and introducing Molly
Our names are Morgan and Meghan Tailfeathers and we are from Browning,MT. We are Blackfeet and Chippewa Indians and our favorite thing to do is ride bikes and listen to music. Morgan likes anything Country music.Meghan likes music by David Bowie, KISS, and The Rasmus, H.I.M.. Morgan is a Senior this year. Meg's is becoming quite an artist now, she is now a Freshman. We now have a little sister Molly she is going to be 2 this May.
A little history of ourselves. Our people are both the Blackfeet and Chippewas of Montana. Currently we are staying on the Blackfeet Reservation where our dad is from. Our mother is from the Rocky Boy Reservation and is a Chippewa.
Morgan was born in Havre,MT in1988. Meghan was born in Missoula,MT in 1991. This year we are in the 9th and 6th grades.
Our Grandparents are Melvin Tailfeathers and Merle BirdRattler. On the Rocky Boy reservation its Carol Montez Campbell and Malcolm Campbell. Our parents are Patrick Mark and Willamina C. Tailfeathers. Our mother is a 2nd grade teacher. Our dad is a Certified Pharmacy Technician at the hospital here. Also we can't forget our mom's Ferrets - Whiskers, and Chewie
Pictures throughout the years
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For more information on the Blackfeet Nation this is their homepage check it out
Information about the Chippewa-Cree is here
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