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- Manila - National Archives: Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos (1849) -- by Narciso Claveria (Reprinted in 1973 by Dr. Domingo Abella). Publication no. D-3
- National Statistics Office - Civil Registration -- The NSO is mandated by law to keep and preserve the birth, marriage and death certificates of a Filipino citizen. These certificates are the basis for establishing the legal status of each and every Filipino. The linked site was intended to give the public a general picture of the Civil Registration procedures in the Philippines by providing answers to some of the most frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) on the subject.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -- "Microfilm Operator's Report (on Philippines Church Books)", MSS
- U.S.T. Graduate Listing (1611-1971) -- University of Santo Tomas Alumni Association, UST, Manila, Philippines -- Published: 1972
- National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) - The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) was born in 1992 with the Presidential Commission on Culture and arts as its predecessor-in-interest. It is an independent government body tasked to be the overall coordinating and national policy-making body for all culture and artistic endeavors of the country. It was first created by a presidential directive, Executive Order 118 penned by President Aquino in 1987 which created the Presidential Commission on Culture and Arts and was later institutionalized by a legislative act, Republic Act 7356 in 1992. The Bill was authored jointly by Senators Edgardo Angara, Heherson Alvarez, Leticia Ramos-Shahani and Congressman Carlos Padilla.
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Created on: February 20, 1998. Last updated on: July 25, 1999.
This web site maintained by Precy T. Ordinario of Carson, California, USA.