Finding Peace Through Jesus

Hi. Welcome to my website. You are about to begin a journey of finding peace in your life. You see, I know how stressful the world can be on people. I'm a senior in college and believe me -- it's certainly full of stress! But God has given us enormous peace. As a matter of fact, it's peace that passes ALL understanding! It is my prayer that God will work in your life through this page. Thank you so much for visiting and please sign my guestbook. I love to see who's visited! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to email me at you have prayer requests, comments, or suggestions, please fill out my Visitor Form. Please leave me your email address so that I can respond. Thanks, again.
First of all, before we begin this journey, you need to understand that this journey is futile aside from Christ. In other words, if you are not a Christian, I invite you to click on the button to the left that says "Salvation" and read God's perfect plan of salvation.
If you are a Christian and are searching for the peace that God has promised you, click on the "Journey" button to the left. This will take you to the first step of your journey. If at any time you have questions or comments, please email me and I'll do my best to help you. Thank you and enjoy the journey.

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