SLY ...
Puppies, anyone?
For whatever reason,
the Basset Hound is the mascot of the famous shoe brand. It's probably
because this breed is low to the ground, tireless in its efforts for
scenting its prey. It could also be because of the breed's distinct odor
just as leather has. And because of Hush Puppies, it contributed one way
or the other to the popularity of the breed. When one goes into a breed
ignorantly, mistakes are more often than not committed. You end up with a
dog that does not necessarily fit your lifestyle, perhaps or just simply,
a breed that does not suit your taste. But you're stuck with it. What do
you do? For the lesser blessed without much knowledge, the poor dog gets
stuck up all day inside a cage , some chained and never given a bath.
Others more enterprising sell to recoup their initial investment. And if
they can't, there are those who adopt pets.
His arrival
prompted us to start our search for a partner for Sly, KIM. We figured because Sly
is Sylvester
Stallone, we'll
call his female companion Kim Bassinger. Sharon Stone,
the baby. The base line of Cob's
Bassets, you can't
put a good dog down. Kudos to Crownacres, too bad they stopped breeding
Bassets and shifted to a more lucrative higher-selling-priced breeds. As
for Cob, we never had intention of going deeper into the breed. We just
wanted to keep Sly happy. In Sly's eyes, in and out of the ring he watches
out for me constantly, how grateful he is for the rescue and now that he
is gone ... he still watches over his beloved master, forever thankful.
registered as CROWNACRES'
to our kennel unannounced. Although he was mentioned and we were willing
to take him in, he just appeared in our kennel unexpectedly. His previous
caretaker did not want him anymore and wanted to give him away. Our friend
who Sly was offered to, refuse for his own reasons and dropped the poor dog
off at Cob. We did not even know poor Sly has been in our kennel for a day
already. When we looked at him, he had the most sorrowful eyes we had ever
seen. Very typical of a Basset, you would say. Sly has nails like that of
a witch. He was so thin that you could count the number of ribs. And when
our staff gave him a bath and all the works, he had this habit of
snapping. After a year or so, Sly is not just a Philippine
Champion but a
Grand Champion as
well. We would like to think that he was the Top
Basset Hound in the country during his time. Irregardless, he was the most sought after stud
and has produced CoB's
first Baby Puppy Basset In the Hound Group.

The Basset Hound
Nobody Wanted ReCOHllections

Who would have thought that Sly would be
one of CoB's incredible success story? I never imagined of owning a Basset
Hound. Ten years ago, a friend of mine was migrating for Australia and
wanted to leave a pair of her bassets with me and I declined. I don't know
why I gladly accepted when Sly was offered. I know nothing about the breed
except for the fact that they're popularly known as the hush puppies. Up
until now, I haven't really paid attention to its breed standard. Sly must
be a good representative of the breed or he wouldn't have finished his
Philippine Grand Championships through group placements. He also has won
Best Philippine Born not just once but a number of times. Credit goes to
the breeder. It's an achievement and such shouldn't go to waste.
PCCI defines a dog breeder as anyone who breeds dogs. Who cares if one
breeds a monorchid stud to a dysplastic bitch? Unlike AKC and probably
other countries' registry as well, PCCI does not have a provision where it
says that a puppy is not eligible for registration. And unlike other dog
clubs, it does not also take stand on any Breeder's Code of Ethics.
Likewise, it also does not have any Bred-By-Exhibitor Class. At first, the
Philippine Born class was called the Philippine Bred. No matter what
phrase used, there's a discrepancy. Philippine Born should mean the ones
born in Philippine grounds. How does one consider those conceived
somewhere else and born in the Philippines? Philippine Bred can mean bred
by a Filipino where the breeder resides in the Philippines. It can
also mean that the mating took place on Philippine grounds. All these stem
back to the Filipino' colonial mentality. Anything imported and not
locally made is better. So where does the improvement of breeds come in?
To further define a breeder, what differentiates the
"breeder" from the more dedicated "breeders"? It is
humiliating for the more dedicated breed enthusiast to be in the same
ranks of the backyard breeder. What sets one apart from the rest when
everything goes to waste. Establishing a kennel's reputation is difficult.
And after having established a reputable standing, one wonders why
abandonment occurs. PCCI then have all the reasons not to classify its
definition of breeders.
Sly came to my life unexpectedly. He certainly has earned his keep in
my mind and my heart. He serves me well and the sorrow in his eyes is long
forgotten replaced by a grateful twinkle in his eyes. In the ring, he
constantly scents for my presence. And when he's in the Cob Farm and I
come to visit, he's the first one to announce my arrival even if I'm still
a hundred meters away. He is ever so thankful that I have come to his
rescue. And indeed, the feeling is mutual. He too comes to my rescue
against breeders who are just in the dog world for the money. |