYALA - My great grandmother was named Concepcion Ayala (y O'Farrell). She was born in 1867 and lived in the Binondo district of Manila for many years. She never talked about her father but did say his name was Antonio Ayala. Her great grandmother was Catalina Tuason of the Tuason family (descended from Son Tua). Since the Tuasons were business associates of the Antonio Ayala who founded Ayala y Cia, I am speculating that her mother was the Querida and not the legitimate wife of that Antonio Ayala (all speculation of course). I am looking for suggestions/help in how I might confirm or research this relationship. I am also looking for the family tree of Son Tua, who immigrated from Fukien province China to found the Tuason family in the Philippines. Any suggestions or help you might offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Bob Hansen. Posted 7 March 1999.

BABAYON - Looking for information on the BABAYON family from Samar, Visayas. One of the members of this family is Irene. I am looking to find the original origin of this family. An information would help me greatly. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Joamme Guzman. Posted 2 October 1998.

BACULPO - Looking for birthplace, parent's names and siblings of Rosalio BACULPO born in the Philippines in 1903. Came to Big Island of Hawaii around 1919-1923. Married Sevira Bellanueva and they had 4 children. Pedro, Bacillio, Gavino and Antonio. Any information about Rosalio would be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Pamela Baculpo. Posted 2 August 1998.

BALAJADIA or BALAHADIA - Spouses: Francisco Balahadia and Maria Baleria Sutan were recorded in LDS archives whose children were christened in the Catholic church in Candava, Pampanga in the late 1600's. In Pampanga, they do not use frequently letter "h". Maybe the reason why "Balahadia" was changed to "Balajadia." If anybody from both clans can explain if both names have relationships and how, please send e-mail to me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Richard and Joyce Balahadia. Posted 7 March 1999.

BALATICO - I am looking for any BALATICO who originated from Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. My Grandmother was Valeriana Balatico and Grandfather was Juan Balatico. They had six children Marcelo, Andres, Marceliano Efraim, Melitia and Joaquina. My uncle Andres left the Philippines in the late 1920's to Washington State. My father, Marceliano soon joined him in the late 1930's to farm and work on the Railroad in the Pacific Northwest. Since, both my father and uncle have recently passed away, our family would like to find any BALATICOs of this descent. We are organizing a family reunion to take place in the year 2000. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Michelle Balatico-Hayes. Posted 7 March 1999.

BALDIA - I am looking for all Baldia families in the Philippines. I am presently living in the USA for the past 30 years but my father Baldomero Baldia was supposedly born in Santo Tomas, Batangas, Philippines. Aside from my immediate family, I have never met any other Baldia, which led me to suspect that I might be descended from some Mexican or Spanish who came to the Philippines centuries ago. A certain Peter Baldia who lives in Vienna, Austria who is doing genealogical research of the Baldia family informed me that the Baldia family originated from the northern region of Italy at its border with Austria. There was a widespread war in Europe at around the 15th century wherein the Spanish prevailed and drafted a lot of the conquered and sent to other countries that they have colonized. According to a genealogy book that I have read, there is only 65 known Baldia families in the world and the great majority are in Austria and Germany. The few persons I have come across the internet are either German or Italian. I am trying to tract down a Baldia in California who might be a descendant of a long lost uncle who came to the US in the 30's. If there is any Baldia in the Philippines please contact Liveo B. Baldia at 1625 Franklin Street, Berwick, PA 18603. Thank you and God bless you. Please send any information to Liveo BALDIA. Posted 2 November 1999.

BALENCIA - I'm looking for information on a military man named Robert Phillips who married a Teresita BALENCIA in the Philippines. Robert Phillips was stationed in the Philippines in the 1950s. He married Teresita and then moved to Chicago, Illinois. They had three boys, ?, David, and Alfonso Phillips. Does anyone know who this woman is? She died in Fountain, El Paso County, Colorado, United States of America on March 15, 1988. She was born on Aug. 27, 1929, in the Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jennifer Phillips-Hall. Posted 2 August 1998.

BAŅAS - Looking for any of the families of the boat from Spain circa 1700 or 1800's who vowed not to eat EELs because it saved them from sinking. My great-grandfather's name was Pedro BAŅAS. It's probably his grandfather that came from Spain. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jesse Lao. Posted 26 July 1999.

BARBA - Looking for BARBA, Marcelo born about 1870, probably in Spain but possibly in Ilocos Norte, Philippines. This man was my wife's great-grandfather and was evidently a Spanish don who lived in San Nicolas or Laoag, Ilocos Norte around the turn of the century (circa-1900). He had a child who was my wife's grandfather and who took his mother's surname, Nacino. The mother's name was Mira Nacino. I am doing research on our family history and currently focusing on my wife's ancestors. My wife's father came from San Nicolas (Barangay #12) in Ilocos Norte. He passed away in 1978 here in California. We learned quite a bit about my wife's family history when we were in Ilocos Norte in 1982 but would like to learn more. I hope that someone might be able to provide advice or perhaps direct me to someone who might be able to provide more information about Marcelo Barba (especially the connection to Spain; my wife's father always spoke of a daughter or sister of Marcelo Barba who was a famous concert pianist in Spain). Any information or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Scott & Myra Nacino Erickson . Posted 31 August 1998.

BARRAQUIAS - Looking for relatives of BARRAQUIAS, Magdaleno born in the 1800s in Mandaue, Cebu City, Philippines. Magdaleno was baptized with the surname of his godfather BARRAQUIAS but his real surname was CABAHUG. He was married to Cenona SANCHEZ of Cebu City. Cenona was related to the VILLANO family of Cebu City. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jay Florentino. Posted 31 May 1999.

BARRERA - Looking for any relatives, descendants and/or information regarding BETRON, Frank, who was the surviving ranking officer of 9th Infantry, Company C, during the Balangiga Massacre. After the Philippine Insurrection, he married BARRERA, Innocenta in Cebu City. I have also been told there may be/are relatives living in Mindanao, but I have had no luck so far on my own. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kevin Wagner. Posted 12 June 1998.

BARRIOS - I am searching for ancestors and descendants of Leonardo CECILIO and Macaria BARRIOS. I do not know where they lived in the Philippines or when they were born. They had at least one son, Leocardio Barrios CECILIO who was born about 1880. He married Rosario Roco VERA. Their first child was born in Manila in 1914. The rest of their children were also born there, the last being born about 1930. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chuck & Nancy Runta. Posted 7 March 1999.

BASA - Looking for information on Family Name BASA. My Grandfather was Feliciano Basa from Manila. He was born approximately 1900. Would you be able to also provide Family Tree. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Richard Basa. Posted 1 November 1999.

BASILIO - Seeking information on Alejo BASILIO. He had a brother named Rosendo. I do not have any information on either of their wives. Alejo was the father of Domingo, Manuel, Dalmacio, Andres, and Barbara. Barbara was married to a man with the last name of CUSTODIO. Domingo BASILIO was married to Catalina DOMINGO. Manuel BASILIO was married to Tomasa GONZALES. Manuel and Tomasa are my great-great-grandparents. They are the parents of Socorro, Venancio, Vincente, and Jose. My great-grandmother is Socorro. I have most decendant information. I am really looking for more ancestral information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicolle Gamboa Pollaci. Posted 1 November 1999.

BATACAN - Looking for information about my Filipino family tree, my father is George BATACAN, son of Tranquilino BATACAN and Alejandra ACOSTA. My mother is the youngest of the ABAD family and was raised by her brother, Monsignor Pedro LEGASPI ABAD. I would appreciate any help in finding out information about my family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Richard Spellman. Posted 7 March 1999.

BAYOS - Looking for information on the BAYOS Family. My wife is from Naga, Camarines Sur, Philippines and I would like to find as many relatives as possible! Thank you very much. Please send any information to Harold Kassaw. Posted 26 July 1999.

BEJO - Looking for information on BEJO, Natividad ... d.o.b. 09-08-33; birthplace: Sogod, Bacacay, Albay, Philippines. Married to Leandro Amable Castillo of Culaba, Leyte, Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to CrashTrash@aol.com. Posted 18 May 1998.

BELGICA - Looking for any information on Enriquita BELGICA, from Northern Luzon. She was married, possibly in the late 1920s, to JAMES A. GREEN, a WWII US POW, interned at Cabanatuan or Camp O'Donnell. Col. JAMES A. GREEN later served with the Philippine Constabulary after the war in Mindanao. Any information on both names would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rick Green. Posted 31 May 1999.

BELL - Seeking information on WILLIAM GUERRY BELL, b: February 1881 Paola, Florida. He went to the Philippines around 1916-1917. He was married to ABAD, Faustina marriage information ca 1918 b. Cebu Philippines, had one son, Charles J. Bell b. 1920. Later married CAALIM, Jauna C. marriage information ca 1921 b. Nov 24, 1907 Pasquin, Ilocos, Norte, had one son, Frank Bell b. 1922. William, managed a Sugar Cane Plantation. He was interred by the Japanese during WWII as a POW. Any information regarding WILLIAM GUERRY BELL and/or his descendants would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Darrel R. Bell. Posted 31 May 1999.

BENEDICTA - Looking for relatives and ancestors of my father, Gaudencio Mariano BUENAVENTURA. He was born in Binondo, Manila, P.I. on 12 Feb. 1902. His father was Melecio born in Marikina, married to Tomasa MARIANO, born in Cainta, Rizal. His father might have been a schoolteacher in Pasig, Rizal. His mother and all siblings died about 1904 during a Cholera epidemic. The father remarried to a widow, Manguia BENEDICTA from Indig, Cavite with two children. My father, Gaude, came to the US in 1925, his father having died when he was a teenager. I would appreciate any information on the family name or any relatives known. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Betty & Frenchy Poche. Posted 12 June 1998.

BERBASA - I'm looking for anyone with information about Primetiva Nacman BERBASA. I am her daughter, Estrella Berbasa. My Father's name was Pable Berbasa. My sisters and brothers names are Erlinda, Melva Nenita, and Thomas. We lived in Bungto Basay, Samar until I was the age of 12. I was raised by Antonio and Gloria Recto in Manila. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jaime L. Portalatin. Posted 7 March 1999.

BETRON - Looking for any relatives, descendants and/or information regarding BETRON, Frank, who was the surviving ranking officer of 9th Infantry, Company C, during the Balangiga Massacre. After the Philippine Insurrection, he married BARRERA, Innocenta in Cebu City. I have also been told there may be/are relatives living in Mindanao, but I have had no luck so far on my own. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kevin Wagner. Posted 12 June 1998.

BIBILONE - Looking for relatives of BIBILONE, Chrispina born May 4, 1876 in Badian, Cebu, Philippines. Her parents were BIBILONE, Pedro and FLORES, Rosa. She immigrated with her husband SARANILLO, Sabas and 4 children in 1919 and never returned to Philippines. She also had brothers Nicanor, and Juan who also immigrated to Hawaii. Thank you and please send information to Winona Aguero. Posted 21 Dec 1997.

BIGORNIA - Looking for my relatives, my father, Jose Tamayo BIGORNIA, born in the Province of Abra, 1902. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nellie Bigornia Kirtley. Posted 2 August 1998.

BRIONES - We are looking for a cousin, his name is Paterno Estores Briones. His mother's name is Estebana Estores and his father's name is Faustino Briones. He was born around 1939 in Davao City. His father was from San Fernando, La Union. Both his (Paternal) parents died when he was young. We are the Estores family, his mother's relative from Cavite. Anyone who knows any information about him, please send any information to Luisa McCarthy. Thank you very much. Posted 18 May 1998.

BROWN - I'm seeking information on my great-grandfather, Orville V. BROWN. He was born in Nebraska, circa 1865, married a Cora Lee Fletcher and divorced her in Oregon about 1892 (they had one daughter, Mary Rovilla), and went to the Philippines during the insurrection in 1899. He stayed in the islands after the conflict and allegedly bought a newspaper and married a local woman. He died in the Philippines in the 1930s. Please send any information on him or where I could obtain a death record or obituary to Victoria Harrington. Posted 18 May 1998.

BUDUAN - Looking for information about my last name, BUDUAN. Any information -- origin, other historical, people with the same name, etc., -- would be appreciated. The name is Ilocano. Most of the living BUDUANS currently reside in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. I would like to correspond with anyone having any information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Arnold Buduan. Posted 31 May 1999.

BUENAVENTURA - I'm researching my last name, ANSELMO, for my French class. I wanted to know if anyone else was related to me and my family. From what I have been told, it is of Spanish and/or Italian descent. My grandfather, Emiterio, was from Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. My grandmother, Josefa, is part Chinese, (CHONG) and her maiden name is BUENAVENTURA, and she's from Orani, Bataan. She told me that one of her uncles, who was a priest, was shot outside the church, which was by her house with my grandfather, in Bataan. Thank you for spending your time! Please send any information to Nicole Pauline Anselmo. Posted 31 May 1999.

BUENAVENTURA - Looking for relatives and ancestors of my father, Gaudencio Mariano BUENAVENTURA. He was born in Binondo, Manila, P.I. on 12 Feb. 1902. His father was Melecio born in Marikina, married to Tomasa MARIANO, born in Cainta, Rizal. His father might have been a schoolteacher in Pasig, Rizal. His mother and all siblings died about 1904 during a Cholera epidemic. The father remarried to a widow, Manguia BENEDICTA from Indig, Cavite with two children. My father, Gaude, came to the US in 1925, his father having died when he was a teenager. I would appreciate any information on the family name or any relatives known. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Betty & Frenchy Poche. Posted 12 June 1998.

BUENCONSEJO - Seeking ancestors, siblings, and descendants of Isidoro ARTES and his wife, Remigia BUENCONSEJO. One son is Luis Buenconsejo Artes, born in 1892 in Dalaquete, Cebu, who had 14 children. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley Edillon. Posted 26 July 1999.

BUENPACIFICO - Looking for people related to my great-grandfather Lucio BUENPACIFICO. He was born in Sorsogon , Camarines Sur, Bicol, Philippines. I am not sure of his birthdate, but probably in the range of my great grandmother, Antonia Javier Dakila (1907-1966). Lucio was (one of the?) the police chief of Manila probably sometime in the 1920's-1940's. He and Antonia gave birth to 7 children. His parents are Heronimo (Geronimo) BUENPACIFICO and Paula DE LOS SANTOS. Both Geronimo and Paula had 13 children, however I only have 4 of their names (including Lucio). The known siblings of Lucio are: Ninita, Victoria (Toyang) Barcinas, and Anastacio (who married someone named Sanoy). Lucio died sometime in the mid-1940's. Again, if you are related to ANY of the people mentioned or think you are, please E-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chris Sundita. Posted 31 May 1999.

BUNGCAYAO - Looking for the family roots of my father, Anastacio BUNGCAYAO. He was born on 25 Sep 1903 in the Province of Bugay Cagayan. He left the Philippines somewhere in 1919 for the Honolulu. Would like to know if anyone has any idea of him. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Joe Bongcayao. Posted 31 May 1999.

BURGOS - Looking for any information on the family of JOSE XEREZ-BURGOS, born:???? in the Philippines; died: 12 March 1964. His father was Doctor Manuel Xerez-Burgos and mother was mother, Estefana Lardisabal. He married Consuelo Aenlle. I am trying to get as much info on his family and on Consuelo's side too. This is the first time I have found any site on Philippine genealogy site. I would appreciate any help you may be able to give me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Carol Waters. Posted 2 October 1998.

BUTARDO - Looking for information on BUTARDO, Valentine; mentioned in a book titled "History of the Filipino People," a member of the "New Katipunan" society during WW2? He was the brother of my grandfather (I believe). Would like any information on my family tree, as I am the only one left. My father died when I was very young and would like to know who I am. Please help. Any response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fred Butardo. Posted 12 June 1998.

CAALIM - Seeking information on WILLIAM GUERRY BELL, b: February 1881 Paola, Florida. He went to the Philippines around 1916-1917. He was married to ABAD, Faustina marriage information ca 1918 b. Cebu Philippines, had one son, Charles J. Bell b. 1920. Later married CAALIM, Jauna C. marriage information ca 1921 b. Nov 24, 1907 Pasquin, Ilocos, Norte, had one son, Frank Bell b. 1922. William, managed a Sugar Cane Plantation. He was interred by the Japanese during WWII as a POW. Any information regarding WILLIAM GUERRY BELL and/or his descendants would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Darrel R. Bell. Posted 31 May 1999.

CABALES/CAVALES - Looking for information on other family members. My father-in-law Protasio Dinopol Cabales/Cavales came from Samboan, Cebu. His father was Felix Cabales and his grandfather was Teodoro Cabales. I believe both his father and grandfather also came from Samboan or perhaps Santender. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Joyce Cavales. Posted 2 November 1999.

CABALLERO - I am looking for any relatives from the CABALLERO lineage. My father is from Badian Cebu, his name is Marcelo Cancico Caballero, born June 26, 1928. He has several brothers and sisters, (one brother named Aurellio and sister named Nanning who lives in Cebu City). He has an uncle who is a Mayor, I believe in Badian, Cebu (not sure). My father left the Philippines when he was in his teens to join the US Navy, subsequently served in the US Navy for 22 years, but has not returned to the Philippines since his mother Maria, died several years ago. Any information on any Caballeros from Badian, Cebu or Cebu City would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Tamara Caballero. Posted 2 August 1998.

CABILETE - Looking for information on CABILETE, Maria and her ancestors. Born approximately in 1863, year died, unknown. Married to REFORSADO, Norberto. Lived in Bula, Camarines Sur. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

CACDAC - I'm starting the genealogy chart of the Cacdac family (I belong to the Manawis-Cacdac lineage). I'm interested in corresponding with anyone belonging to our clan, especially elders who may want to relate our family histories. Please e-mail me if you are a Cacdac or know someone who is. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Janella Cacdac. Posted 7 March 1999.

CADIENTE - My step-father, Vincent De Leon CADIENTE born in Barugo Leyte P.I. (7 Jun 1903) and came to the U.S. in 1928. Marriage dates in CA to my mother, Anita PASTOR, (1930-1941 or 42). They had 4 children - Stella, Vincent, Violet, David. He died in Las Vegas, NV (15 May 1993) and his ashes were scattered at sea. I would appreciate any help in tracing my Filipino relatives. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Papa Don. Posted 7 March 1999.

