Going for Gold ... The
24 Karat Goldens 
Our association with CAREBEAR GOLDEN RETRIEVERS have led us to
a deeper understanding of the breed and the dog show as a sport.
Dedicated with the breed, MARIVIC LIM has inspired us in getting
involved in the world of dog shows. Though, I'd still much prefer to be
just a plain dog lover. I have come to enjoy the sport as well not
because of the glory, fame and triumph but because of the
friendships we build. Dog people, one way or another, are an
insecure bunch, paranoid to a certain extent. Who among others,
upon first meetings could go on and on talking for hours about
dogs for that matter? It is the only group of people coming from
different levels of the social class who understand each other with
no words spoken. Filthy rich people exchanging tips and techniques
on how to pick up stools. I have met people from all walks of
life and who would have thought we would bond
and nurture deep and meaningful relationships with them. All prejudices are forgotten,
except of course, like minded people become like minded friends
and there is always the other side of the story. It's a pity that
the same group of people fight over who has got a better dog.
Alas, all their insecurities personified. And to our dogs, the
virtues they want to teach us are lost into oblivion.
If there's one wish I have, it is for dog people to
come as one passed all of humanities' pitfalls and weaknesses. I have gotten into trouble being associated with one group over
another. It is what makes us think that our dogs have more
breeding than the dog people we meet.

much like the gold rush that took place in America, I
rushed into the Golden Retriever breed just as I have done in
most of the breeds anyway. BELLY is no exception. As I was
spending time in Surrey, B.C., Canada, I went around looking for
my type of Golden Retriever. New to the game, I stumbled on a
newspaper ad. There I met Belly's breeder, BRIAN CLEGG. I looked
at his puppies while he was asking me all kinds of questions.
Marivic Lim has cautioned me about show people being selective
with their prospective buyers and I remember her tellin me that I should appear
knowledgeable about lines before any reputable breeder would sell me a good dog.
So, I mentioned to Brian how I admire AMERICAN CHAMPION
ASTERLING'S WILD BLUE YONDER. And as if I said the magic word,
Brian invited me to go to his showroom where a picture of him and
James was hung up on the wall. Then he asked me to follow him to
the training room. Out came CAMEO who I later on named BELLY. I
immediately wrote off a check and Brian said he needed to think
about selling Cameo. We agreed that if he encashes the check after
a week, Cameo is mine officially. He was leaving for San Francisco for the
nationals. Tuesday, I went to my bank and found out that the check
has been cashed. So, I thought it would be okay to take Cameo for a
walk in the park. I was extremely lonely from being separated from
my dogs in the Philippines. KATHERINE, Brian's partner did not
agree that i take Cameo to the park. To make the long story short, it is only after that Belly
arrived in the Philippines that I found out why Katherine did not
want to sell Belly. She wanted Belly to have an OFA number before
any sale. I wasn't aware of what OFA is all about. I just adored
Belly's angelic face and disposition. It was when she came out of
her crate while we were in the airport that I noticed a little
side-winding on her right rear leg. I guess, that's why Katherine
was so concerned. Brian has sent me Belly's preliminary OFA and
after that, I never heard from him as he moved to St. Paul,
Minnesota. Belly has been a real doll. She has easily finished her
PHILIPPINE GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP however, it's her obedience
competitions we are having trouble with. She's excellent and as a
matter of fact, she's almost perfect in the sense that she gets
perfect scores. The problem is the break-away. So attached to me,
she breaks-away from JESS, my handler whenever she gets a chance. Spoiled,
huh! Anyway, she has a CD title now. Her CD
certificate we finally got after a year's competition. You see,
every time she does not break-away, perfect scores are automatic
and she takes home the 1st place! Never second, never third, just
first place. It's either 1st place or she flunks out. She doesn't
have just beauty, she's got the brains to go with it and she knows