The Lazaretto
The plans for the Lazaretto![]()
Out of the 128 passengers brought to Shippegan by the ship Eliza Liddel from Sligo,
have all been discharged from hospital except 4.The number of deaths reported :
3 aged persons of 76, 72 and 70
1 of consumption
1 of liver complaint
1 of typhus fever and dysenteryThose who are left are the most miserable and destitute persons that can well be imagined. They are ragged, and many have not a change of garments. They have all been comfortably clothed. Very few of the inhabitants caught the disease, the worst case was Dr Baldwin, but he is out of danger and rapidly recovering. Since the visit of Dr Gordon, two of the parties have recovered wonderfully and will be discharged in a day or two and hopes are entertained that in a few days longer the hospital will be closed.
Feb. 15/1847
Present at the Lazarette now, Peter Savoy, Peter Robicheau, Israel Robicheau, Oliver Robicheau, Bernard Savoy, Margaret Sonier, Julian Ferguson, Mary Savoy, Mary Rose Robichaud.April 3/1849
Mention to move the Lazaretto. With two recommendations from Dr. Henry A. Hartt, M.D.: "Sheldrake Island should be reserved exclusively for the Lazaretto" and "The quarantine station should be established on Middle Island"..March 9/1849
Recommendation of J. A. Street, William End, W. Wilson, and R. Thompson: Transfer the Lazaretto to Tracadie.April 4/1849
Money voted to transfer the Lazzaretto.Mar. 25/1850
Lazaretto transfer completed.The Tracadie Lazaretto: Dr. Nicholson is appointed by the Gov. to attend on the patients at this establishment.
FIRE (Sept. 5/1852) Two of the Lazaretto buildings at Tracadie, occupied by lepers were totally destroyed by fire about midnight. The cookhouse and wash house were saved.
Some of the residents of the Lazaretto
Some of the residents of the Lazaretto