CAHILIG - Looking for information about my grandparents, Lorenzo CAHILIG and Anastacia LABINDAU. They had 9 living children, my mother Venny CAHILIG MANDAC, being the oldest. Lorenzo's & Anastacia's children were all born in Buruanga, Aklan. The children's names were Venancia (Venny Mandac), Inocencio (Cencio), Galo, Ely & Ehen (twins), Erlinda, Solita (Lica Navarro), Diosdidith (Baby Candari), & Heidi (Ganda Aleman). There were three children who died in childhood. Lorenzo's parents were Gregorio Cahilig and Pelaja Ostan. Anastacia's mother was Carota Barientos. Her father (name unk.) had a twin brother named Domingo Labindau. They lived in Upper Mangyan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. My grandmother died in the 60's and my grandfather died in the late 70's/early 80's. I have no information about either of my grandparents' parents and siblings. I would greatly appreciate any information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ofelia Vickery. Updated 31 May 1999.

CALIP - I am trying to find more about my surname. My mother's maiden surname is CALIP and my father's surname is SIPIN. I know a lot of relatives/cousins but what I really want to know is where it originated. Any information you can offer me would be appreciated. My email address is esipin@brobeck.com. Thank you. Posted 25 March 1998.

CALLANTA - Looking for Callanta, Daniel born in the 1880s possibly in Villasis, Pangasinan, Philippines. He was married to a Gelerma Mogoti with a prior marriage to Merca and had about 8 children: Leo Callanta (my father)and Nick Merca (my uncle). I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Also, Victor Callanta born in the 1850s and his wifes name was Augostina. Believed that he originally came from Spain. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Dennis J. Callanta. Posted 2 November 1999.

CAMERO - Looking for information/relatives of Nazario Liberato CAMERO and Francisca Capenia (or Capinia) GASMEN (my husband's late parents). Nazario was born on July 26, 1906 in the Philippines to Anastacio CAMERO and Paula LIBERATO. He was the second oldest (?) of his siblings (not sure how many there were) and he had a brother named Segundino who immigrated to Hawaii. He traveled and worked in Alaska and the New York area in the 1920's and possibly in the 1930's and may have been known as Ramon CAMERO. Francisca was born on July 17, 1937 to Pantalion (Pantaleon?) GASMEN and Antonia CAPENIA (Capinia) in Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. She was baptized on September 26, 1937 at the Catholic Church of Narvacan with Maria TADEO listed as her Godmother. She has 3 sisters that we know of, all of whom live in the Philippines: Magdalena Gasmen CABACAB, Adelida Gasmen MAALA and Catalin CRISTOL. My husband's parents met and married in the Philippines in 1968 or 1969 and his mother later immigrated to Hawaii in 1970 (his father was already a citizen by then). They settled in Keaau and raised 2 children. Any information regarding these 2 families would be greatly appreciated! Please send any information to jewelscamero@hotmail.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

CANDELOZA - Looking for my mother, CANDELOZA, Virginia, who lived in Bacolod City 15-25 years ago. I was taken away from her very young and then folloed my guardian to america. My mother was married to Ruperto MALATA, my father, who died around the time I was taken away from my mother. This is the only information I have about my parents, I would be most thankful to anyone who could help me find any info about my mom. Thank you very much. Please send any information to FloWehrli@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

CANONIZADO - Looking for any information on family history for CANONIZADO, Laureano, married to Rosalina Aranas. Lived in San Felipe, Zambales, Republic of the Philippines. He was in the Philippine Scouts during WW-II. Had numerous children, including Juliana, Rey Laureano, Jesus, Florencio, Adoration, Augusto. Anyone with any information on this family and it's history, we would love to hear from. Please send any information or e-mail us at Ron & Julie Neff Posted 27 January 1998.

CANTORNA - My mother is CRESENCIA GURAY ELEFANTE. She tells me that she does not remember much about her family. Her father died when she was very young, and her mother was always away, so her grandmother raised her. She was married to my father, Jovencio "Ben" Elefante in MANILA. Her father was Catalino CANTORNA and her mother was Maria GURAY CANTORNA. Please tell me if you are familiar. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Julie Elefante. Posted 2 November 1999.

CAPOROZ - I am looking for relatives of my Great-great grandparents. Their names are Calisto Caporoz (Great-great grandfather) family (Leyte) and Serafina Reboris (Great-great grandmother), they were both born and died in the Philippines. Please help find my family in the Philippines. I'm working on a family reunion genealogy booklet. But, I need information.... Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shaina Caporoz. Posted 2 August 1998.

CASANOVA - Seeking any information on the CASANOVA Family from the Philippines. My father, Cuadrato Cayatono CASANOVA was born somewhere in the Philippines, but apparently immigrated to the U.S. from Rosales, Pangasinan. I know nothing else about him, including his parents or siblings. I do know one child, Glorificador CASANOVA was born of my father and his first wife (name unknown) in the Philippines. Anyone with any knowledge of this family is asked to reply by E-Mail. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Philip Casanova. Posted 18 May 1998.

CASE - I am looking for relatives or descendants of Capt Levi Case. His last assignment is in Davao , married to Maria Lucas and had children named: Letty, Eva, Hazel, Maybol and Benjamin. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ncasequin99@excite.com. Posted 31 May 1999.

CASTANEDA - I am researching my husband's family, and I am looking for information on the family of Victor/Victoriano/Hilario CASTANEDA, Guillermo Mangalindan or Francesca Medina of Santo Domingo, Capas Tarlac, Philippines. Also, I am looking for Julio/Panteleon LUZANO, Nicholasa MAGLALANG, Leonor/Sebastian ALEJANDRO, and Martina NOCOM of San Juan, Apalit Pampanga, Philippines. I'd like to correspond with anyone with information on these families. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kimberly B. Castaneda. Posted 7 March 1999.

CASTILLANES - Looking for any information on Miguel CASTILLANES, born 14 May 1889 in Cebu, Philippines and died March 1945 in the Philippines. He married Apolonia TAVARES(?)- MAHUSAY (born Feb 12, 1891 - died Feb 1935/36) date of marriage UNK. They had 8 children: Adeline, Fredrick, Evangeline, Beatize, Gregoria (my mom), Miquel, Aurora, and Philemon. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Georgina Gaddis. Posted 2 Jan 1998.

CASTRO - Looking for any information on CASTRO family of San Esteban, Ilocos Sur or any CASTRO family in the Philippines. I'm trying to find my roots and the history of my family name. Thank you very much. Please send any information to fcastro342@aol.com. Posted 31 August 1998.

CATLI - Looking for anyone who might know anything about that name and the history of it; my paternal grandfather's name was Prudencio Catli, from Tarlac, Philippines, born around the turn of the 20th Century (I don't know the date... isn't that sad? I COULD ask my parents but I can't talk on the phone right now! he, he). Thank you very much. Please send any information to Edwin Catli. Posted 2 November 1999.

CECILIO - I am searching for ancestors and descendants of Leonardo CECILIO and Macaria BARRIOS. I do not know where they lived in the Philippines or when they were born. They had at least one son, Leocardio Barrios CECILIO who was born about 1880. He married Rosario Roco VERA. Their first child was born in Manila in 1914. The rest of their children were also born there, the last being born about 1930. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chuck & Nancy Runta. Posted 7 March 1999.

CEZAR - Looking for anything on the CEZAR family from Pangasinan, Philippines. My great-grandfather's name was Enrique Cezar and he married Magdelena Tadeo and had two children, Felix and Caridad, who eventually wound up in Marikina, Philippines. I would appreciate any info on this family's history, ancestors, etc. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lani Lorenzana. Posted 31 May 1999.

CHAN - Looking for information about CHAN. His name is Chan Choy from Canton China who married Maria Roberto Cornel of Mabolo, Malolos, Bulacan who had 5 children, namely; Victoria, Jose, Igmedio, Ricardo and Santos. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to AJ & CR Cornel. Posted 31 May 1999.

CHANEY - Am seeking for any information on James Floyd CHANEY, born June 22, 1890 in Mississippi. He was a merchant Marine and disappeared at the beginning of World War II. He and his family lived on the outskirts of Manila. We appreciate any and all help! Thank you very much. Please send any information to Carol Chaney. Posted 20 January 1998.

CHICO - Looking for relatives and family history of Primitivo CHICO who married Eustaquia ANGELES. They had at least one daughter named Catalina who was born in 1852. They lived in Gapan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. I would like to correspond with anyone willing to exchange family information. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

CHOUN - I am seeking any information on the surname of STACY. My great uncle, W. Cheatham Stacy served in the Spanish-American war and then remained in the Philippines in the area of the Cagayan valley. He lived near Aparri and Tuguegarao. He owned a plantation (tobacco). He maried Goodrun Choun and had five children. One married a young man named Dexter (first name). Other children were Lee, Henry, etc. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Roger Stacy. Posted 1 November 1999.

CLEMENTE - Looking for relatives and family history of Pio CLEMENTE who was born on 13 July 1859. He married Maria DAVID born on 25 June 1860. They had three children, Felix, Catalina, and Fernando. Fernando was my Lolo. I would like to share and correspond with anyone who has information on this family. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

CONOL - Looking for these family connections to CONOL'S on the Island of Mindanao from 1840-present: LAGO, PALANGAN, OCAYA, TEJANO; and the family connections of the CUTILLAR AND VALPARAISO families on Cebu Island in the city of Junquera. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley Bitticker. Posted 7 July 1998.

CORCORO - I'm looking for any information regarding the following surnames: Sampayan, Quilindrino, Garan, & Corcoro. All of these surnames are related to one another because of marriage. What I'm trying to do is to build our family tree as far back as I can. I have asked our older family members but unfortunately the very last person that could answer some of my questions is very ill. I get bits and pieces of information here and there but there are voids and nulls. An example is that the origin of our surname "Corcoro" came from a European descent. According to what I have gathered so far is that the word "Coro" was a musical instrument and that the "Cor" is a group of musicians like "Corps". I was told that one of its members escaping from persecution (He is a Jew), left Europe in search for more peaceful place. He migrated all the way to Asia and settled in the Philippines to marry a local. But this is the only information that I have gathered so far. I wanted to get more information on all of the above mentioned surnames; i.e. where did they originated, moved to, etc... I know that all of these surnames are from the Ilocos region. I also know that a Corcoro surname exist or existed in Nueva Ecija, a cousin of my Dad but never really met those relatives. Thank you in advance for any information that you may be able to supply me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Felix Corcoro. Posted 31 May 1999.

CORNEL - Looking for information about CORNEL. Her name is Maria Roberto Cornel born in 1892(?) of Mabolo, Malolos, Bulacan, who married a Chinese whose name is Chan Choy. No other information known. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to AJ & CR Cornel. Posted 31 May 1999.

CORPUS or CORPUZ - Looking for relatives and/or information regarding Lorenzo A. CORPUS or CORPUZ. Born 1901 in a town north of Manila. Ilocano dialect. Youngest of 13 children. Left the country in 1918 for America. Arrived in San Francisco then to Colorado and then Alaska, and then later lived in Chicago. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ken Corpus. Posted 22 Nov 1997.

CORPUZ - Looking for MILLON & CORPUZ. My father is Melecio, born in Urdaneta, Pangasinan. He left PI in 1940s, went to Hawaii, then Guam. Married and had 7 children. He died in 1981. I don't have any information on his family in the PI, except that some still live there. We have no contact. My father parents are Pablo Millon & Luisa Corpuz. Any info. is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jerry Leslie. Posted 7 July 1998.

CORREOS - Looking for CORREOS, Bonifacio (nickname was Pato) born in the 1800s in Carrascal, Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about his siblings (I know one of his siblings: Pedro), parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lorna Correos-Ordinario. Posted 12 Oct 1997.

CORTADO - Looking for CORTADO surname. My father-in-law came from northern Luzon shortly after WWII. Interested in any information on individuals with this surname. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kathleen Cortado. Posted 18 May 1998.

CONSTANTINO - I am looking for the family of DIEGO CONSTANTINO. He was born in Bacara, Ilocos Norte around the 1890's. He is one of 14 children. He went to Maui, Hawaii around 1922-24. He married IDA HOOPAI around 1941 and had 9 children. He has a brother name BENNY CONSTANTINO still living in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Thank you very much. Please send any information to kehaulani@hawaii.rr.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

CORTES - I am trying to get information on my CORTES family tree. My great-grandfather was Judge Amancio Luna who married Prudencia Cortes. I think both of them were from Cebu. My grandfather Jose Felipe Cortes Luna (1909-1995) grew up in Oslob, Cebu. If anyone should have more information on the Luna and Cortes families from Cebu (or wherever), please e-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Leopold Luna Ilag, PhD. Posted 2 November 1999.

CRISTOBAL - Looking for CRISTOBAL Family from the Province of La Union, Philippines. I was informed by my elder relatives that the ORDINARIO surname started out as ARMAS. Some of the family members adapted the ORDINARIO surname but some adapted the CRISTOBAL surname. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about siblings, parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Precy T. Ordinario. Posted 11 Dec 1997.

CRUZ - Looking for any information and history of my family from Bulacan, Cavite, Philippines. My great-grandfather's name: MARTIN CRUZ who married INES WICO sometime between (1884-1886) in Bulacan. They had 3 children one of whom is my grandfather, ANTONIO WICO CRUZ, born May 25, 1904. My grandfather served as a Philippine Scout during World War II and later became a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He married my grandmother, MAURA MANALO in Dec. 1927. They lived on Corregidor Island where they had 7 children. They immigrated to the U.S. in 1954 in the San Francisco Bay area. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Joyce A. Hill. Posted 26 July 1999.

CUIZON - Looking for relatives and family history of Gabriel CUIZON who married Maria DE LA FUENTE. They had at least one son named Zacharias, and they lived in Gapan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines in the 1850s. I would like to correspond with anyone willing to exchange information on this family. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

CULATA - Looking for any information about the CULATA family in the Philippines. Any information, whereabouts, history, etc. Thank you very much. Please send any information to MCulata@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

CYPHERS - Looking for information on AUTHER WASHINGTON CYPHERS, born Feb. 22, 1916 in Piqua, Ohio, USA. After WW2, he stayed in the Philippines, got married and had a family. He is my grandfather's nephew, OLIVER SYPHERS, and son of HARLEY CYPHERS. Any information about him or his family could help me in putting my family together. He has probably died by now, so if anyone knows where he was buried, let me know please. If forms are needed to fill out, let me know about those also. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ken Baker. Posted 2 August 1998.

DABLO - My father's side of the family is from Cebu and Mindanao. My grandfather's name is Marcelo B. DABLO. In the city of Pagadian in Mindanao, my grandfather made a name for himself by helping in the bringing electricity to the town right after WWII. Consequently they named a street after him called Marcelo B. Dablo St. My grandfather was also active in other parts of Mindanao and they even named a village after us called "Dabliston". The last name "Dablo" is unique and I am told it was originally "Diablo" which means devil in Spanish. The letter "i" was eventually dropped after a few generations. I understand that there is a small island in the Philippines that has a whole group of other Dablo's. I am also told that every one of us is related to each other going back about 9 generations ago when the name was first started. Would it be asking too much to see how far back you could go in tracing this name and seeing what interesting things you could find? I would appreciate any information on this surname. Please send information to Cesar Dablo, Jr. Posted 13 March 1998.

DAKILA - Looking for people related to my great-grandmother Antonia Javier DAKILA. She was born either in Manila or Bicol on May 7, 1907 to Roberto DAKILA and Antonia Orlanda JAVIER. She married Lucio BUENPACIFICO (see above) in the late 1920's. She had a brother named Pedro who married an Abilina Nuqui. Antonia and Lucio gave birth to 7 children. She died in 1966. If you are related to ANYONE mentioned or think you are, please E-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chris Sundita. Posted 31 May 1999.

DALUSAG - I'm doing research on my family surname, DALUSAG. Any information would be helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ADalu89519@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

DANDAN - My grandmother used to correspond with B. PANDINA DANDAN, daughter of the mayor in Ganarean, Leyte Island PI in 1945 We found some old letters in our attic and would like to find her and start a correspondence. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Anyone that will assist us in this we would greatly appreciate it. Please send any information to Donald Rudder. Posted 18 October 1998.

DATO - I am looking for information about or relatives of BRUNO DATO. All I know is that he was from the Philippines and moved to Hawaii where he married my grandmother, he had fathered 7 children there. He moved back to the Philippines, and no one has heard anything about him since. He was/is my grandfather, and I would appreciate any information concerning him, or any family members. Thank you very much. Please send any information to awddmv@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

DAULONG - Searching for DAULONG or HAMO. Marcos HAMO DAULONG dob 6/14/1897. Father was Patricio DAULONG and mother was Fedela HAMO. Possibly from the town of MARIA, NEGROS ORIENTAL, PHILIPPINES. This person is the ONLY other we have found with last name DAULONG, not directly related to my grandfather - - or was he???? Thank you very much. Please send any information to DeeDee King. Posted 7 March 1999.

DAYRIT - Looking for anyone who could give information on the DAYRITs of San Fernando, Pampanga. The family was originally from Mexico, Pampanga and may have migrated to San Fernando, Angeles, and Bacolor but the family lines from Mexico to San Fernando could not be connected because of the lost information. Church records before 1896 were burned during the war. Looking also for information on Don Mariano Dayrit, revolutionary Mayor of San Fernando. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ivan Anthony Henares. Posted 7 March 1999.

DE DIOS - I am interested in finding any information on the DE DIOS families. They were known to have lived in Camiling, Tarlac. 1911 to the present time. My name is Tommy DE DIOS, the son of Gregorio DE DIOS. Gregorio DE DIOS left the Philippines about 1928. He ended up in California with a brother Nemecio DE DIOS. Gregorio & Nemecio were the sons of Juan DE DIOS & Anastacia SABANGAN. It is known that Anastacia SABANGAN died on August 10, 1955. I have never had the opportunity to meet or know the DE DIOS side of my family and would like to contact anyone that is either family or friend of family. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Tommy DE DIOS. Posted 2 November 1999.

DEGUZMAN - Looking for relatives and family history of Jorge DEGUZMAN who married Tecla LAIT. They had at least one daughter named Anacleta and lived in or around the area of Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines. I would like to correspond with anyone willing to exhange family information. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

DE JOYA - Looking for information on Marino De Joya. He owns a school (municipal grade school in San Juan, Batangas. I worked with the DBP before way back in 1980s and i visited his piggery project in San Juan, Batangas. He used to visit me in San Pablo City, Philippines. I am planning to take a vacation this coming December 1999 in the Philippines and i would like to see him. Any body who knows him, may communicate with me at my email address. Thank you very much. Please send any information to James Red Feather. Posted 26 July 1999.

DE LA CRUZ - Looking for family, relatives of DE LA CRUZ from Laoag, Ilocos Norte. I know that there are some in Hawaii. Thanks for the help. Please send any information to AADLC@aol.com. Posted 18 October 1998.

