Volume One

I am in the process of putting together a series of books
using my collection of old pictures of Campbellton and the area.

I will be adding history to the pictures, plus
family history and some genealogy where possible to accompany
local businesses also.

My first one is now completed, it features some pictures of the mid to late 1800's
a few of the early 1900's and some family pictures.

Including to name a few: the Motts, Marquis, McLennan, Allingham, Nelson, MacLaughlin, Alexander, Murray, A llard, Andrew, Patterson, Henderson, Woods, Albert, etc.. the hotels, the ferries, the Hotel Dieu, Churches, some odds and ends , newspaper clipping info, Ship building and launching, etc...
There are 133 pages and 130 old pictures..

The cost of the book is of $18.00, Canadian, plus postage which is about $2.50.
And $18.00 postage included US.. That way I only have to deal with one price and it should work out about the same.
With proceeds going to the Access Center where I work and a commission coming to me. Both a good cause :) If you would like to see what our center is about, you can visit our web site at:

PépinNET Community Access Center

If you are interested in purchasing the first Volume, pls email me, send me your home address, along with a cheque or money order in amount of $18.00 plus postage, the book is 334grams if you want to check with your post office first from Campbellton to your place.

Make the cheque or MO payable to :

and you can mail the Cheque/Money Order to my home address:

Irene Doyle
5 Prince William street, apt. 3 (In back)
Campbellton, NB.
E3N 1X1

Here is the Review the book got in the local newspaper
The Campbellton Tribune

New book traces city's history

Everybody likes old pictures. Everybody finds family stories fascinating.

Those elements come together in a new book being sold to support the PepinNet community access center. Compiled and written by Irene Doyle, it is obviously a labour of love.

Campbellton's Family Album: A Walk Through Time offers an outstanding collection of historical photographs, including many which have never been published before. Mixed with these images are snippets of Campbellton's history ranging from stories about the town's early mayors (before the place became a city) to details about ferry services and local shipping.

There are pictures and details of early hotels along with the lives of prominent people: the evolution of the Hotel Dieu Hospital along with the histories of a number of stores: odds and ends from early newspaper along with genealogical notes.

This book volume one of what is to be a series, should be required reading for a lot of people. They include students who know all too little about their home town's past, anyone who works in the tourism industry and has the opportunity to explain the area to visitors and local officials who may find, through an understanding of the past, the inspiration and pride that should go into their decisions.

Campbellton's Family Album is available at the access center and other outlets, including the Restigouche Gallery, Campbellton and The Restigouche Regional Museum, Dalhousie, Uni-Village Campbellton, McDavid's Convenience in Tide Head and the Convenience Store in Atholville.

Or if you just have questions about it
E-mail me:

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