Here are a list of the girls and a few of their intertests. All of the girls names are in their favorite color and most of them have their favorite animal on a side of their name.
The Girls!
She loves to shop. She plays the clarinet at school and loves to listen to Yanni. In 1997, her design won the patch contest for our Ingathering. She is a second year Senior.
Jackie C.
Currently, she takes part in cross country at school. Jackie spent most of the summer working with a veternarian. She loves animals. She listens to R & B. She earned her Silver Award this summer working with a veternarian. She is a second year Senior.
She loves to shop and see movies. She loves to rollerblade and basketball. She loves to listen to any types of music. She is in her third year of Seniors.
She loves to talk and read. Her favorite sport is gymnastics and takes part in chorus at school. Her favorite types of music are pop and rock and loves the Backstreet Boys. She earned her silver award by helping first graders learn how to read. She is in her second year as a Senior.
She also loves to talk and flirt. She is obsessed with 'N Sync and her favorite member is JC. She is first year Senior
Andrea L.
She loves basketball and playing the bass guitar or the piano. She likes to listen to punk and SKA. She is a 2nd year Senior.
She loves looking in mirrors and listening to music. She works with a Daisy troop every Tuesday night. She earned her silver award by holding a Daisy/Brownie games day. She is first year Senior.
She likes to shop and is also a cheerleader. Her favorite type of music is Alternative. She is also a third year Cadette.
She likes to go for bike rides and read. She plays the flute at school and likes to listen to Show tunes, The Beatles, and Bette Midler. She designed a cross sitch of the GS logo for her Silver Award. In 1994, her design won the patch contest for our Ingathering. She is a second year Senior.
She is currently playing her saxophone in the school band. She enjoys listening to Alternative. She is a second year Senior and has earned her Silver Award which consisted of reading and putting on a play for younger girls to watch. In 1998, her patch won for the Hawaiian Ingathering we had.
She likes to swim and write letters. He favorite music is plain old rock-n-roll. She is a second year Senior and has also earned her Silver Award. Hers was a Brownie & Junior camping cookbook. She has also earned her Program Aide with the help of a Brownie troop. She and Amy helped them make crafts, jewelry, sing and other things along with helping them with a flag ceremony. She worked with a Daisy troop to complete her LIT program and is now working with two troops for her Senior GS Troop Assistant.

She loves to listen to Alternative music. She plays volleyball for her school and during the summer, took horse riding courses. She earned her Program Aide with Samara. She worked with the same Brownie troop. She earned her Silver award by organizing a Daisy Bear Day. There were six stations where the girls did bear crafts, learn bear songs, and gave their bears a check-up. After lunch, there was a parade of bears around the park, where the event was held. She is a second year Senior.

She plays golf for her school and is involved in fife-n-drum and band. Also, she is a second year Senior.
She's into soccer and loves 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys. She is a 2nd year Cadette.
The Leader
Her birthday was on the 20th of September. At the end of our meeting, we all held a small party for her. She has been a GS leader since Samara {her daughter} and Marianne were Brownies. Before, she worked as an assitant for two years in Daisies and the beginning of Brownies. When she was young, she was also a Girl Scout and truly loves her work. She's always been the crafty type and we've always done at least one craft a month.
The Assitants
She is our newest leader and most enthusiastic. Her daughter is Heather. She enjoys reading, doing crafts and sewing.
She has also been working with this troop since Brownies. Linda is Jessica's mom. They live in Florida during the school year and in Upstate New York during the summer. She enjoys reading and being outdoors.