DELACRUZ-ROQUE - Looking for family of my mother-in-law, PACITA DELACRUZ born circa 1925 in Olongapo, Zambales, Philippine Islands. Married Edward Viada as a war bride on April 5, 1946. She was the daughter of Catalino DelaCruz and Teofila Roque. Thank you. Please send information to Sally Embry Viada. Posted 2 April 1998.

DE LA RAMA - I am searching for the De la Rama-Lacson family in Iloilo. The last individual found is Anastasia De la Rama Lacson, my great-grandmother, married to a Spaniard, Zacarías Robles Villacaņas from Toledo. Appoximate date of birth would be 1850. I have also found that an Esteban de la Rama, married to Agueda Benedicto in 1891, was a relative of the Lacson family, but cannot find the exact link. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jorge Planas. Posted 31 May 1999.

DE LEON - Looking for information on the family of Tomas DE LEON, who is the father of Purification DE LEON. Purification is the mother of Francisco D. REYES. Francisco is my grandfather. He was born in San Miguel, Bulacan 4/24/1917. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicolle Pollaci. Posted 26 July 1999.

DE LEON - I'm looking for information about my grandfather's family. He was named Vicente de Leon and traveled to the United States for college. We think he lived in Pasay City, Philippines or somewhere near there. He moved to the U.S. in the 1930's to go to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He had a was the oldest son of at least five brothers. In the U.S. he married Camilla Parlaugh and had Five children. If you can send any information about my family I would appreciate it. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Alyssa de Leon. Posted 2 November 1999.

DEL ROSARIO - I desire information on the VILLANUEVA family of Batangas, particularly about Gregorio Villanueva married to Josefa DEL ROSARIO in the middle 1800's. Information also desired on the family of Josefa DEL ROSARIO. I would appreciate any information on this family. Please send information to William F. Smyth. Posted 13 March 1998.

DEL ROSARIO - I am trying to find out who/where my grandparents came from (DEL ROSARIO from Guagua, Pampanga?). I am of Spanish descent and don't know much more than that. My mother's name is Beatriz del Rosario. She was born in Bicol. This is just a starting point. I have only just begun my research into my ancestry. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Beth Brown. Posted 2 August 1998.

DEMESA - Doing research on the JAOJOCO and DEMESA surnames from MetroManila (Pasig). Looking for parentage of Amador Jaojoco and Milagros Demesa Jaojoco. Would like to discover Great-Great Grandparents of both mentioned above. Amador Jaojoco b.Oct.18,1920, d.April 9,1998. Milagros Demesa Jaojoco b.1930?-present. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jeff Kempf, Sr.. Posted 19 September 1998.

DEQUIROS - Am trying to locate my father's family. His father was Sam DeQuiros and parents were Hilairio DeQuiros, and Mother maiden name was Sotera Sumwile, was thought to have name changed from Del La Cruze. Sam DeQuiros came to the States after the war around 1907 or so. Anyone having any information, please contact me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Annette (DeQuiros) Hoormann. Posted 31 May 1999.

DIOQUINO - I'm looking for some information regarding my family history, in particular about the family of my father and mother. My father was from Pangasinan, his last name is DIOQUINO and his mothers maiden name is VINEGAS. My mom is from Lubang, Occidental Mindoro her last name is Tameta and her mothers maiden name is VENTURANZA. Also i'm looking for info regarding the TRIA family. Anybody whose got any information, please send me an e-mail at agila666@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

DOCTOR - I am trying to trace my family tree. My grandfather is named JOE NITAFAN DOCTOR. He is said to be from the province of Pangasinan. He came to the U.S. as a cook on a Naval ship when he was 17. He arrived in San Diego and ended up in San Antonio, TX and died about 5 years ago. He has a brother in Pangasinan as well as many other relatives. His brother's name is Simone Doctor. When my grandfather came to the states changed the "c" in his last name to a "k", thus spelling DOKTOR. My name is JOE NITAFAN DOCTOR III and can be reached at joeydoctor@hotmail.com and I truly would be pleased as well as thankful to any one who can give me any kind of information, as well as how the name "DOCTOR" came to be. Thank you very much. Please send any information to JOE NITAFAN DOCTOR III. Posted 31 May 1999.

DOMOGMA - Looking for information on DOMOGMA, Remigia, and her ancestors. Born approximately in 1871, place unknown, in the Philippines. Married to Nicolas JACINTO. Lived in Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Number of children, unknown. A few of their children named here: Delphin, Rafael, Fidel, Ernesto, Angko (nickname). Remigia supposedly died of cancer; year died, unknown. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

DONIA - I have been trying to find family and start a family tree. My father was born in Luzon on March 23, 1914, his name is James R. Donia and his mothers name, I believe was Reyes. I know we still have many living relatives there now, is there any way you can help me find out more about my family? My grandfather was also killed during the war by the Japanese. P.S. Our Family name, I was told, was spelled Don~a, I think the ~ above the N & the A, was dropped and replaced here in the USA with an i. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Sue. Posted 31 May 1999.

DOSONO - Please let me know about the surnames DOSONO and JACOB. My Grandfather's name was Leonard Dosono and my grandmother's name was Maria Jacob. My father, Sergio Jacob Dosono was born in 1908 in Ilocos Sur. I am very proud of my Filipino name. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ROBIN. Posted 26 July 1999.

DOWNES - Looking for the location of CAMP DOWNES, It was named after 1LT Edward Elbert Downes, killed in action on 23 June 1901 in Salcedo. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks. Please send any information to Charles Thompson. Posted 11 Nov 1997.

DUCAY - Looking for information about DUCAY, Simplicio born in the 1840s in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. He was married to a Teodora Caliboso and had three children: Apolonio, XXXXX (Girl) ? and Aniceto. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on the Ducay family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to David Ducay. Posted 1 November 1999.

DUMADAG - I was wondering if anyone knows anything (genealogically speaking) concerning the "Dumadag" family. Perhaps the names Pedro Dumadag, Efren Dumadag, Jun Dumadag and Marlen Dumadag may sound familiar. From what I know, they resided in Cagayan Valley, Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to MDumadag@usa.net. Posted 31 August 1998.

DUNGCA - I am an American-born Filipino and I would like to research my family genealogy. My father's name is Patricio Posadas Dungca (from Pampanga) and my mother's name is Priscilla Salazar Dungca (I don't know what area of the Philippines she was from). If you could be of any help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU. Please send any information to Moses Dungca. Posted 1 November 1999.

EDNACOT - I am eager to know all the decendants of AGUSTIN EDNACOT of MASINLOC, ZAMBALES. I would appreciate any information on this family. Please send information to EDGARED@aol.com. Posted 13 March 1998.

EGBALIC - In search for my roots. My theory about my surname is that, it is native but spelled in Spanish where 'G' is pronounced silence, making my last name 'ibalik' meaning 'return' in Tagalog. My father, Tito Egbalic was the son of Eugenio Egbalic (my 'papo' used his mother's surname instead of 'Encina' which was his paternal's surname. Both were born and raised from Bani Masinloc, Zambales. Any information about my clan is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to EGBALIC. Posted 26 July 1999.

ELEFANTE - My father is BEN ELEFANTE, though he was born JOVENCIO. His stories would begin, "When I was a kid in GABAO ... ", and then he would talk about walking with the water buffalo through the rice paddies and trekking miles to school and ringing the church bell and being carried off his feet as he hung onto the rope. The Japanese would raid his village at night during World War II. He was born in the 1920s. He told me the history of my name -- when the Spaniards invaded PI centuries ago, our ancestors ran to the mountains to hide. They got tired of hiding, and took Spanish names before they came down from the mountains. Our name is an old one. If you are familiar with it, please e-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Julie Elefante. Posted 2 November 1999.

ELLEMA - Looking for any information on the ELLEMA family. They lived in Balangiga, Eastern Samar. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Anna Johnson. Posted 10 April 1998.

ELLEMA - I am looking for any information relating to ELLEMA, Genaro Bagunas born in Balangiga, Samar, Philippines. I am not certain of the birthdate about 1914 and death on 1941. He was a member of USAFFE? He was married to Raymunda Acinero or Asenero Cabardo year 1931. They have one child, Alpiniano Ellema. I would like to correspond with anybody who has information of Genaro's parents or whatever info to add to mine. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Elsie Storey. Posted 31 May 1999.

ENDICO - Looking for information on my father, Pedro ENDICO. Born 1932(?) in Mindanao (?) and information on any relatives therein. Thank you very much. Please send any information to PIP Printing. Posted 7 July 1998.

ENRIQUEZ - We are tracing the ancestry of our grandfather by the name of Claudio Enriquez who originally came from Binondo but worked as a shiphandler in the spanish naval yard of Corregidor. He later worked with Vicente Madrigal hauling coal from the Visayas and settled in Cebu City early 1900's. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ramon Enriquez Montaņo. Posted 1 November 1999.

EQUILION/BROOKS - Looking for information about Andrea EQUILION. She married Cisero V. BROOKS. He left the Tennessee area in the early 1900's, joining the U.S.Army, and serving during the Spanish American War. After the war he remained in the Philippines and married Andrea EQUILION in the vicinity of Manila. Six children were born to this union with only three surviving. Two of the three living in 1927 were Albert BROOKS and Josephine BROOKS. A picture acquired recently shows the three children and their mother at the graveside ceremony of Cisero V. BROOKS, in Oakland, California at Mountain View, the Spanish American War Veterans' Cemetery. Cisero V. BROOKS was the brother to my grandfather. This family has been a mystery. Any information on this family would be appreciated. Please send information to Bonnie. Posted 13 March 1998.

ESGUERRA - Looking for any information on my grandfather, Felix Matayabas ESGUERRA, or his family. He was born to Valerie MATAYABAS and Lorenzo ESGUERRA in Oroquieta (city), Misamis (Province) on the Mindanao Island on May 18, 1896. He joined the Navy in Cavite City, PI on June 28, 1918. He was possibly stationed on the East Coast for a time and supposedly has a daughter in Chicago. I'm not sure when he came to California exactly, but I know that he married my grandmother Hortencia MORENTIN in 1936 in Visalia, California. Together, they had three children Frederick, Ruben and Irene. He passed away in Livermore, CA on July 25, 1947 of Tuberculosis. My family was never acquainted with any of his relatives in the Philippines. However, he did have a niece, Lin Ding, who wrote him frequently. Thank you so very much for your time. If you have any information, please feel free to email Donya Esguerra. Posted September 21, 1998.

ESPEJO - I am interested in any and all information on the ESPEJO family from San Esteban, Ilocos Sur. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Martin Luis Espejo. Posted 26 July 1999.

ESPINUEVA - Looking for ESPINUEVA, Leon believed to have lived in Ilocos Sur or La Union, in mid 1800's. Only known child was Geminiano of San Fernando, La Union. Am interested in corresponding with anyone having information or knowledge of anyone with this surname. Thanks in advance. Please send any information to Michael Espinueva. Posted 12 Nov 1997.

ESTABILLO - I am looking for the ESTABILLO Family. My Grandfather is Pedro Roaquin ESTABILLO who was born on June 14, 1883. His Wife's name is Sofia ORDUNA, born on January 4, 1887. They were born in Rosario, La Union. Also, my Great-grandfather is Pedro ESTABILLO. His Father's name is Feliciano ESTABILLO, Mother's name is Buenaventuriza ROAQUIN. And, also my Grandmother's parents names were Gavino ORDUNA AND Juana GARCIA. All of these people were born in Rosario, La Union. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Linda Tolentino Buckman. Posted 12 June 1998.

ESTANTE - Looking for information about Salvador Porras ESTANTE, born May 5, 1895 near Manila, Philippines. He came to Stockton, California in the early 1900's and married Zona Anderson in the 1930's. They had only one child (adopted) Samuel Dean ESTANTE who was born on August 2,1940. We would appreciate any information about Salvador or any other ESTANTE's. Also, PORRAS was his mother's maiden name; so any information about the PORRAS family would also benefit us. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Beth Estante. Posted 31 August 1998.

EZON - Looking for information about Angel RECIO's family and Lucia Ezon's family possibly in San Pablo City, Laguna from mid 1800's to present. I know of one daughter Rosita who married an American and came to the US in 1946 with a son. Any information leading to this family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Celeste DeMink. Posted 31 May 1999.

FABILA - Looking for Caleb Aaron Castroneuvo FABILA, born 3/6/56, lived in North Cotabato, Philippines. Was an exchange student in a governmental agricultural program from 1975-1976. Was sent to Virginia (USA) as part of this program but returned to the Philippines in 1976. Any information on how I might contact this individual would be greatly appreciated. Please send any information to Sarah White Ahmadinia. Posted 7 July 1998.

FABILA - Looking for information about FABILA, Ildephonse married to Josefa Delgado both from Antique as I am told. They had about 14 children. The last of their children was my grandfather Marcello Fabila; I am trying to locate other siblings of Marcello (he left Philippines as a teenager and settled in the south pacific island of Papua New Guinea where he married Anna Natera a half Filipina and both died there. Pls if any of you know the connection here contact me; I look forward to making a family tree for my own children and my other siblings back home in Papua New Guinea. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Maria Fabila Mahase. Posted 31 May 1999.

FAJARDO - Looking for anyone related to FAJARDO, Manuel from Bulacan, Philippines. He was born on January 1st, early 1900's. A Captain under the USAFFE, he was declared missing-in-action near the end of WWII. He was married to Socorro Garlit and had two children. That's all I know about him. I would appreciate any information about his siblings. Thanks! Please send any information to Gwyn Fajardo. Posted 14 Nov 1997.

FELICILDA - I was born here in the U.S., but my mother was not. I am very interested in my family history. If there is any way that you can help me, I would appreciate it. My mother is from either Tacloban or Quezon City. Her surname is Felicilda. I hope that I am spelling this correctly. I don't even think my mother knows that much about her family. I would appreciate any information you may have or able to find. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lynette Jones. Posted 26 July 1999.

FERNANDEZ - Looking for members of the FERNANDEZ family. Zacarias Ayuban FERNANDEZ emigrated to the US in 1924, and we would like to get in touch with his relatives back in his homeland. He is now about 94 years old. We have a letter that his mother wrote in 1966 that was from Fatima, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. His mother's name was Simporea. He has a nephew named Fred FERNANDEZ who graduated from the Ilocos Sur School of Arts in 1962. We would like to find Fred and his family so that Zacarias' children and grandchildren can be re-united with their Filipino family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Leo Fernandez c/o Danell Aukerman. Posted 17 Nov 1997.

FERNANDEZ - I am inquiring about by family. Anything anyone can tell me about the Fernandez family from Pangasinan. I am really starting from scratch, so if anyone there that can help me get started, please send any information to Maga777@Yahoo.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

FLORENTINO - I'm looking for relatives of the late Juan FLORENTINO of Cavite City circa 1900. Juan was a chief engineer of an ocean-going vessel. He was married to Josefa PANGILINAN of Cavite City. Juan and Josefa had three children namely, Emilia, Aurora and Jesus. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jay Florentino. Posted 31 May 1999.

FRIAS - I would like some information regarding my deceased grandfather, Marcos Prado Frias. He married Gregoria Banaag Frias in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines. I am tracing my ancestors all the way back to Spain. I believe surname FRIAS came from SPAIN. Please send any information at my e-mail address fredf@clinic.net. Thank you so much. Please send any information to Fred Frias. Posted 18 May 1998.

GALANG - Please supply me as much as you can, about my mother's side about the GALANG Family as early as you can supply me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Drose7456@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

GALIT - Looking for my wife's Father family ties from Catbalogan, Samar, around the late 1800s to the present. Eisedero GALIT, married Vivincia PAHAYAHAY. There is some family located in Manila, Luzon area. We appreciate any and all assistance concerning the above family ties there within the Philippines. Thank you for your time and efforts put forth. Please send any information to Clyde Braun. Posted 31 May 1999.

GALON - Looking for any GALON family here in the US and Canada. My Father was born in Cabuyao Laguna. My grand father was from La Carlota, Negros Oriental with family clan from Guimaras Island and Iloilo province of Panay Island. My grandfather's spoken dialect is Ilongo, and he is known by the name of Norberto Dalida GALON. Migrated from Visaya to Manila after WW ll, and settled in Cabuyao, Laguna where he met my grandmother. No oral records or family history my father can recall of my grandfather's sister, brother or relative living anywhere from the Philippines. I have read from newsprint that there are GALON in Hawaii, Continental US and Canada. If one of the Galon family member happens to visit this site and would like to share some of their ancestral history with us, it would be appreciated by my family very much. Please send any information to T. Galon. Posted 26 July 1999.

GAMBOA - Looking for information about my great-grandfather, whose first name I do not know. He married a lady with the last name of MONTENEGROS. My grandfather is Antonio GAMBOA. Antonio was born on 3/28/1904. He married Irene CLARO, who was born on 4/5/1906. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicolle Pollaci. Posted 26 July 1999.

GARAN - I'm looking for any information regarding the following surnames: Sampayan, Quilindrino, Garan, & Corcoro. All of these surnames are related to one another because of marriage. What I'm trying to do is to build our family tree as far back as I can. I have asked our older family members but unfortunately the very last person that could answer some of my questions is very ill. I get bits and pieces of information here and there but there are voids and nulls. An example is that the origin of our surname "Corcoro" came from a European descent. According to what I have gathered so far is that the word "Coro" was a musical instrument and that the "Cor" is a group of musicians like "Corps". I was told that one of its members escaping from persecution (He is a Jew), left Europe in search for more peaceful place. He migrated all the way to Asia and settled in the Philippines to marry a local. But this is the only information that I have gathered so far. I wanted to get more information on all of the above mentioned surnames; i.e. where did they originated, moved to, etc... I know that all of these surnames are from the Ilocos region. I also know that a Corcoro surname exist or existed in Nueva Ecija, a cousin of my Dad but never really met those relatives. Thank you in advance for any information that you may be able to supply me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Felix Corcoro. Posted 31 May 1999.

GARCELLANO - Looking for any information like names and addresses of GARCELLANO Families in the Philippines or in other countries. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Miriam Garcellano. Posted 1 November 1999.

GARCIA - I would like any information possible on two sons born to my husband, Fred J. Holmes in the Philippines (Subic Bay area) from 1968-1970 and their names are Jason Garcia and James Garcia. Their mother's name is Magda Garcia and she and Fred J. Holmes were married from 1968-1970 while my husband was in the Vietnam War and stationed at Subic Bay. Magda's husband is a pharmacist in the Philippines and would like information on my step-sons and would like to get in touch with them. Thanks for any assistance you can give us in locating my husband's sons. Our address is 21 Roundtree Court, Beacon, NY 12508, USA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Diane and Fred Holmes. Posted 31 May 1999.

