How well do you know those wonderful, to die for, once a year, melt in your mouth cookies? {Or were you just wondering how many adjectives it would take before we actually got to the word, cookie?}
Where does the word cookie come from?
The word cookie actually comes from the Dutch word koekje, pronounced kook-ya, which means little-cake in that language. It's believed that the earliest cookies were baked in the 17th century in Persia, which was one of the first countries to cultivate sugar. In England, cookiesare called biscuits. Germans call cookies keks, and in Italy, they're biscotti.
Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of GS's, started the cookie sale in the 1920's as a way for Girl Scouts to be self-reliant and to help pay for their own activities. The very first cookies sold were the Shortbread. Most people buy these scrumptious cookies because they know the seller, but we all know it's just because you can't keep your hands off of them!
Welp, that's all for now, but, for those curious minds, GS cookies aren't made from real GS's.
Gathered from GS Cookies

The Facts
Cookie~1~ Our Rating AKA~2~
Thin Mints 10 votes Thin Mints
Shortbread 5 votes Trefoils
Carmel deLites 10 votes Samoas
Lemon Pastry Cremes* 8 votes Chalet Cremes
Peanut Butter Sandwich 12 votes Do-si-dos
Peanut Butter Patties 4 votes Tagalongs
Five World Cinnamons 5 votes Five World Cinnamons
Iced Ginger Daisies* 5 votes Iced Ginger Daisies
~1~The name we refer to the cookies.
~2~Also Known As
*Reduced Fat

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