The Incredible
Story of
In 1993, I
started my own business and the following year, business
was going just great. I was on a spending spree buying dogs left and right
without even reading up on the breed standards. My kennel was plagued with
the canine parvo-virus a decade ago and it prompted me to stop breeding
dogs then. I bought COBI,
a Chinese Shar-Pei
to check if the virus was still around. Nothing happened to him so I got a
pair of Labs, a pair of Chow-Chows, a pair of Pekingeses, a pair of
Poodles, a pair of German Shepherds and a pair of Boxers. Before I knew
it, I have filled up all the empty kennels in our garage except one. I saw
a Bulldog ad. The price was outrageous! I've been out of the show circuit
and had no idea what the market prices of show dogs were. As a matter of
fact, I've totally lost touch with the dog world since the CPV
infestation. The Bulldog puppies were selling for 50 grand. I
immediately dismissed
the idea of filling up the empty space and contented myself
showing the Labs and the Chows. Pink and yellow ribbons were pasted on our
dog photo albums together with our dogs' pictures.
One day out
of curiosity, I called and inquired for the price of an AKC imported
English Bulldog: P85,000.00. Not bad for an imported dog compared to a
puppy that costs P50,000. I went to look at it and there I saw
Conan was the first one
that caught my attention. He was about 9 months old, very active and
playful and so cute. He was so naughty and kept humping on me.
He could
have looked better if he didn't have all the hot spots all over him.
Sheena didn't have the hot spots but her nails were really long. Tarzan
just arrived and didn't care much about us. He'd rather stay inside the
basin of water.
As I haggled
with the price, I found out that Conan had been here since he was 6 months
old. His AKC registration papers had not arrived and that nobody has
seriously considered buying him. I wrote off a check as partial payment
and the remaining balance to be paid in full once the AKC papers arrive
for Conan and Sheena. Sheena was in season and the stud fee to be serviced
by Tarzan was the discount the seller gave me. I brought home Conan that
night while Sheena came after she was bred.
From the
seller's house, off I went to work with Conan. Everyone marvelled at him
because of 2 reasons: it was their first time to see a bulldog and he was
so dirty, all the employees couldn't believe he was worth what I paid for.
At the office, Conan was given a sponge bath with alcohol immediately when
we arrived. For the first time he felt relief since he arrived on
Philippine grounds. He messed in my office and although he was more
relieved, I can not forget the way he covered his shit with newspaper as
he was so ashamed.
When we got
home that night, one of my kennel help was also pleased at seeing him. He
was so amused at how a bulldog looks like and described it like a midget.
It's but natural to have this reaction when all you see are caricatures
and whatnots and then suddenly, right in front of you, you see it live and
in action!
registered CHIEF SAM
GROHOLSKI finished
has majors for his GRAND
he passed away. He has sired the FIRST
to place in GROUP,
a.k.a. POPEYE
With the proper attention and special care, the Bulldog nobody ever wanted
made waves for winning over imported American Champions and Philippine
Grand Champions in the ring. Conan was the first
that made it possible for our kennel to get BLUE
We at Cob
considered him as the #2
English Bulldog in
the country during his time. Unproven only because we rarely showed
him. It is difficult to show imported English Bulldogs because of the hot
weather. Conan is one dog Cob can not live with out and we truly miss

The Barbarian ReCOHllections
maybe but I can not abstain from stressing the importance of a
ETHICS. One of the many
reasons why I decided to specialize in the harder to find if not rarer
breeds is mainly because with these breeds, there are less people in
competition, ergo, less badmouths and back-biting. We love dogs and hate
people who treat dogs as commodities, status symbols and the likes.
The Bulldog
craze hit Manila a couple of years ago not because everybody liked the
breed per se. It was the soaring high prices the puppies were selling for
that made everyone want to have a Bulldog and be breeders of Bulldogs.
Brokers entered the picture bringing in rescued Bulldogs and other more
enterprising people bringing in stocks from kennel close-out deals. Today,
all of the Bulldogs that were sold then are now producing. Of
course, the law of
supply and demand with demand decreasing, the prices have gone to levels
as low as the popular breeds. It's good that Cob got out of the breed. People still look for our quality little Bullies.
I or Should I Not?" always
ends with I
And why?
When we have Bulldog puppies, the typical rich-bored-housewife comes
knocking our door in pretence. Then later on you find out that these
housewives who have nothing better to do also have puppies of their own.
You also learn that Conan is this and Conan is that from prospective
buyers because that's what they were told by the rich-bored-housewives who
were also sales talking them their puppies. It's funny that the things I
know about Conan are not what they know about him. Enough a reason to stop
breeding Bulldogs.
What's even
funnier is when their bitches come in season and need Conan's or whichever
studs' services. They would insist that stud fees be dropped because after
all, they are friends. I know friends do not badmouth each other.
Acquaintances maybe, but friends?