GARCIA - Looking for any information on my grandfather, Enrique Demetria GARCIA, left the Philippines around 1912 when his mother, Marina GARCIA died. His father was Pedro GARCIA and his brother, Nicolas GARCIA. He said he was born in Jaro, Iloilo, but was raised in Silay City, Negros Oriental. He arrived in Hawaii in 1912 and left for California in 1926. He raised his family in the Salinas Valley in California. The surname of his cousins that came to California is MAJARUCAN. Does anyone know any of his relatives or descendents? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jean Cordero. Posted 10 April 1998.

GASATAYA - I am an Ilongo, born in Iloilo City with a Surname GASATAYA. My father was from Guimbal, Iloilo, born in l88l. His name is Gavino Gasataya who died in l946 in Iloilo City. He was a member of the Phil. Scout, Co. C l4th Engr. and retired in l934. His father was named Julian Gasataya. Julian Gasataya has two brothers named Gavino Gasataya and Esteban Gasataya. I am very interested in finding out the parentage of my grandfather, Julian Gasataya and other relatives like the offsprings of my father's uncle -- Gavino Gasataya who moved to Negros in the early l900. I am also named Julian D. Gasataya. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Julian D Gasataya, MD. Posted 7 March 1999.

GASMEN - Looking for information/relatives of Nazario Liberato CAMERO and Francisca Capenia (or Capinia) GASMEN (my husband's late parents). Nazario was born on July 26, 1906 in the Philippines to Anastacio CAMERO and Paula LIBERATO. He was the second oldest (?) of his siblings (not sure how many there were) and he had a brother named Segundino who immigrated to Hawaii. He traveled and worked in Alaska and the New York area in the 1920's and possibly in the 1930's and may have been known as Ramon CAMERO. Francisca was born on July 17, 1937 to Pantalion (Pantaleon?) GASMEN and Antonia CAPENIA (Capinia) in Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. She was baptized on September 26, 1937 at the Catholic Church of Narvacan with Maria TADEO listed as her Godmother. She has 3 sisters that we know of, all of whom live in the Philippines: Magdalena Gasmen CABACAB, Adelida Gasmen MAALA and Catalin CRISTOL. My husband's parents met and married in the Philippines in 1968 or 1969 and his mother later immigrated to Hawaii in 1970 (his father was already a citizen by then). They settled in Keaau and raised 2 children. Any information regarding these 2 families would be greatly appreciated! Please send any information to jewelscamero@hotmail.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

GATASI - Looking for information on GATASI, Feliciano and his ancestors. Year of birth (in late 1800s) and death, unkown. Probably born in Nabua or in Bula, both in Camarines Sur. Married to VEGA, Monica. Number of children, unknown. Two children named Luncio (or Leoncio?) and Eugenia. Both of these children lived in Bula, Camarines Sur. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

GAYAN - Seeking information about my ancestor, Sabina GAYAN. She was born in Laoag, Ilocos Norte about 1885. She lived in Bangued, Abra in 1912. Information about the GAYAN family or Sabina GAYAN will be deeply appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Eddie Nikazy. Posted 18 May 1998.

GENOVA - From the Bicol Region. Looking for information about any family members. We are from Sipocot, near Naga City. We'd like to correspond with anyone with the same family name. The Genova Family in Alameda, California. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Saro Genova. Posted 31 May 1999.

GIANCHAND - GIANCHAND, Remedios "Alice" was born in Zamboanga City on October 4, 1925. Her mother's or grandmother's name may have been Ignacio. Her father was of Indian descent. Remedios married Otis Donald Wilson, a member of the US Army, on December 28, 1950, in Manila. She then immigrated to the US where she had five children: Donald Otis Wilson, Elizabeth Ann Wilson, Jeanette Louise Wilson, Raymond Walters, and Rosalind Walters. She probably had children previously in the Philippines. Thank you very much. If you have any information on her, her family, or her ancestors, please send any information to Christi Sevtap. Posted 18 October 1998.

GIMPAYA - I am looking for Gimpaya descendants originally from Bulan, Sorsogon, Philippines. If you came from that family, please e-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Cynthia Baro. Posted 26 July 1999.

GOJIL - I am looking for any information about my grandfather's mothers side of the family. Her family name was GOJIL. Her name was MARIA GOJIL JAVELLANA. She passed away for many years and we do not know when or where she was born. I am sure it was somewhere in the PHILIPPINES, maybe in ILOILO. We are unsure as to how many children she had. We are trying to get any information we can about the GOJIL side of the family. We would love to hear any stories anyone might have. Thank you very much. Please send any information to dbdillard@aol.com or my mother at jschleider@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

GONZAGA - Maria GONZAGA was born in Jaro, Leyte. Moved to Pastrana, Leyte when she was about 5 years old to live with her aunt, Luisa Calbitaza VILLABLANCA. Due to the outbreak of the war, she was never able to rejoin with her family. Any information on any descendants of either family would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to LESLIE. Posted 19 Nov 1997.

GREEN - Looking for any information on Enriquita BELGICA, from Northern Luzon. She was married, possibly in the late 1920s, to JAMES A. GREEN, a WWII US POW, interned at Cabanatuan or Camp O'Donnell. Col. JAMES A. GREEN later served with the Philippine Constabulary after the war in Mindanao. Any information on both names would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rick Green. Posted 31 May 1999.

GRINDSTAFF - We are searching for my husband's uncle's family. JEROME GRINDSTAFF remained in the Philippines after the Insurrection (U.S.Army), married Narcissa; they had six children. Jerome died in India while on a work assignment in July 1923. We would like to get in touch with his descendants about family history. The last known address was for David & Maria in Manila in the 1970s. David is the son of Jerome. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley Grindstaff. Posted 7 March 1999.

GUMIRAN/GUMILA - I need help on how to start looking up for my family history. I've been having a hard time. I don't know where to start. Please help me. My surname is GUMIRAN and my mom's maiden name is GUMILA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicole Gumiran. Posted 7 March 1999.

GURAY - My Mother is Cresencia Guray Cantorna Elefante, and her mother was Maria Guray. I think they lived in Quezon City. My mother married my father, Jovencio "Ben" Elefante in Manila in 1958, and then his duties to the US Navy took them away from the islands. My mother tells me that her mother always worked, and that her grandmother mostly raised her. If you have any family on this estranged part of my family, please help me contact them. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Julie Elefante. Posted 2 November 1999.

HAMO - Searching for DAULONG or HAMO. Marcos HAMO DAULONG dob 6/14/1897. Father was Patricio DAULONG and mother was Fedela HAMO. Possibly from the town of MARIA, NEGROS ORIENTAL, PHILIPPINES. This person is the ONLY other we have found with last name DAULONG, not directly related to my grandfather - - or was he???? Thank you very much. Please send any information to DeeDee King. Posted 7 March 1999.

HENSON - I am interested in learning information about the Henson clan possibly from Pampanga province. My mother name is Generosa Henson. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Phil Havins. Posted 7 March 1999.

HERNANDEZ - Looking for descendants of Fil-Am Juan Anderson Hernandez (b. Lipa, Batangas). Juan served as an aide-de-campe to Philippine Presidents Quezon and Quirino. He supposedly had children with 16 women. He was married to my great-grandmother Candelaria Francisco (b. Alabat, Quezon Province) with whom he had my grandmother -- Fredesvinda (b. Iloilo City, Iloilo in 1912). Names of supposedly other children from other women: Milagros Hernandez, Dorothy Hernandez (migrated to the US) and Jose Ortiz. Would be happy to share my genealogical research with anyone who can contribute. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mona Magno-Veluz. Posted 5 February 1999.

HILLIARD - Looking for Frank Bentley HILLIARD. Lived in Baguio City, Philippines 1990. Have lots to talk about. This is your cousin Ben's wife. Have located your dad's half sister, Rovella CURTIS.. She's 89. I'm still doing the family research and Rovella was my big find last year. She hadn't seen your cousin Ben since he was four months old. So talk about a long separation of almost 60 years. Please write Ruth if you get this message. Posted 1 November 1999.

HOLGADO - I am trying to trace the lineage of my father, Cipriano Holgado, who was born in Alitagtag or Bauan, Batangas in 1908. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Frank Holgado. Posted 7 March 1999.

HONISS - I am searching for any information about an Albert HONISS who took photographs of the Philippines in the years prior to his death in 1874. I have a photocopy of his death certificate signed by the British Consul & stating that he died in Manila on 3rd August 1874. His profession is stated as photographer, residence at time of death is stated as Manila & the description and residence of informant was Mr. Earnslaw, Engineer, Manila. There is no indication of where he came from. Are there ways of checking immigration records of that time? Any help or advice that you can help with would be appreciated. I am wanting to know if he is part of my HONISS family from Hastings, Sussex, England. His photography is on display in an exhibition at the G.B Reyes Museum in Cavite, & I am also trying to find out about him for them as well. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Enid. Posted 18 June 1998.

IMATONG - Researching information on the following surnames: My name is Philip Graciano Paras IMATONG. Graciano is my father's first name. Born in Bonuan Guest, Dagupan City, Pangasinan, in 1924. Paras is my grandma's maiden name. Name from Pampanga (?) Last name means "Hot taste." Married my grandfather Jose IMATONG in 1922. My grandfather was a chief of police in Bonuan and on Dec 8, 1941, he was executed in front of the school yard by the Japanese invaders. School yard was called General Jose Del Pilar Elementary School. Imatong is unknown, still some uncles and aunts living in the PI in Bonuan Guest which is 300 yards away from the site that General Douglas MacArthur landed in 1944. There is a thirty foot statue on him on the beach. I am going to vist in June 1998 and hopefully can trace the Filipino history of this (me) first generation Filipino-American. Father was in the US Navy on the USS Denver and off Okinawa, a Kamikaze airplane hit the officer's deck and he was injured and he married his American Nurse (my mother) in 1949 at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Philip Graciano Paras Imatong. 3310 East Emelita Avenue, Mesa, Arizona 85204 USA. Posted 18 May 1998.

ISLAND - My father's given name is Clement ISLAND. He was born in Manila, Philippines in 1909. His mother was Filipino but I do not know the nationality of his father. If you could obtain a birth certificate or tell me how I could would my grandfather's nationality be on the certificate. Can you find any records at all about my grandfather or my grandmother. I do not know her maiden name. I live in Maryland, USA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ray Island. Posted 7 July 1998.

JACA - I am looking for my biological mother, Amelia P. JACA, who lived in Olongapo City, Zambales, Philippines in the 60's. May have been originally from Bicol. She had given birth to a baby girl on 2 April 1968 in Santa Veronica Hospital East Bajac Bajac, Olongapo City, Zambales. She had 6 children before me, the oldest being a female about 10 years older than me, may have been half caucasian, and at least one son born 1 1/2 years after me. Her parents may have been named Rufino & Christina Jaca or de Leon. I would like to meet my mother and/or siblings and hope to have a relationship with them. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Please send any information to itzisa@yahoo.com. Posted 31 May 1999.

JACINTO - In search of anyone willing to exchange information on the following surnames: JACINTO or TRIAS of General Trias, Cavite (my father is Jesus Trias). REYES or ANGELO of Bulacan or Baguio (my mother is Lucia Reyes Angelo). I am a first generation of Filipino-American desperately trying to regain some connection to my Filipino roots. Hope someone out there can help. Thank you. Please send information to Jessica Jacinto. Posted 2 April 1998.

JACINTO - Looking for information on JACINTO, Nicolas and his ancestors. Born approximately in 1871, place unknown but raised family in Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

JACOB - Please let me know about the surnames DOSONO and JACOB. My Grandfather's name was Leonard Dosono and my grandmother's name was Maria Jacob. My father, Sergio Jacob Dosono was born in 1908 in Ilocos Sur. I am very proud of my Filipino name. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ROBIN. Posted 26 July 1999.

JAOJOCO - Doing research on the JAOJOCO and DEMESA surnames from MetroManila (Pasig). Looking for parentage of Amador Jaojoco and Milagros Demesa Jaojoco. Would like to discover Great-Great Grandparents of both mentioned above. Amador Jaojoco b.Oct.18,1920, d.April 9,1998. Milagros Demesa Jaojoco b.1930?-present. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jeff Kempf, Sr.. Posted 19 September 1998.

JARCO - Looking for information about Marquez, Esperanza; my grandmother, married to Francisco del Rosario of Plaridel, Bulacan. Born Aug 1, 1883 and died 27 Apri 1934. Father was Catalino G. Marquez and mother was Romana Jarco. My father Catalino del Rosario was the youngest born Dec 28, 1923 died Dec 6, 1988. anybody who has information on the Marquez and Jarco family will be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lou PONTI. Posted 1 November 1999.

JAVELLANA - I am trying to locate any information on my grandfathers' side of the family. I would love to hear from old friends of the family or any family members with any stories that they might have about INOCENTES GOJIL JAVELLANA or MARIA GOJIL JAVELLANA or BENITO JAVELLANA and any JAVELLANA siblings or relatives. They were living in ILOILO, PHILIPPINES. I am not sure when or where MARIA or BENITO were born. INOCENTES was born on December 28, 1907 in ILOILO or MANILA, PHILIPPINES. INOCENTES had quite a few siblings. I only know a few of their names and most of the men in the family have died. We would be so greatful for your help, as we are researching our family tree. Thank you very much. Please send any information to dbdillard@aol.com or my mother at jschleider@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

JAYME - I am currently researching the JAYME Family from Malinao, Aklan, Philippines. I am looking for descendants of Francisco Jayme married to Anastacia Icay. The story goes that Francisco Jayme, the First, was a priest in Malinao. He met and fell in love with Anastacia Icay. They had 11 children. There are two conflicting stories on whether he remained a priest after this union. The one we have heard more often is that - he did so much good for his parish that the church in Spain allowed him to continue as a priest. Others says that he was disrobed by the church and disowned by his family. Either way -- in a churchyard in Malinao, there is a statue of Francisco Jayme - with a dedication in Spanish. I last saw the statue in 1990 and I am told it is still there. Francisco and Anastacia's children were: Nicholas Jayme, Florencio Jayme, Valeriano Jayme, Jose Jayme, Ascencion Jayme, Agripina Jayme, Salvacion Jayme, Meliton Jayme, Gervacio Jayme, Gaudencio Jayme and Caciano Jayme. I have a database of the Florencio Jayme family line which extends to 5 generations. Also searching for information on Francisco Jayme & Anastacia Icay's parents Jayme/Gamboa. No other information known. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nemesia Jayme Macabio. Posted 7 March 1999.

JAZMINES - Do you know anyone researching the Filipino surname' JAZMINES? My grandfather was Dr. Mariano A. JAZMINES. I know my American side back about 300 years, but don't even know how to begin in the Philippines? ANY help would be most gratefully appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chuck Clark. Posted 26 July 1999.

JIMENEZ - Seeking any information of family and relatives of CRISPOLO PALMERO and his wife SERILLA JIMENEZ. Both are from Cebu, Philippines. Any information that can be provided would be appreciated. Please contact Phillip Palmero at labang@gte.net. Posted 15 March 1998.

JOSAFAT - Looking for relatives & family history of JOSAFAT. I know that the family, three generations back, have lived in Iba, Zambales. Then my paternal grandparents moved to Olongapo. Most of my father's siblings have moved to the US. If you have any infomation on this family name, please let me know. Thank you. Please send any information to Jannette Josafat Foster. Posted 27 January 1998.

KITONG (QUITONG) - Looking for anyone with the last name KITONG (QUITONG). My parents were born here in the states and according to my knowledge, my grandparents with the last name, Kitong, were from Cebu City, Cebu. So far, my immediate family is the only known Kitong's. Thank you very much. Please send any information to LET777@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

LABANG - Looking for relatives of Quirino LABANG whose birthplace was in Poblacion Pinamungajam, Cebu. His wife was Rufina Batitay. Their oldest child, Felipe Batitay Labang was born in Poblacion Pinamungajam, Cebu in October 22, 1917. They have three other children ... Leon Labang, David Labang and Nattie Labang. If anyone has any information about the family and relatives of the Labang's please send names and addresses to Priscilla Labang. Posted 15 March 1998.

LABINDAU - Looking for information about my grandparents, Lorenzo CAHILIG and Anastacia LABINDAU. They had 9 living children, my mother Venny CAHILIG MANDAC, being the oldest. Lorenzo's & Anastacia's children were all born in Buruanga, Aklan. The children's names were Venancia (Venny Mandac), Inocencio (Cencio), Galo, Ely & Ehen (twins), Erlinda, Solita (Lica Navarro), Diosdidith (Baby Candari), & Heidi (Ganda Aleman). There were three children who died in childhood. Lorenzo's parents were Gregorio Cahilig and Pelaja Ostan. Anastacia's mother was Carota Barientos. Her father (name unk.) had a twin brother named Domingo Labindau. They lived in Upper Mangyan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. My grandmother died in the 60's and my grandfather died in the late 70's/early 80's. I have no information about either of my grandparents' parents and siblings. I would greatly appreciate any information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ofelia Vickery. Updated 31 May 1999.

LACSON - I am searching for the De la Rama-Lacson family in Iloilo. The last individual found is Anastasia De la Rama Lacson, my great-grandmother, married to a Spaniard, Zacarías Robles Villacaņas from Toledo. Appoximate date of birth would be 1850. I have also found that an Esteban de la Rama, married to Agueda Benedicto in 1891, was a relative of the Lacson family, but cannot find the exact link. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jorge Planas. Posted 31 May 1999.

LAGARDE - I am trying to find out the history of my family name. The only information available to me is that of my father and grandfather (which is not much). My father's name is Amadeo Gabriel Lagarde Jr., born in the Philippines (city unknown) in 1939. His father's name is Amadeo Lagarde Sr.(year of birth unknown). I consider myself Filipino, but I am curious as to who was actually non-Filipino in our family, and how far back does this family line go. Thank you very much. Please send any information to gslrider@wiznet.ca. Posted 26 July 1999.

LALLANA - I am looking for my family ancestry and maybe you can help me out. My father's last name is LALLANA, Rocky (Roque). His family came from Baguio City in the Philippines. Can you help me find how far back we go? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Raymond Lallana. Posted 7 March 1999.

