Schools and Teachers of days gone by


Payment to teachers:
Anna Hadley for teaching in Beresford 3 months ending Mar. 1854
Mary Morrison for teaching school in Beresford, 4 mo. Ending Jan. 10./1856
Mary MacIntosh for teaching school in Durham Restigouche 12 mo. Ending Nov. 9/1855
William F. Brand for teaching school in Newcastle, 3 mo. Ending June 30/1854
Charles Lindsay for teaching school in Addington 3 months ending Mar. 1853
John S.P. Gibb of Bathurst an old and valuable instructor of youth to aid him in his present destitute circumstances.

Oct. 3/1857, Campbellton, examination of the Superior School, taught by William Crocket

May /1859, Dalhousie Grammar School, teacher Mr Hutchinson


April 28/1860, Inspector's report on the schools of Gloucestor co.
*Saumarez = 1 school (french master)
*Inkerman = 2 schools, one English and one bilingual French and English
*Shippegan = 2 schools, 1 French and one almost totally French
*Caraquet = 4 French Schools
*New Bandon = 1 school by Male Teacher, 2nd class
4 schools by 3rd class male teacher
4 schools by 3rd class female teacher
*Bathurst 3 schools by 1st class teacher male
1 school by 2nd class female teacher
5 schools by 3rd class female teachers
*Beresford 3 schools by 3rd class male teachers


April 28/1860, Restigouche Co.
*Addington, only school is the Campbellton Superior School. A new house is contemplated for this institution, teacher, Mr Crocket.
*Dalhousie, 6 schools, 3 male 3rd class, 3 female 3rd class
1 Grammar School
*Colbourne, 3 schools, 1 on Heron Island, liberal allowance from public chest
*Durham, 5 schools, male 3rd class