LANDRITO - Looking for family of LANDRITO, Felipe and his wife Maria Mindro? The family was from Alabang, Muntinglupa, Rizal from at least 1900. Felipe and Maria had several children named: Rufo (moved to the United States); Julio (moved to Queens, NY); Pedro M. (a policeman in Manila, born 1918-died 1988); Valentina; Mary (married a dentist); after Maria died, I believe Felipe remarried and had more children, one possibly named Felipe Jr. Any information on any of the family members is appreciated!! Please send information to Jessica Anderson. Posted 21 March 1998.

LAPUZ - Please supply me as much as you can, about the LAPUZ family who lived in Bacolor, Pampanga in the 1800s, If you have anything older than that, from then on, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Drose7456@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

LAUDE - I am looking for any relatives of LAUDE, Isidoro, born April 1922 in Naval, Layette (I think that is where he was born and I spelled it right). I am trying to construct a family tree as far back as possible. Thank you very much. Please send any information to IluvCMT@aol.com. Posted 18 May 1998.

LEGARDA - I am searching for any information pertaining to DON VINCENTE LUCIO LEGARDA and this family. Don Vincente Lucio LEGARDA was born December 1873 in Manila, Philippines. His father's name was Don Miguel LEGARDA who was married to Genoveva Zamora. His father was Domingo LEGARDA who married Juana LERMA. His father was Manuel LEGARDA. All were born in the Philippines. Don Vincente Lucio LEGARDA married Mary Francis LOCKHART, of Scotland, in San Francisco, CA, USA, in May 1902. They had 3 children, one of which was Isabella Teresa LEGARDA. She was my grandmother. Any information pertaining to this family would be of great help. Please e-mail me at: Margaret Trepl. More information is available at: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9056/index.html. Posted 5 March 1998.

LEMASA - Looking for information on my late grandfather, Pantaleon LEMASA born 7-2-1899 in Cebu. Parents names were Lorenzo LEMASA and Paula CABASE. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Clark417@webtv.net. Posted 26 July 1999.

LICOPIT - Looking for information/relatives of my mother, Benita LICOPIT. She is originally from Basay, Samar, Philippines, and in recent years has re-established a home there. She immigrated to Vallejo, California, US, in 1952 after marrying my father, Agre ABOLOC (SANCHEZ). I know she has/had a brother living in Tondo, Manila, and a sister who is/was a school principal in Cebu City. Any contact or information regarding this family would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Beth Sanchez Hardy. Posted 31 August 1998.

LIGON, ARCH - Manila, Philippine Islands; This gentleman were associated with the Fraternal Order of the Eagles when it was a viable organization (it disbanded about 1985). If anyone knows of the whereabouts of either of these persons, one of them might be able to supply information relating to another posting made regarding JEROME GRINDSTAFF and NARCISSA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley U. Grindstaff. Posted 7 March 1999.

LIMBO - I am trying to locate Luz LIMBO, my maternal aunt or her children. Last known address from 1961: 51 M Santo St., Pasay, Rizal, Manila, Philippines. I am a 47-year-old American-born filipina-caucasian woman who is interested in visiting the Phillipines in early 1999. I have never had direct contact with my mother's relatives and would appreciate any phone numbers or addresses you could give to me, regarding the whereabouts of Luz, her children or grandchildren. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Toni L. Locker. Posted 7 July 1998.

LLAMAS - Looking for relatives of LLAMAS, Segundo, born on March 29, 1911 in Bacarra, Ilocos Norte, PI. His father was Francisco Llamas died in 1955 and his mother was Gregoria Placida died in 1958. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Becky Roybal. Posted 2 August 1998.

LOPEZ - Looking for LOPEZ, Arnaldo Perez born April 2, 1972 in San Fernando, La Union, Philippines. He is the son of Jaime Melendez Lopez and Amor C. Perez. Both parents are deceased. He also has four brothers: Condrado, Jerrick, Bernard, and Isagani. He also has two sisters:Timmy and Lowella. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on any of these family members. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Timmy Lopez. Posted 2 November 1999.

LOSORATA - Looking for the origin of my surname 'LOSORATA' and came across the world gen site. I have done many searches on the origin of my surname but couldn't seem to find any information. My Dad's parents originated from Leyte (a Visayan town) and later on settled down in Olongapo City in Luzon. I am hoping that you will be able to direct me to websites which may cater for this kind of query (if you know any). Thank you very much. Please send any information to Juvy Losorata. Posted 7 March 1999.

LOUIS, GEORGE H. - Manila, Philippine Islands; This gentleman were associated with the Fraternal Order of the Eagles when it was a viable organization (it disbanded about 1985). If anyone knows of the whereabouts of either of these persons, one of them might be able to supply information relating to another posting made regarding JEROME GRINDSTAFF and NARCISSA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Shirley U. Grindstaff. Posted 7 March 1999.

LUCAS - I am looking for information on my grandfather's brother, Reno LUCAS, b. 1896 in Minnesota, US. He "disappeared" to the Philippines in 1945-46. His family thought he had died in a boating accident there, but recent documents show that he may have lived in the Philippines for 30 more years and d. 1976, town and province unknown. He served in U.S. military in WWII and believed to have been stationed in the Philippines. Prior to WWII, he worked as a railroad telegrapher. Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to A. Lucas. Posted 31 May 1999.

LUCBAN - Looking for information on Macario LUCBAN (born: Quezon Province). After supposedly being hunted by the Spanish militia for being a revolutionary, he moved to Del Gallego, Camarines Sur where he changed his name to MACARIO VELUZ. He married "Piyang" Collantes. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mona Magno-Veluz. Posted 31 May 1999.

LUMUNGSOD - My mother's maiden name is Rosita Baguio Lumungsod. My mom is among the rightful heir to the land or lands of our grandfather. I forgot his real name, but he is the youngest son of our great-grandpa. The land I am talking about is in Babag I, Mactan Island, Cebu. We are desperately seeking anybody who can point us to the right direction as to how we are going to make the records straight. Right now the government of the Philippines and a certain Beachfront Hotel are holding partly or wholly these lands through bogus papers. We are seeking a legal advise as to how we can claim these lands again. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ronald Lumungsod Gonzales. Posted 26 July 1999.

LUNA - I am trying to get information on my LUNA family tree. My great-grandfather was Judge Amancio Luna who married Prudencia Cortes. I think both of them were from Cebu. My grandfather Jose Felipe Cortes Luna (1909-1995) grew up in Oslob, Cebu. If anyone should have more information on the Luna and Cortes families from Cebu (or wherever), please e-mail me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Leopold Luna Ilag, PhD. Posted 2 November 1999.

MACADANGDANG - I am searching for relatives of my father, Frank (Francisco?). He changed his last name to Montoya when he moved to the United States possibly around 1940. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Frank B. Montoya. Posted 7 March 1999.

MAGAYAC - I am inquiring about by family. Anything anyone can tell me about the Magayac family from Bohol. I am really starting from scratch, so if anyone there that can help me get started, please send any information to Maga777@Yahoo.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

MADRIGAL - Searching for descendants/relatives of my grandfather, AMADO VIDAL MADRIGAL. Born July 18, 1895 in the village of Boac on the island of Marinduque, Philippines. His mother's maiden name was Vidal. He made his way to the United States as a musician most likely during the 1920's, however he wasn't naturalized until 1948. He married Eva Drose, of whom he is still survived, and settled in Newark, New Jersey, USA. They had seven children. He died on December 25, 1978. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Keith Madrigal. Posted 31 May 1999.

MAGDALUYO - Would like any information about Faustino MAGDALUYO, she married Felisa MILITAR and had one son, Angel Magdaluyo who was born in 1942. They lived in Kalibo, Aklan. Would like her parents names. Thank you. Please send information to Darlene Magdaluyo. Posted 18 January 1998.

MAGSULIT - Looking for information on MAGSULIT, Raphael from Iloilo, Panay Island possibly born 1894. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Philip Ruud. Posted 26 July 1999.

MAHER - Maher - of Irish origins lived in Manila, married there in the 1780/1800 timeframe. Any information are most welcome, also how do I go about getting birth, death, and marriage certificates from the cathedral or registry in Manila? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ray Gavan of Sydney, Australia. Posted 18 May 1998.

MALABANAN - Any information on this family name. Melencio Piamonte MALABANAN, Born 1917 in Batangas or Laguna, Married 1969 in Sampaloc, Manila to Purita Tomo Dumadag. Died 1983 in Calamba, Laguna. This is my daughter-in-laws family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Steven Wacker. Posted 18 May 1998.

MALINES - Siliviano SAN JUAN married a woman by the name of Filaviana MALINES. They had a daughter by the name of Augustina San Juan who's name was later changed to Filomena San Juan. Siliviano was shot to death in 1948 and Filaviana died about April 1949. Filaviana had a sister named Christina and a brother named Andris. I am seeking information on any ancestors or descendants of Siliviano and Filaviana. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Teresa Dechert. Posted 31 May 1999.

MAMARIL - Looking for information on the family of MAMARIL, Cristobal, wife Magdalena LAMADRID and son Claro Lamadrid Mamaril in the Philippines during the 1900s. Cristobal was killed in Manila during WWI, Magdalena and Claro were born and raised in TAGUDIN, ILOCUS SUR. Magdalena died while Claro was in college. Claro is currently living in Vallejo, California with wife Eulinia QUINES and they have 4 children, Clarence, Elinore, Oliver and Clarissa-Elena. Claro is a practicing attorney and Eulinia is a registered nurse. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Clarissa-Elena Mamaril. Posted 2 October 1998.

MANALO - I am interested in finding more information on the surname MANALO from Binan, Laguna. My parents left the Philippines in 1947. My mother (Ana Manalo) came from Binan and lost contact with her relatives since before her death in 1986. I would like to add information to my geneological research, if possible. I did not submit information to your surname list because I don't have much more information than what I've given. Thank you very much. Please send any information to A De Austria. Posted 7 March 1999.

MANDAC - Looking for information on my grandparents, Simplicio MANDAC and Cornelia ANICOCHE. They had 5 children, one of them being my father, Andy MANDAC. They were both 17 years old when they married in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, July 4, 1898. His parents were Severo Mandac and Severina Artillar. Her parents were Roman Anicoche and Quirina Arde. Any information would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ofelia Vickery. Posted 7 March 1999.

MANELA - I am looking for the origin of the MANELA surname. There aren't many MANELA's in the Philippines and ones listed happen to be my relatives. We are originally from Imus, Cavite but a branch of us moved to and currently reside in San Juan. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jennifer Manela. Posted 7 July 1998.

MANUEL - Looking for relatives of my father, Hermogenes Suico Manuel. He was born in Cebu, in the village where Magellan was killed. I don't remember him telling us the name of the Province, only that there was a church with a large cross/monument in the ground. He was born in 1908..... (there are those who believe he was much older!)...the birth date probably "changed" upon reaching the U.S in 1921. His parents were Bruno and Juana MANUEL. My name is Margaret Manuel, I am his youngest daughter. My mother, Eugenia Cruz Manuel was half Filipino and half Irish-American. Both of my parents are now deceased....thus much of my family history is unknown. I'd appreciate any info you could help with. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Margaret Manuel of Roanoke, VA, U.S.A.. Posted 26 July 1999.

MANUEL - Looking for information on Zacarias Manuel (1888-1980) of San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte who left the Philippines in 1914. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Anthony J. Manuel. Posted 26 July 1999.

MARIANO - Would like any information Domingo Costales MARIANO born 3 Jun 1909, Buguey, Cagayan, Philippine Islands, married 15 Nov 1945, in Dulag, Leyte, Philippine Islands, Quirina Fabilan CODOG, born Ormoc, Leyte, Philippine Islands. They had six children, one of whom is my wife. Domingo died Oct 1985, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, USA. I would like to correspond with anyone with information on this family. Thank you. Please send information to John M. Baker. Posted 18 January 1998.

MARIANO - Looking for relatives and ancestors of my father, Gaudencio Mariano BUENAVENTURA. He was born in Binondo, Manila, P.I. on 12 Feb. 1902. His father was Melecio born in Marikina, married to Tomasa MARIANO, born in Cainta, Rizal. His father might have been a schoolteacher in Pasig, Rizal. His mother and all siblings died about 1904 during a Cholera epidemic. The father remarried to a widow, Manguia BENEDICTA from Indig, Cavite with two children. My father, Gaude, came to the US in 1925, his father having died when he was a teenager. I would appreciate any information on the family name or any relatives known. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Betty & Frenchy Poche. Posted 12 June 1998.

MARQUEZ - Looking for information about Marquez, Esperanza; my grandmother, married to Francisco del Rosario of Plaridel, Bulacan. Born Aug 1, 1883 and died 27 Apri 1934. Father was Catalino G. Marquez and mother was Romana Jarco. My father Catalino del Rosario was the youngest born Dec 28, 1923 died Dec 6, 1988. anybody who has information on the Marquez and Jarco family will be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lou PONTI. Posted 1 November 1999.

MESIAS - Searching for lineage of MESIAS going all the way back to Spain. My dad is Napoleon de Paula Mesias, born in 1925. He had 4 brothers and 3 sisters. His mother was Estrella de Paula from Silay, Negros. His father was Emilio Mesias born in Leyte. The first MESIAS in the Philippines was a Spanish doctor married to an Italian lady, last name Crezini or Cressini. Appreciate any information that would bridge the gap through the ages and continents. Thank you very much. Please send any information to jmesias@pacbell.net. Posted 2 November 1999.

MILITAR - Would like any information about Felisa MILITAR, she married Faustino MAGDALUYO and had one son, Angel Magdaluyo who was born in 1942. They lived in Kalibo, Aklan. Would like her parents names. Thank you. Please send information to Darlene Magdaluyo. Posted 18 January 1998.

MILLON - Looking for MILLON & CORPUZ. My father is Melecio, born in Urdaneta, Pangasinan. He left PI in 1940s, went to Hawaii, then Guam. Married and had 7 children. He died in 1981. I don't have any information on his family in the PI, except that some still live there. We have no contact. My father parents are Pablo Millon & Luisa Corpuz. Any info. is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jerry Leslie. Posted 7 July 1998.

MINCK - Would like to know how I can obtain a death record on MINCK, August Berthold. He died in Manila Philippines around 1920. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Zac Johnston. Posted 18 May 1998.

MONDOY - Looking for any MONDOY relatives in Leyte. My grandfather was born & raised in Maripipi (a tiny island off of Biliran), Leyte. He left for Hawaii in 1922. The church on Maripipi couldn't give me any more information than that. Thank you very much. If you know of anyone with that surname, please have them contact me at Kalani Mondoy. Posted 7 March 1999.

MONTAŅO - We are tracing our great, great grandfather who came to the Philippines as a priest from Spain by the name of Pablo Montaņo. He served as the parish priest of Pari-an district of Iloilo sometime in the 1830's. He was credited for building the parish church of Pari-an now known as Molo district of Iloilo city together with an architect named Miguel Lopez. We are hoping to trace his ancestors back to Spain. There is a mountainous region in Spain that is supposedly populated by Montaņos. Thank you very much. Please relay any info to Rommel Montaņo at these addresses: melmont@pacific.net.ph, whtsaqtn@fil.net, or melmont@hotmail.com. Posted 1 November 1999.

MONTENEGROS - Looking for information about my great-grandmother, whose first name I do not know. She married a man with the last name of GAMBOA. My grandfather is Antonio GAMBOA. Antonio was born on 3/28/1904. He married Irene CLARO, who was born on 4/5/1906. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicolle Pollaci. Posted 26 July 1999.

MORSE - Looking for information of the children of my grandfather (Ulrich James Morse adopted in Nebraska, retired Lt Col of the US Army) and his third wife Lydia (unknown maiden name) who was from the Philippines. My grandfather died on Clark Air Force Base, Philippines in 1961. There were two children; the oldest a boy David and a girl (name unknown). Lydia moved to the USA afterwards. Please send information concerning Lydia, David and the daughter to me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to K. Morse. Posted 2 November 1999.

MOZO - I want to get in contact with my parents or other relatives of mine in the Philippines. I do not even know if my parents is still are alive. They were living in the town Masbate on the island of Masbate. My father's name is Antonio Mozo and my mother's maiden name was Barzeta. My maiden name was Wilma B. Mozo. I left the Philippines in 1994 when I married a Swedish. I have been living separated from my family in 11 years before I went to Sweden, so now it is about 16 years since I heard from them. You can send information about them or information about how to find people in the Philippines. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Wilma B. Mozo. Posted 26 July 1999.

NAESA - I am looking for my mother, Josephina RAMOS NAESA. She is originally from Camarines Norte, Bicol. I believe she was born near the city of Daet, and possibly in the nearby city of Basud. She was born in the 1940's. She married Virgilio NAESA approximately 1960 in the city of Talisay, Camarines Norte. She lived in that area, until I last saw her in about 1964. I would like to hear from anyone who knows of a Josephina RAMOS, Josephina NAESA, or any RAMOS in the Daet area. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Please send any information to Nancy Ramos Naesa Paulsen. Posted 18 October 1998.

NAHIAL - Looking for anyone whose last name is either NAJIAL or NAHIAL to correspond with and exchange family information. My father was born in Camiguin Province, Bohol in 1896. His name was Protasio Tabamo Jajalla NAHIAL. His parents were Pedro NAJIAL and Eufrasia Tabao JAJALLA. My dad left the Philippines between 1910 & 1920 when he joined the U.S.Navy. That is when his last name was changed to the spelling with an "H". Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ellie Nahial Lomprey. Posted 31 May 1999.

NAJIAL - Looking for anyone whose last name is either NAJIAL or NAHIAL to correspond with and exchange family information. My father was born in Camiguin Province, Bohol in 1896. His name was Protasio Tabamo Jajalla NAHIAL. His parents were Pedro NAJIAL and Eufrasia Tabao JAJALLA. My dad left the Philippines between 1910 & 1920 when he joined the U.S.Navy. That is when his last name was changed to the spelling with an "H". Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ellie Nahial Lomprey. Posted 31 May 1999.

OLIVO - Would like any information about Honorata Ondivilla OLIVO, born 11 January 1898. Second marriage was to Ceferino Pilapil OSINADA. I believe they lived in Guinobatan, Albay, Philippines. They had one son together. She had two sons from her first marriage. Thank you. Please send information to Tina at tbhbryan@yahoo.com. Posted 15 February 1998.

OMPAD, GERBIS and/or HERBIS - I am looking for people with the surnames OMPAD, GERBIS and/or HERBIS. My grandfather, FRANCISCO HERBIS or GERBIS, took the surname OMPAD, left Cebu, and immigrated to Hilo, Hawaii sometime before 1929. He worked on a plantation on the big island. I am interested in corresponding with anyone who may have information on these families. Thank you or Mahalo. Please send any information or e-mail me at Danielle C. Ompad. Posted 25 February 1998.

O'PRECIO - Please supply me any information about my father's side about the O'Precio family. As much and as early as you can supply me would be much appreciated. The only information I have is, Jose O'Precio married to Teresa Tuason, date unknown. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ria741@yahoo.com. Posted 31 May 1999.

ORDINARIO - Looking for descendants of Cayetano ORDINARIO who was born in 1836 or 1841 in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines. He was married to Silvestra ORDINARIO and had five children: Severino, Florentino, Jacoba, Estepania, and Anacleto. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about his siblings, parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Precy T. Ordinario. Posted 12 Oct 1997 and updated 2 November 1999.

ORDINARIO - Looking for descendants of Juan ORDINARIO, who was born in 1836 in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines. Two of his brothers were Cayetano & Marcelo. One of his three wives was Juana VALDEZ and he had four children with her that I am aware of, namely: Luis, Pedro, Justo, and Petra. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about his siblings, parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Precy T. Ordinario. Posted 11 Dec 1997 and updated 2 November 1999.

ORDINARIO - Looking for descendants of Marcelo ORDINARIO who was born in 1834 in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines. He was married to Luisa ORDINARIO and had ten children: Felipa, Laureano, Angel, Ignacio, Simeon, Simon, Josefa, Agustin, Vicente, and Maximo. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Information about his siblings, parents, and relatives will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Precy T. Ordinario. Posted 2 November 1999.

ORPILLA - Hello, I found your web page and family history very interesting. My family is also from La Union. My surname is ORPILLA from Bauang. There is some similarity in the first part of the name. I was wondering if you have found or can lead me to any information on the Orpilla's. I would deeply appreciate it. Please send information to Mel Orpilla. Posted 25 March 1998.

ORTAŅEZ - Looking for Antonio ORTAŅEZ Family from Quezon City, Metro Manila. They used to own the ORTAŅEZ HOSPITAL... Would like to know what happen to the Ortanez Family especially Antonio Ortanez, I believe he was the eldest of the three sons. His brothers are: Jose (Joseph) and Rafael Ortanez. Please send information to Rebecca Hunt. Thank you. Posted 25 March 1998 and e-mail address updated 31 May 1999.

ORTIZ - Seeking for information on ORTIZ Delfin Matias. He was born in Sorsogon, Philippines on December 24, 1894. His parents on his marriage certificate reads: Father, Regiono Ortiz from Sorsogon, Philippines; Mother Calixta Matias from Cavite, Philippines. On death certificate for both parents are from Bicol, Philippines. I am trying to find my roots here in the Philippines. I am trying to find out if he had any brothers or sisters and something about his parents. I don't have much information, but I will gladly share with anyone. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lorraine Strohkirch. Posted 26 July 1999.

OSIMAN - Looking for any information to build my family tree. This surname is from my fathers side. His full name was BEATO OSIMAN, JR. He is from the province of Samar, Philippines. He may be from Tacloban, but I'm not sure. He was born on May 8, 1900 and came to the US in either his late teens or early twenties. I would like to go as far back as possible so if anyone can give me assistance on who I can contact or any books I can read specifically on the PI, I would appreciate it. He stayed with a family in Omaha, Nebraska when he first arrived in the US. He decided to get married late (in his late 40's). He went back to the Philippines and married my mother, ESPERANZA. Thank you very much. Please send any information to lde9904959@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

OYANGOREN - Looking for information on the surname "Oyangoren". This is the surname of my daughter-in-law here in Oregon. She comes from a place called "Dub-Dub" near Talaga, Argao, Cebu. The period, I am interested in is from the present backwards to as far as can be traced Thank you very much for any help you can give me. It will come very handy in the preparation of my genealogy. Please send any information to Eberhard van der Vlugt. Posted 1 November 1999.

OYANGOREN - My wife's surname is OYANGOREN, she was born in Talaga, Argao, Cebu. I would appreciate it if anybody could tell me anything about her ancestry. Her Father's name was Leopoldo Oyangoren; her Mother's maiden name was Teodora Cobol. Thank you very much. Please send any information to John and Casiana Fritz. Posted 26 July 1999.

PABLO - Searching for information on PABLO surname from the Philippines. My grandfather, the late Gene Bruno PABLO, was born there to a Joana CONCEPCION and Leon PABLO on September 6, 1902. He immigrated to the United States in 1928 to Honolulu, Hawaii, on the Steamship President Lincoln. Besides his parents, he left behind a wife and probably some children. He was the first Filipino of my generation to become a U.S. Citizen. I am interested in my Filipino roots and family history. Any information on this surname would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Diane Shands. Posted 14 August 1998.

PADUA - I'm looking for anyone related to, or any information on my father's lineage - Frankie PADUA (Buccat). He was born in the Philippines around 1918, not sure where. He took on the name Buccat which was his older sister's husband's last name (as his parents were deceased), in order to join the US Army at age 17. He was stationed in Okinawa around 1955, where he met my mother, Teruko Miyagi, a Japanese. He had several brothers and sisters, with a possible full Spanish or Italian grandfather. We moved to the United States to Alameda, California in 1961, and where he died in 1991. Thank you very much. Please send any information to ABuccat@aol.com. Posted 2 October 1998.

PAGKALINAWAN - I am trying to locate any PAGKALINAWANs that are out there. From what I am told, all of us must be related somehow and I would like to see how far back I would be able to go. My Father's name is Antonio II. My grandfather's name is Jovito. We are from Lumban and Pila, Laguna. But I know our relatives originated from Taguig. I believe my great-grandfather's name is Marcelo. I would love to piece the puzzle together. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ray Pagkalinawan. Posted 7 March 1999.

PALMA - I am interested in finding any information on the PALMA family, possible other names to include in the search would be Moses or Marcos. The family originated in Aparri, Cagayan valley Phillipines or the town of Loag. This is all the information I have at this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ron Palma. Posted 2 August 1998.

PALMERO - Seeking any information of family and relatives of CRISPOLO PALMERO and his wife SERILLA JIMENEZ. Both are from Cebu, Philippines. Any information that can be provided would be appreciated. Please contact Phillip Palmero at labang@gte.net. Posted 15 March 1998.

PAMINTUAN - Looking for PAMINTUAN ancestry/history... I'm Analiza Aquindo Pamintuan born in San Fernando, Pampanga on January 26, 1971. My parents are Mr. Anastacio Lansang (Lansangan) Pamintuan, and Mrs. Felicisima Aquindo Pamintuan. Any information is greatly appreciated. Please send any information to Analiza Aquindo Pamintuan. Posted 27 January 1998.

PAREJA - Looking for information on parents, birthplace, brothers and sisters of my great-grandfather PAREJA, Simeon. He was married to Patricia Lascano. I don't know when they were born but according to my mother, they were from Castilla, Sorsogon. As far as I know, my grandfather, Brahelone Celso Pareja, born 28 July 1917, was married to Adela Orticio, born 16 August 1916, at Guinobatan, Albay and from there on moved to Sta. Ana, Manila and had 6 six children named, Zenaida Cecilia, Amelia Patricia, Zenda Adela, Jose Jethro, Don Nimrod and Twannie Magherite. Any information about the Pareja's will be deeply appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Anne Bernacer. Posted 14 August 1998.

PASION - My Dad's mother was JACINTA PASION -- she married MAGDALENO ELEFANTE. They lived and raised their children in Gabao, I think. They are the parents of many children, including my father, JOVENCIO "BEN" ELEFANTE, and my uncles ED and PEDRO "PETE". My grandfather, Magdaleno, died over 10 years ago, and my father couldn't go to his funeral, because we were in California. He cried over the videotape of the funeral, though. If you know of these people, please contact me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Julie Elefante. Posted 2 November 1999.

PASTOR - My mother, Anita Aranas PASTOR born in San Narciso, Zambales, P.I. (15 Jan 1905) She attended the Good Shepard Convent and San Theresa College in Manila. She came to the U.S. by ship 1921. She died in Sebring, FL (15 Dec 1983) and is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burbank, CA. I would appreciate any help in tracing my Filipino relatives. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Papa Don. Posted 7 March 1999.

PATAJO - Seeking any information on the family of AUGUSTINE PATAJO (1800's) who's son CIPRIANO changed the last name to WENCESLAO. This family was believed to have settled in the La Union area. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Thomas Brown. Posted 26 July 1999.

PAULINO - Looking for PAULINO, Leopoldo born on January 6, 1908 in Bulacan. He was married to Virginia Delfino Paulino of Cabuyao, Laguna and they had 8 children one of which was my father, PAULINO, Reynaldo. He was born on August 21, 1932. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rudy Paulino. Posted 1 November 1999.

PERALEJO - Looking for relatives and family history of Francisco PERALEJO who married Francisca CONSOLASION. They had at least one daughter named Elena, and lived in or around the area of Gapan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines in the mid 1800s. I would like to correspond with anyone willing to exchange information on this family. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

PERALTA - Looking for information/relatives of my father Catalino PERALTA. He was born in the early 1900's, in Kalibo, Capiz, Philippines and died April 29, 1971, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. My family and I went to the Philippines when I was a little girl, but I don't remember much. After my father died, we lost contact with his family. His parents were Hilario PERALTA and Natividad Meņez, also from Kalibo, Capiz. As far as I know he didn't have any brothers or sisters. Any information regarding this family would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Frances M. Peralta. Posted 26 July 1999.

PEREZ - Benito PEREZ died before 1910, Binalonan, Pangasinan. Married Romana De Leon, born 28 Mar 1858, Binmaley, Pangasinan, dau of Bartolome de Leon and Monica Fermina. About 1890 Benito Perez was a "Cabeza de barangay" in Binalonan. He is called "Capitan" in several records where he was named a godfather or witness. Children: 1) Primitivo (Tibong) Sr, died about 1941, Urdaneta, Pangasinan; 2) Maria (Yayao) born ca 1873, Pangasinan, died 24 Jun 1930, Binalonan, married Alejandro Mendozo; 3) Cornelia (Eliang), born Apr 1874, Pangasinan, died ca 1941 Binanlonan, married Antonio A. Palisoc; 4) Jose (Pepe), born Pangasinan, died Binalonan, married 7 Jan 1904, Binalonan, to Cecilia Casamira (Mirang) Costes; 5) Joaquina (Quinang) born Pangasinan, died 4 Apr 1954, Binalonan, never married; 6) Lamberto (Lampay) born Pangasinan, died Manila, never married; 7) Filadlfo (Delpong), born 10 May1881, San Jacinto, Pangasinan, died 11 Apr 1946, Binalonan, married 15 Jun 1922, Binalonan, to Purificacion (Pura) Castilla. Seeking the ancestry of Benito Perez. Willing to trade information on all lines, particularly Perez, deLeon, and Castilla. These are the lines of my wife, Maria Elizabeth Perez. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Craig Hubbard. Posted 7 July 1998.

PISANO - Looking for relatives and family histories of Simon PIZANO, who married Inosencia TORPI in tha area of Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines. They had at least one son named Martin. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging family information. Please write to divinawhite@juno.com. Thank you. Posted 27 January 1998.

PORTER - PORTER, Frank Rayburn, I am looking for infomation on my great-grandfather. Seeking information on siblings, parents, etc. He was born approximately 1880 in the Philippines. He fought there during the Spanish-American war. He then came to the US and married Julia Kassinger and had three children, Edna, Pee Wee and Cliff. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Bob3249@aol.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

PRECLARO - I am interested in finding out any and all information on the family surname of PRECLARO. My father was born in Cavite City, and his middle name is Teologo. It was Martinez until an alleged family dispute occurred. One of my father's cousins, Renato Preclaro Rivas, was (at the time I time I met him) a colonel in the Army. He may possibly have any information that might be helpful to me. Please send information to Jennifer Castin. Thank you. Posted 25 March 1998.

PRUDENTE - My late husband,Robert Anthony Prudente, was born in Manila, April 5,1926. His father's name was Arsenio Prudente; mother Pilar Despi. Bob came to US via government transport after WWII, in 1947 I think. Would like to trace ancestry, if at all possible. Appreciate any information you might provide on how I might get started. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Theda Prudente. Posted 26 July 1999.

PUGAL - LOOKING FOR MORE PUGAL's in the PHILIPPINES and USA. My father's name is Antonio P. Pugal and married to the late Remedios O. Cipriano from Ligao, Albay. My Grandfather's name is Emilio Pugal and we're told that he has 3 brothers. According to my moms relative that my grandfather is not from Bicol. I know theres some Pugal in the Northern P.I. and the other brother moved to Zamboanga and changed his name to "PENA" I don't have a clue WHY he change his last name. I'm trying to trace our family tree. Please HELP any info. are very much appreciated.. We are now living in Southern California prior to that we lived in Olongapo City 'till 1980. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Abdon Pugal. Posted 26 July 1999.

QUIAMBAO - Primarily seeking information about my grandfather (father's side) AGAPITO P. QUIAMBAO (don't know what the "P" stands for)b: c. 1898 in Macabebe, Pampanga, Philippines; died sometime in 1969 or 1970 Caloocan City, Manila. He was married to RODRIGUEZ, Dominga of Caloocan City (I heard she's related to the Nadurata's of Caloocan City). Also interested in my JAVIER (from Palasan, Bulacan) side of the family; as well as DELA CRUZ and DE GULA (of Maysan, Valenzuela, Bulacan). Don't know anything about my lolo's siblings. He has brothers & sisters but the only brother of his that my father remembers migrated to Lucena City, Philippines. Totally zilch when it comes to my grandmother's background. Anyone who is interested in exchanging information is welcome. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kim Bolivar. Posted 26 July 1999.

QUILINDRINO - I'm looking for any information regarding the following surnames: Sampayan, Quilindrino, Garan, & Corcoro. All of these surnames are related to one another because of marriage. What I'm trying to do is to build our family tree as far back as I can. I have asked our older family members but unfortunately the very last person that could answer some of my questions is very ill. I get bits and pieces of information here and there but there are voids and nulls. An example is that the origin of our surname "Corcoro" came from a European descent. According to what I have gathered so far is that the word "Coro" was a musical instrument and that the "Cor" is a group of musicians like "Corps". I was told that one of its members escaping from persecution (He is a Jew), left Europe in search for more peaceful place. He migrated all the way to Asia and settled in the Philippines to marry a local. But this is the only information that I have gathered so far. I wanted to get more information on all of the above mentioned surnames; i.e. where did they originated, moved to, etc... I know that all of these surnames are from the Ilocos region. I also know that a Corcoro surname exist or existed in Nueva Ecija, a cousin of my Dad but never really met those relatives. Thank you in advance for any information that you may be able to supply me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Felix Corcoro. Posted 31 May 1999.

QUILONDERINO - Looking for relatives of QUILONDERINO, Calixto Adolla born Oct 12, 1905 in Santa Lucia, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. His parents were QUILONDERINO, Joaquin Roque born about 1855 in Caoayan, and HADUCA, Marcelina born about 1844. Brothers and sister were Calixto, Esperenza, Rufina, Anselma, Juana, Feliciano & Maria; grandparents paternal QUILONDERINO, Eusebio and wife QUIRUBIN, Engracia and maternal HADUCA, Gregorio and SOLIVEN or SOLIBEN, Liverata. He immigrated to Hawaii in 1927. Thank you. Please send information to Winona Aguero. Posted 21 Dec 1997.

QUINERI/QUENERI - Looking for any relatives of my grandfather Brigido QUINERI who was born in Batangas City on Oct 8, 1894 and was married to my grandmother Cresenciana Delantar of Sariaya, Quezon. I am also seeking any ancestral information regarding the origins of the QUINERI surname. I was told that the spelling may have been changed from QUENERI. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Imelda Quineri. Posted 18 May 1998.

QUINES - Looking for information on the family of QUINES, Cristobal, Sr., wife Eladia POBLETE and children Nympha, Eulinia, Henedina, Rodelio, Renato (deceased), Cristobal Jr., Mario, Crisella, Edwin and Maria Adelia Teresita (Marites) lived in TAGUDIN, ILOCUS SUR during the 1900s. First child born in Tagudin in 1940. The family had vacated the Philippines by 1980 and moved to the United States. Cristobal Sr died in Long Beach, California in 1983. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Clarissa-Elena Mamaril. Posted 2 October 1998.

RACCA - Looking for brothers and sisters of RACCA, Roman born in Vigan of Ilocos Sur province about 1907. He served in the U.S. Navy during WW II and lived in California most of his life. His middle name is Reguine and his father's name may have been Anastacio. Thank you very much. Please send any information to lrracca. Posted 2 November 1999.

RAMOS - I am looking for my mother, Josephina RAMOS NAESA. She is originally from Camarines Norte, Bicol. I believe she was born near the city of Daet, and possibly in the nearby city of Basud. She was born in the 1940's. She married Virgilio NAESA approximately 1960 in the city of Talisay, Camarines Norte. She lived in that area, until I last saw her in about 1964. I would like to hear from anyone who knows of a Josephina RAMOS, Josephina NAESA, or any RAMOS in the Daet area. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Please send any information to Nancy Ramos Naesa Paulsen. Posted 18 October 1998.

REALON/RIALON - I am writing concerning the surname RIALON. I have done quite a bit of research and have found nothing besides the immediate family members in California. UnfoRtunately, my father-in-law passed away last year and we don't have any info as to where in the Phillipines he came from. It is very important to us to get some history on the family name because we have 3 sons and we don't know of anybody outside the immediate family that has the surname RIALON. We have relatives who spell it REALON if that's of any help. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Chris Rialon. Posted 31 May 1999.

RECHY - I am looking for the surname RECHY. I believe that someone from this family arrived in the 1700's and then a later member of that family went to Mexico. I think that a Jose Maria Rechy came to Mexico in the beginning of the 19th century to oversee coffee plantations. He had his first child in 1814 in Veracruz, Mexico. He is the great-grandfather of my husband, Mariano Rechy, through his 12th or 13th son, Bonifacio. Does anyone have some information or clues as to where to get information? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Sondra Rechy. Posted 7 March 1999.

RECIO - Looking for information about Angel RECIO's family and Lucia Ezon's family possibly in San Pablo City, Laguna from mid 1800's to present. I know of one daughter Rosita who married an American and came to the US in 1946 with a son. Any information leading to this family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Celeste DeMink. Posted 31 May 1999.

REFORSADO - Looking for information REFORSADO, Norberto and his ancestors. Born approximately in 1863 and died in 1925. Married to CABILETE, Maria. Lived in Bula Camarines Sur. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

RELUSTA - Anyone with information regarding the surname RELUSTA, from Tiaong or Baliuag, Bulacan, pleass advise. One of the sons from this lineage, approximately four (4) generations ago disowned his father & took mothers name instead - Cruz. The Cruz's operated a general repair shop in Tiaong, Bulacan. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Alex Cruz. Posted 7 March 1999.

RENDORA - Looking for a beautiful woman named BENEDICTA RENDORA. Her nickname was Betty. I met her in 1963 when my ship was at Subic Bay. She must be in her late 50's today. She had a young son and his father was in the Air Force stationed at Clark Air Force Base. Ms. RENDORA lived in Olongapo, Zambales with her family. It is important to me that I make contact with her or a member of her family. If anyone has any information relating to the RENDORA family, please contact me by E-mail. Thank you very much. Please send any information to sugar_be@email.msn.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

RENTAR/REINTAR - Looking for any descendants of the RENTAR/REINTAR surnames from either Vigan, Ilocos Sur or San Fabian, Pangasinan. My name is Ronald Acosta Rentar. My parents are Renato Alda Rentar and Aurora Lorenzo Acosta. So possible leads are ALDA and NOLASCO. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ronald Acosta Rentar. Posted 2 October 1998.

REYES - In search of anyone willing to exchange information on the following surnames: JACINTO or TRIAS of General Trias, Cavite (my father is Jesus Trias). REYES or ANGELO of Bulacan or Baguio (my mother is Lucia Reyes Angelo). I am a first generation of Filipino-American desperately trying to regain some connection to my Filipino roots. Hope someone out there can help. Thank you. Please send information to Jessica Jacinto. Posted 2 April 1998.

REYES - Looking for information on my great-grandfather Vincente REYES, who was married to Purification DE LEON. My grandfather was Francisco D. REYES, who was born in San Miguel Bulacan on 4/27/1917. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Nicolle Pollaci. Posted 26 July 1999.

RICAFORT - I am looking for any information on a Pio Santiago Ricafort who was from Sta. Rita, Pampanga. He married Teadora Santos and had at least one son that I know of: Toribio Ricafort in 1886. I'm looking to see if he's related to Governor General Mariano Ricafort (1825-1830). Thank you very much. Please send any information to Randy K. Dragon. Posted 7 March 1999.

RIMANDO - Looking for Julian Rimando's parents born in the 1800s in Dalipaoen, Naguilian, La Union, Philippines. Julian was married to Eduvitas Aberin and had six children: Juan B, Gregoria, Maria, Gregoria, Primitiva, and Felix. Maria Rimando (my great grandmother) born on 25 August 1888 died on 26 Feb 1948 was married to Ignacio Baladad Aberin. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information on this family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mitzi Aberin-Brown. Posted 26 July 1999.

ROBERTO - Looking for information about ROBERTO. Her name is Maria Roberto-Cornel from Mabolo, Malolos Bulacan who was born in 1892(?) and later married a Chinese from Canton(?) China and bore 5 children whose names are Victoria Tuazon, Jose Cornel, Igmedio Chan, Ricardo Chan and Santos Cornel. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to AJ & CR Cornel. Posted 31 May 1999.

ROLGAN - I am looking for any information on a family from Cavite City -- Valvino and Filamina ROLGAN. They were both killed during WWII leaving behind three children: Antonia, Rebecca, and boy unknown. The children were separated and the girls went different directions in the USA and haven't seen each other since. Antonia is the Grandmother of my children. We would love to hear from anyone with any information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Karen S. Brees. Posted 18 June 1998.

ROMERO - I am writing a monograph on Rufo Caingat Romero. He was born on 28 November 1907 in Capas, Tarlac Province. Mr. Romero was a 1931 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. Mr. Romero was tried and convicted of espionage in November 1940. He was released from prison in 1950. He died in Manila in 1985. Mr. Romero was married to and divorced from Lorraine Becker of Brooklyn, New York. The Romero's had three children. One is a Dr. named Joe Romero who lives in the State of Virginia. A married daughter lives in Connecticut and the whereabouts of a second son is unknown to me. I am interested in tracking down any Filipino relatives of Mr. Romero who might still live in the Capas area of Tarlac Province and/or in Manila. I hope your genealogy website will facilitate my investigative efforts. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Scott Harrison. Posted 7 March 1999.

ROMUBIO - I am looking for any family members of Marino ROMUBIO, was born in June 1903 and married Oprecilia Rodiliuiz/Rediliuiz. Marino was born in Oes/Des, Province of Albay, Philippine Islands. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jose Romubio. Posted 31 May 1999.

RUIZ - Looking for long lost father, RUIZ, Alberto. Was in Olongapo City around mid 70's to mid 80's. Was with my mother DE CASTRO, Myrna. Had 3 children from him. Alberto Jr., Almira, and Lito. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Almira Grace De Castro. Posted 17 March 1998.

RYAN - I am searching for information on William Engelbertus WICHMAN b.abt.1880. His parents were from Hamburg Germany. He lived in Chicago, Cook Co., USA in the late 1890's. He served in the US Army during the Spanish-American War in the Philippines. He stayed there and served as a civil servant, Chief of Police in Cavite, Philippines. He m. in 1904 an Annie May RYAN who was born in the Philippines. They had several children; one was Irene Clare WICHMAN b.1913. William was shot and killed in the line of duty during a riot in 1922, in the Philippines. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rita Nelson of Casper, Wyoming, USA. Posted 26 July 1999.

SABANGAN - I am interested in finding any information on the SABANGAN families. They were known to have lived in Camiling, Tarlac. 1911 to the present time. My name is Tommy DE DIOS, the son of Gregorio DE DIOS. Gregorio DE DIOS left the Philippines about 1928. He ended up in California with a brother Nemecio DE DIOS. Gregorio & Nemecio were the sons of Juan DE DIOS & Anastacia SABANGAN. It is known that Anastacia SABANGAN died on August 10, 1955. I have never had the opportunity to meet or know the DE DIOS side of my family and would like to contact anyone that is either family or friend of family. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Tommy DE DIOS. Posted 2 November 1999.

SABUGO -- Looking for any geneological information about these surnames ... I am trying to learn more about my ethnic backgrounds and I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP. Possible locations: Brgy: Sagayaden Norte; Town: Cabugao; Province: Ilocos Sur; Country: Philippines. Salamat! Please send any information to R.S.. Posted 12 April 1998.

SALAZAR - Looking for descendants/relatives of my grandparents, Modesto SALAZAR and Adriana TENIO of Guindulman, Bohol, born late 1860's or early 1870's. My late father, Arcadio T. Salazar is the ninth of 13 children born to my above grandparents. I would like information on their brothers or sisters or descendants who can furnish me information on their birthdates as all their 13 children are now dead and none of their children (my first cousins) have the information I need. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Alan V. Salazar. Posted 31 May 1999.

SALUD - Looking for information on any SALUD family members in the northern Philippine region of Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. Thank you very much. Please send any information to kahiko@juno.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

SALVAN - Looking for any SALVAN or their relatives now living in Bohol Island, Philippines. The Salvan Clan of Mindanao has about 1000 individual members at present. Whose beginnings were traced from the couple Pero SALVAN and Oning YANA who settled at Opol, Misamis Oriental probably in the early 1800s. Our elders say Pero came from the Bohol Island. Please send any information to Victor Salvan Cantago. Posted 7 July 1998.

SAMPAYAN - I'm looking for any information regarding the following surnames: Sampayan, Quilindrino, Garan, & Corcoro. All of these surnames are related to one another because of marriage. What I'm trying to do is to build our family tree as far back as I can. I have asked our older family members but unfortunately the very last person that could answer some of my questions is very ill. I get bits and pieces of information here and there but there are voids and nulls. An example is that the origin of our surname "Corcoro" came from a European descent. According to what I have gathered so far is that the word "Coro" was a musical instrument and that the "Cor" is a group of musicians like "Corps". I was told that one of its members escaping from persecution (He is a Jew), left Europe in search for more peaceful place. He migrated all the way to Asia and settled in the Philippines to marry a local. But this is the only information that I have gathered so far. I wanted to get more information on all of the above mentioned surnames; i.e. where did they originated, moved to, etc... I know that all of these surnames are from the Ilocos region. I also know that a Corcoro surname exist or existed in Nueva Ecija, a cousin of my Dad but never really met those relatives. Thank you in advance for any information that you may be able to supply me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Felix Corcoro. Posted 31 May 1999.

SAN JUAN - Siliviano SAN JUAN married a woman by the name of Filaviana MALINES. They had a daughter by the name of Augustina San Juan who's name was later changed to Filomena San Juan. Siliviano was shot to death in 1948 and Filaviana died about April 1949. Filaviana had a sister named Christina and a brother named Andris. I am seeking information on any ancestors or descendants of Siliviano and Filaviana. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Teresa Dechert. Posted 31 May 1999.

SANGALANG - I am trying to trace the lineage of my mother, Consuelo Sangalang, who was born in Taal, Batangas in 1906. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Frank Holgado. Posted 7 March 1999.

SARANILLO - Looking for relatives of SARANILLO, Sabas born Nov 20, 1886 in Badian, Cebu, Philippines. His parents names were SARANILLO, Roberto and CERINO, Leona. He married BIBILONE, Chrispina and had 4 children who immigrated to Hawaii in 1919 and never returned to the Philippines. Thank you. Please send information to Winona Aguero. Posted 21 Dec 1997.

SARMIENTO - Looking for any relatives for SARMIENTO, Sammy, a.k.a., Mariano Marcaszo. Born March 3, 1899, Pampanga, Philippines. Father's name: Leoncio, and Mother's name: Josepha Marcaszo. Wife: Adelaida Pigos/Rambano. Four Children. Previous marriage: Maria Delacruz? One child. Please contact Myra Marangi for more information and inquiry. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Myra Marangi. Posted 31 May 1999.

SATO - Looking for any information or relatives of my father, the late Juvencio Accorcon SATO. My father was from Carcar, Cebu -- born in 1908. He later emigrated to Honolulu around 1932. His father's name was Segundo SATO. If anyone could even provide the name(s) and addresses of the Catholic Churches in Carcar, I would appreciate this very much. You may direct any responses to Sr. Margaret Sato. Posted 18 May 1998.

SEGURA - Looking for information on this surname, from Philippines and came to United States about 1915 (Kenai Peninsula of Alaska). Would appreciate any assistance or suggestions you might have. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rick Segura c/o Edward B. Girten. Posted 7 March 1999.

SENICA -- Looking for any geneological information about these surnames ... I am trying to learn more about my ethnic backgrounds and I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP. Possible locations: Brgy: Sagayaden Norte; Town: Cabugao; Province: Ilocos Sur; Country: Philippines. Salamat! Please send any information to R.S.. Posted 12 April 1998.

SERRANO - Searching for birthplace and parents of SERRANO, Alejandro "Alex", born 24 Feb 1912, Bicol Province, PI, emigrated to Hawaii then to California around 1912-1941, married Helen MOORE. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Adrienne Acoba. Posted 8 April 1998.

SIGUA - I am very much interested in finding more about my family tree. My father is Rogelio Caliliw Sigua, born of Ricardo Sigwa and Leonora Caliliw on April 13,1939 in Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. He is the oldest of four; Rogelio, Ponciano, Nenita and Pedro. He is married to Aurora Paderes. He has four siblings; Richard, Rosalie, Roderick and Rogelio,Jr. I will be very delighted for any information that can be provided. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Roderick P. Sigwa. Posted 1 November 1999.

SINO - My name is Liza Sino Portele, and I'm from Camiguin Province in Mindanao. Now, I live in Germany. I find your page very interesting. Maybe, you can help me to find other members of the SINO family in the Philippines. It would be a great joy for me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Liza Sino Portele. Posted 7 March 1999.

SIPIN - I am trying to find more about my surname. My mother's maiden surname is CALIP and my father's surname is SIPIN. I know a lot of relatives/cousins but what I really want to know is where it originated. Any information you can offer me would be appreciated. My email address is esipin@brobeck.com. Thank you. Posted 25 March 1998.

SITAY - Looking for any information linking the SITAY Family to the TOMASEK Family as well as the PIMENTEL Family. Mother's name is Alicia P. Tomasek. Father's name is Nicholas E. Tomasek. Married in City of Manila. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jello69bh@aol.com. Posted 31 May 1999.

SON TUA - My great grandmother was named Concepcion Ayala (y O'Farrell). She was born in 1867 and lived in the Binondo district of Manila for many years. She never talked about her father but did say his name was Antonio Ayala. Her great grandmother was Catalina Tuason of the Tuason family (descended from Son Tua). Since the Tuasons were business associates of the Antonio Ayala who founded Ayala y Cia, I am speculating that her mother was the Querida and not the legitimate wife of that Antonio Ayala (all speculation of course). I am looking for suggestions/help in how I might confirm or research this relationship. I am also looking for the family tree of Son Tua, who immigrated from Fukien province China to found the Tuason family in the Philippines. Any suggestions or help you might offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Bob Hansen. Posted 7 March 1999.

SORIANO - Looking for Charity Soriano, daughter of Christina Soriano. She was born in late 1978 or early 1979. The last I heard was her mother left the Philippines with a Marine she married. They had met in Olongapo City. They left Charity with Christina's mother. I am Charity's father and cannot find either Christina or Charity. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Paul Sutton. Posted 2 August 1998.

STACY - I am seeking any information on the surname of STACY. My great uncle, W. Cheatham Stacy served in the Spanish-American war and then remained in the Philippines in the area of the Cagayan valley. He lived near Aparri and Tuguegarao. He owned a plantation (tobacco). He maried Goodrun Choun and had five children. One married a young man named Dexter (first name). Other children were Lee, Henry, etc. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Roger Stacy. Posted 1 November 1999.

STACY - Looking for information about the family of Cheatham STACY married Goodrun CHOUN. Children names Eleanor Stacy, Lee Stacy, Henry Stacy, Sharah Stacy, Chrisfuca ? Stacy. Mr. Stacy fought in the Spanish-American war. Lived in the Cagayan Valley. Lived in the APARRI area. Need help in finding any info on the Stacy Family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to William G. Haas. Posted 2 November 1999.

STEVENS - I am currently seeking information regarding the THADDEAUS STEVENS family who resided in Manila up until the Japanese Occupation during WWII. The family was incarcerated at Santo Tomas concentration until the liberation. One of the family was Louise Stevens who was at one time Miss Luzon & Miss Mindanao. The history of the family is traced to a Spanish Viceroy who was sent over by the King of Spain prior to the Spanish American War. I think the name was Otrasta; but am not sure. Another member (VIRGINIA STEVENS) was adopted at birth by a Filipina lady by the name of FRANCESCA ORTIZ also of Manila. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Pat Kenyon-Dore. Posted 2 November 1999.

SUACO - Searching for information on Antonio SUACO, born in the early 1900's and died approximately 1977 in Manila. At one time, he supposedly owned a Pharmaceutical Plant in Manila. He had a couple of sons, one who's first name was Joe. I think he has an export business in Manila. Thank you for any help you can give me, it will be very much appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mary. Posted 7 March 1999.

SUYAT - Looking for information about SUYAT, Juan Valdez born in 1898 in San Fernando, La Union, Philippines. He emigrated to Maui, Hawaii and worked for the Puunene Sugar Plantation. He had two wives and seven children. Would appreciate corresponding with relatives of my grandfather. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Lindbergh Marzo. Posted 26 July 1999.

TABINAS - I would like information about LUCINO TABINAS, born in the town of Tabinas in Mexico City, Mexico and migrated to the Province of Leyte, Philippines in the 1700-1921. He died in 1921. His children are Eugene, Leonardo, Antonio, Lucas, Teopelo, Jenuviva, and Martha TABINAS. I would like to correspond with anyone knowing any information on this family. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Gerald & Arsenia Bonner. Posted 7 March 1999.

TAMBALGUE - I am searching for the name TAMBALGUE from Tayug, Pangasinan -- about 30 miles east of Dagupan. Do you have an address where I can write? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Barry Silver in Los Angeles. Posted 18 May 1998.

TAMETA - I'm looking for some information regarding my family history, in particular about the family of my father and mother. My father was from Pangasinan, his last name is DIOQUINO and his mothers maiden name is VINEGAS. My mom is from Lubang, Occidental Mindoro her last name is Tameta and her mothers maiden name is VENTURANZA. Also i'm looking for info regarding the TRIA family. Anybody whose got any information, please send me an e-mail at agila666@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

TENIO - Looking for descendants/relatives of my grandparents, Modesto SALAZAR and Adriana TENIO of Guindulman, Bohol, born late 1860's or early 1870's. My late father, Arcadio T. Salazar is the ninth of 13 children born to my above grandparents. I would like information on their brothers or sisters or descendants who can furnish me information on their birthdates as all their 13 children are now dead and none of their children (my first cousins) have the information I need. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Alan V. Salazar. Posted 31 May 1999.

TENORIO - Looking for information about Genare TENORIO was born in the 1800 or later in Dalipit, Alitagtag, Batangas. She was married to Fernando Ambay. She had a son Eusebio Ambay and a daughter(name unknown). The daughter was married and had children. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Connie (Ambay) Morales. Posted 31 May 1999.

TIBURCIO - Looking for information about Tiburcio, Daniel Jose born 1910 in Morong on the Island of Luzon, Philippine Island. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Daniel Tiburcio. Posted 26 July 1999.

TIROL - Looking for information on whereabouts of others with this family name which originally came from Aklan: Gabriel Ureta and his wife changed their name during the Claveria reforms. This family name exists therefore only in the Visayas, a large group is in Bohol, after World War II, others moved to Mindanao and recently all over the world. Am particularly interested in tracing our URETA connections which will bring us to pre-l849. Also my grandfather Ciriaco TIROL married Trinidad HONTIVEROS-MIRAFLORES. Looking for links with these names; HONTIVEROS-ISTURIZ from Banga, Aklan which relate me to the ALBA and QUIMPO families. MIRAFLORES is a family name from Mandurriao, Iloilo, the name of my great-grandfather, a secular priest who had numerous children. He was not Spanish, actually he was perhaps of Chinese Filipino origin, his first name was Leon and his mother was Emilia (?) Pedrosa. I wish to know also about connections with my great-grandfather who came from Ambos, Camarines (before the split), his name was Candido DE LA CONCEPCION. He settled in Iloilo City and married Ignacia LOCSIN, originally from Januiay, Iloilo. Obviously I wish to make links with all those names mentioned above. I actually have lots of information already regarding immediate family in Aklan and Iloilo but need to complete and go back further. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rene Tirol. Posted 18 May 1998.

TIZON - Searching for any and all who were born with the surname TIZON. Our branch of the family is originally from San Fernando, Pampanga and eventually migrated to Bamban, Tarlac and Capas, Tarlac. My grandfather was Vicente Tizon born 1900 married to Rosenda David. We are presently tracing our family history. Any information you may be willing to share would be greatly appreciated. Please send any information to sisters4@bellatlantic.net. Posted 31 May 1999.

TRESENIE - I am searching for information about my birth father, Benedict TRESENIE, born 1952?, or anyone related to him who can tell me about the TRESENIE family history. Information about this surname will be very helpful. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Ann Milla Alkire. Posted 7 March 1999.

TRIA - I'm looking for some information regarding my family history, in particular about the family of my father and mother. My father was from Pangasinan, his last name is DIOQUINO and his mothers maiden name is VINEGAS. My mom is from Lubang, Occidental Mindoro her last name is Tameta and her mothers maiden name is VENTURANZA. Also i'm looking for info regarding the TRIA family. Anybody whose got any information, please send me an e-mail at agila666@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

TRIAS - In search of anyone willing to exchange information on the following surnames: JACINTO or TRIAS of General Trias, Cavite (my father is Jesus Trias). REYES or ANGELO of Bulacan or Baguio (my mother is Lucia Reyes Angelo). I am a first generation of Filipino-American desperately trying to regain some connection to my Filipino roots. Hope someone out there can help. Thank you. Please send information to Jessica Jacinto. Posted 2 April 1998.

TRINIDAD - Looking for "JULIAN BONDOC TRINIDAD" of Hagonoy, Bulacan. Approximate year of birth was 1880. He married "REGINA MARQUEZ DELA CRUZ" of Paranaque, Rizal whose approximate birth year was 1884. They were married between the years 1901-1903. Where? I do not know. My mother and her brothers and sisters were born in Navotas, Rizal. They could have married in Paranaque and settled in Navotas, Rizal or could have been married right in Navotas, Rizal and stayed there until death. All children were born and raised in Navotas. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Crispin T. Rivera. Posted 12 June 1998.

TUASON - My great grandmother was named Concepcion Ayala (y O'Farrell). She was born in 1867 and lived in the Binondo district of Manila for many years. She never talked about her father but did say his name was Antonio Ayala. Her great grandmother was Catalina Tuason of the Tuason family (descended from Son Tua). Since the Tuasons were business associates of the Antonio Ayala who founded Ayala y Cia, I am speculating that her mother was the Querida and not the legitimate wife of that Antonio Ayala (all speculation of course). I am looking for suggestions/help in how I might confirm or research this relationship. I am also looking for the family tree of Son Tua, who immigrated from Fukien province China to found the Tuason family in the Philippines. Any suggestions or help you might offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Bob Hansen. Posted 7 March 1999.

UMALI - What kind of name is this? If you're just skimming like I do and have heard this name before let me know. The Filipino Surname page says it's a true Filipino (Ilocano) name. Muslims say it's Islamic/Arabic and a heritage company says that it's derived from the Spanish name De Umal, which is a location name for "from the field." Let me know what you think. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Derwin Umali. Posted 18 October 1998.

UMIPIG/UMIPEG - Looking for any information about my great-grandfather and grandfather. As far as I know my great grandfather's surname was UMIPIG, his first name was either Artemio, or Emiterio. He came from Ilocos Sur -- possibly Santa Maria. I only know of his one son, my grandfather Gregorio Elazar Umipig, who later changed his surname to UMIPEG, once he came to California. He was born in the early 1900's. I know he spent time in Pangasinan and later in Hawaii. He was in W.W. II in one of the all Filipino Battalions, and he was served with several medals. He passed away in the late '80's, early '90's in CA. There are relatives I know of in the Seattle area who do not know anything about him but they look amazingly like they could be close cousins or even brothers. Artemio/Emiterio would have been born in the mid to late 19th Century. I hope to discover who great grandmother was and if my grandfather had any siblings. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Gregg Umipeg II. Posted 31 August 1998.

VADALEAN - Looking for any information on Rueben Vadalean (may not be exact spelling). VADALEAN was born around 1933 in the Philippines. He graduated the university, probably near Manila and probably in 1952,1953, 1954, or 1955, with a bachelor's degree in social sciences and had teaching certificates to teach History and English. He enlisted in the U.S Navy around 1954. In 1963, VADALEAN was a cook in the Navy, stationed in Long Beach, CA, probably on the USS Hornet. His family background includes: Father was a career Army man in the Philippine Army; Mother taught school; Brother was a career Navy man in the Philippines; Sister was a pharmacist. Any information on Rueben VADALEAN and family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rouskee@aol.com. Posted 19 September 1998.

VALDEZ - I am looking for information on VALDEZ Family. Domingo or Dimas Valdez that lived in Luna, La Union. Both Domingo and Dimas are deceased but lived during WWII. Domingo, "Don" joined the US Army during the war and immigrated to the United States. I am looking for any information about the family. Dimas is Domingo's father, and Eugenia is Domingo's mother. I would appreciate any information on this family. Please send information to Dean A. Valdez. Posted 13 March 1998.

VALDEZ - Seeking information concerning EMILIA VALDEZ, mother of JOHN B. MURRAY, JR. Last known address was Balaoan, La Union, Philippines. She and her son were in Baguio in the early to mid 1940's. Johnny is my brother and I would very much like to have any information I can on him and/or his mother. Please contact me at emurray@tecinfo.com I do not have an exact birthdate for Johnny, but it would have been around 1946. His mother, Emilia Valdez would be in her mid 70's. The last letter we had from her had a heading: Balaoan Institute, Balaoan, La Union. I am sincerely interested in finding my brother, since all of my family is deceased. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Eileen Murray. Posted 2 November 1999.

VALERIO - I'm wondering if anyone knows the history of this name. My maternal grandfather's name was Alejandro Valerio, born in 1888. My mother says he was half Spanish. He married my grandmother, Isidora Aclan, born in 1901. She was from Bohol. I think Alejandro Valerio was born in Manila, or a suburb thereof. My mother grew up in Navotas, Rizal (Metro Manila). If anyone has any information, please contact me. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Edwin Catli. Posted 2 November 1999.

VEGA - Looking for information on VEGA, Monica and her ancestors. Year of birth (in late 1800s) and death unknown. Probably born in Nabua or in Bula Camarines Sur. Married to GATASI, Feliciano. Number of children, unknown. Two children named Luncio (or Leoncio) and Eugenia. Both of these children lived in Bula, Camarines Sur. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Fay Jacinto Ocampo. Posted 1 November 1999.

VELASCO - My father, Gerardo Paredes VELASCO born in Santa Cruz, Ilocos Sur (18 Mar 1896). He joined the U.S. Navy in the P.I in the early 1920's. Marriage dates in California to my mother, Anita PASTOR, (1925-1929). They had 4 children - Maria, Gerardo, Barbara, Charlotte. He died in Seattle, WA (19 Feb 1984). His ashes were scattered at sea. I would appreciate any help in tracing my Filipino relatives. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Papa Don. Posted 7 March 1999.

VELASQUEZ - Looking for information about Velasquez or (Venasquez) family of/from Arayat Pampanga, Luzon. Uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. Gillerna Velasquez, Carda. My mother was born in Arayat, Pampanga, Luzon, her mother was Rufina Velasquez, married James Lee Stevens June 6, 1914, American soldier who was sent to the Philippines during the Spanish American war. They had four children, Anna Marie, Clara, Joseph Lewis, and Carmen. Returned to the United States, California. Researching Family Roots, History, Relatives. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Carmen V.(Stevens Camba) Bowman. Posted 31 May 1999.

VELUZ - Looking for information on Macario VELUZ (born: Quezon Province). After supposedly being hunted by the Spanish militia for being a revolutionary, he moved to Del Gallego, Camarines Sur where he changed his name from MACARIO LUCBAN. He married "Piyang" Collantes. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Mona Magno-Veluz. Posted 31 May 1999.

VENASQUEZ - Looking for information about Velasquez or (Venasquez) family of/from Arayat Pampanga, Luzon. Uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. Gillerna Velasquez, Carda. My mother was born in Arayat, Pampanga, Luzon, her mother was Rufina Velasquez, married James Lee Stevens June 6, 1914, American soldier who was sent to the Philippines during the Spanish American war. They had four children, Anna Marie, Clara, Joseph Lewis, and Carmen. Returned to the United States, California. Researching Family Roots, History, Relatives. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Carmen V.(Stevens Camba) Bowman. Posted 31 May 1999.

VENIEGAS - Looking for relatives of Ernesto Luchena VENIEGAS, born circa 1918, uncertain what part of the Philippines. He is married to Anna LumHo from Hilo, Hawaii, and has five children. One born in Urdaneta, Pangasinan. Ernest's mother is known by Sabina Luchena and was born in the early 1800s. I understand there is a village in the North that is named Veniegas village. I would like to correspond with anyone interested in exchanging information. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Gina Carroll. Posted 4 September 1998.

VENTURANZA - I'm looking for some information regarding my family history, in particular about the family of my father and mother. My father was from Pangasinan, his last name is DIOQUINO and his mothers maiden name is VINEGAS. My mom is from Lubang, Occidental Mindoro her last name is Tameta and her mothers maiden name is VENTURANZA. Also i'm looking for info regarding the TRIA family. Anybody whose got any information, please send me an e-mail at agila666@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

VERDOTE - Looking for information on the VERDOTE family of Marinduque. Angel VERDOTE married Maria Sevilla of Boac, Marinduque. Would like to find the origin of this name. Angel VERDOTE was my great-great grandfather. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Kathleen Bell. Posted 31 May 1999.

VICERA - My father, Jesse Ibanez Vicera, was born in Naval, Leyte, Philippines, and joined the U.S. Merchant Marines in 1944 (about 18 years old). He was lost at sea in 1963. I would like to communicate with anyone who knew him, especially if on the same ships. I have a list of the ships on which he sailed and his photo on my homepage at http://home.pacbell.net/corwind/JV.html. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Debbie Vicera Corwin. Posted 26 July 1999.

VIDAD - Seeking any information, addresses and names of relatives/family of Mateo Vidad and Gaudencia Jumalon. They arrived from the Phillipines to Hawaii on June 7, 1924 with their two children, Juan Vidad and Eulogia Vidad. They came from Sequijor, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Please provide information to Priscilla Labang. Posted 15 March 1998.

VIDAL - Searching for descendants/relatives of my grandfather, AMADO VIDAL MADRIGAL. Born July 18, 1895 in the village of Boac on the island of Marinduque, Philippines. His mother's maiden name was Vidal. He made his way to the United States as a musician most likely during the 1920's, however he wasn't naturalized until 1948. He married Eva Drose, of whom he is still survived, and settled in Newark, New Jersey, USA. They had seven children. He died on December 25, 1978. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Keith Madrigal. Posted 31 May 1999.

VILLANUEVA - I desire information on the VILLANUEVA family of Batangas, particularly about Gregorio Villanueva married to Josefa del Rosario in the middle 1800's. Information also desired on the family of Josefa del Rosario. I would appreciate any information on this family. Please send information to William F. Smyth. Posted 13 March 1998.

VILLANUEVA - My husband, Rizalino VILLANUEVA, was born 17 Jun 1924 San Narciso, Zambales to Augustine Fantone VILLANUEVA d. 7 Feb 1954, San Narcisco, son of Valentin VILLANUEVA and Unknown FANTONE. Rizalino's mother was Basilisa FERNANDEZ b. ca 1901, San Narcisco, d. 8 Feb 1993, San Narcisco, daughter of Joegracias TOQUERA b. Tarlac, d. San Narcisco and Candida FERNANDEZ, d 1939 San Narciso. I would like to have an information on these families for my husband's children so they will know their Filipino-Spanish heritage. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Peggy J. Villanueva. Posted 7 March 1999.

VILLANUEVA - Looking for seven generations of the VILLANUEVA family, my father's name is Paaninao VILLANUEVA and married to Nena Luzada, my Grandfather's name is Jose VILLANUEVA and married to Felicidad Bautista. We're living in Binan Laguna. I would like to know my granfather's father and his father up to seven generation. Thank you very much for the help. Please send any information to jojo23@rocketmail.com. Posted 31 May 1999.

VILLANUEVA - I am looking for any information or relatives of Epifanio Villanueva and his wife, Maura Omana Villanueva, both of the Sorsogon province, deceased in Sorsogon during the Japanese occupation of WWII. Presumably, Epifanio was from Tacloban and Maura from Daet. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Camilo O. Villanueva Jr.. Posted 26 July 1999.

VILLASIN - Looking for information about Prudencio Villasin. Born in Barugo, Leyte, approx. in 1875. Emigrated to Cuba around 1900. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Eva Villasin. Posted 1 November 1999.

VINEGAS - I'm looking for some information regarding my family history, in particular about the family of my father and mother. My father was from Pangasinan, his last name is DIOQUINO and his mothers maiden name is VINEGAS. My mom is from Lubang, Occidental Mindoro her last name is Tameta and her mothers maiden name is VENTURANZA. Also i'm looking for info regarding the TRIA family. Anybody whose got any information, please send me an e-mail at agila666@aol.com. Posted 2 November 1999.

VISITACION - Looking for relatives of VISITACION, Petrona born circa 1800 in Ginatilan, Cebu, Philippines. She was married to Andres VILLANUEVA of Bais, Negros Oriental. Petrona VISITACION was related to the QUIJANOs of Ginatilan, Cebu. I would appreciate any information on these people or families. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Jay V. Florentino. Posted 31 May 1999.

VISQUERA - General information...looking for families of DIONICIO SORIA VISQUERA, born in Ilocos Sur sometime between 1915-1920...maybe earlier. He moved to USA during the war. Friend of Frank Avera...moved to Fla from N.Y. Thank you very much. Please send any information to b72543@juno.com. Posted 7 March 1999.

WENCESLAO - Seeking any information on the family of AUGUSTINE PATAJO (1800's) who's son CIPRIANO changed the last name to WENCESLAO. This family was believed to have settled in the La Union area. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Thomas Brown. Posted 26 July 1999.

WICHMAN - I am searching for information on William Engelbertus WICHMAN b.abt.1880. His parents were from Hamburg Germany. He lived in Chicago, Cook Co., USA in the late 1890's. He served in the US Army during the Spanish-American War in the Philippines. He stayed there and served as a civil servant, Chief of Police in Cavite, Philippines. He m. in 1904 an Annie May RYAN who was born in the Philippines. They had several children; one was Irene Clare WICHMAN b.1913. William was shot and killed in the line of duty during a riot in 1922, in the Philippines. Annie Mae Ryan WICHMAN married a R. Hertel from Texas after William WICHMAN died. Annie Mae was held in the Santo Tomas concentration camp in the Philippines during WWI. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Rita Nelson of Casper, Wyoming, USA. Posted 26 July 1999 and updated 2 November 1999.

WILLIAMS - WILLIAMS, looking for part of my family: William John, b 1868 Australia, married Carrie and had three daughters. One of whom was BILLIE, b 1911. Two of his daughters were living in Los Angeles in the 1930's/40's. William WILLIAMS worked for the VACUUM OIL COMPANY in MANILA? Does anyone recognise these names? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Steiger Harbeck. Posted 31 May 1999.

WINSLOW - I have been desperately searching for 3 years for family information from the Philippines about my great-grandmother. I am sure that the records must exist in the Catholic Church. I have photos and jewelry that belonged to her, but I do not know her name or anything about her. She married FRANK WINSLOW about 1906-1908 in Manila, Philippines and had children: FRANK (Francisco), born September 1908; JOSEPH (Jose) born March 1910-1911; and SAMUEL born 1911 and died March 1913. Their mother died in childbirth, along with the baby, between March and November 1913. She also had a daughter from a previous marriage named LOLA, who stayed in the Philippines with her family when Frank returned to the U.S. Words cannot express my gratitude to anyone who will help me. Please send any information to Janine Winslow Huesman. Posted 21 Nov 1997.

WOODVILLE - Looking for information on Henry Louis (Lewis) WOODVILLE who married my grandmother from Florida Blanca, Pampanga. Henry Louis (Lewis) Woodville retired from the U.S. Army in 1917 and settled in Florida Blanca. He and his wife died and were buried there around 1922. My mother Virginia and her two sisters, Concha and Isabella were then raised in a convent school in the Philippines until they re-located to the states in 1938. I believe they still have family there on my mother's side. Her mother while I don't know the last name was named Theodora. I know that my grandfather would visit a church in the village and I believe he was buried near the Church. Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me at ChefGym@aol.com Posted 10 April 1998.

GENERAL QUERY: Question on Census of 1903 & 1918 - I am trying to do some of my wife's family tree in the Philippines and I was wondering if the censuses of 1903 & 1918 would be any help? Where would the actual census be? I have seen the statistics in books of these 2 censuses but not the actual census where every person is listed. Thank you very much. Please send any information to Randy K. Dragon. Posted 7 March 1999.

GENERAL QUERY - Do you know where I could find on-line information about Filipino's migrating to Hawaii?? Thank you very much. Please send any information to Thuresa R. Fowler. Posted 18 May 1998.

SURNAME UNKNOWN - My name is Don Omler. Wy wife is a Filipina. Her name is Evylinda Rabang Alaysa Omler. We are looking for a man possibly in his mid to late sixties. His name is Lorie, Lori, or Lauri.. He was an exchange student in the mid to late 40's, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He stayed with my Grandmother, and family. The family name is Stanton. My Grandmother's married names were Tharp, and Lecinski. He would most certainly remember my mother. Her name is Norma Cleo Tharp. If you could possibly forward this, or recommend a good starting place to locate him, or his family, please E-mail me. We are not sure which university he attended, but, how many Philipino exchange students went to Oklahoma during that timeframe? Thanks in advance. Please send any information to Donald E. Omler Jr.. Posted 18 October 1998.

SURNAME UNKNOWN - I have been desperately searching for 3 years for family information from the Philippines about my great-grandmother. I am sure that the records must exist in the Catholic Church. I have photos and jewelry that belonged to her, but I do not know her name or anything about her. She married FRANK WINSLOW about 1906-1908 in Manila, Philippines and had children: FRANK (Francisco), born September 1908; JOSEPH (Jose) born March 1910-1911; and SAMUEL born 1911 and died March 1913. Their mother died in childbirth, along with the baby, between March and November 1913. She also had a daughter from a previous marriage named LOLA, who stayed in the Philippines with her family when Frank returned to the U.S. Words cannot express my gratitude to anyone who will help me. Please send any information to Janine Winslow Huesman. Posted 21 Nov 1997.

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