Heather's Homeschool Hideout

Where homeschool items hide out...till they find a new home!

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To start with, I have the following available now:
Note that postage is NOT included, unless otherwise stated..I will not be held responsible for lost or damaged packages if you do not purchase insurance.Through the USPS, insurance for merchandise up to $50 costs $0.85. For $51-100 of merchandise, insurance costs more.
Also, MONEY ORDERS ONLY will be accepted due to a high incidence of bounced checks.Orders will be shipped once a week on Saturday.


I have a bunch of items in the Think-its series available.They are all brand new in the pkg/shrink wrap.
1)Addition and Subtraction Domino Activity workbook, grades 1-2. 24pp. comes with set of 28 double six dominoes that stores in the book.
2) Circus Shape Bingo-Includes 4 cards for 2-4 players, 36 cover ups, and spinner. Fun facts on the back of each board.
3)Mummy Match Consonant Game-gr 1 & up, 2-4 players. Comes w/ game board, 4 playing pieces, 21 word cards, and 1 die.
4)ABC/123 Interactive flashcards,gr K& up
5)Subtraction Interactive Flashcards, gr 1 & up

(#4&5 above are just like Learning Wrap-Ups)rectangular cards with scalloped edges that come with cord to wrap as you answer the questions. After you answer, you turn the card over and match the answer to the string.Neat and fun way to learn!)
6) Time Telling Puzzle Cards-Hour and 1/2 hour, grades K-4, 20 self-checking puzzle cards
I'm asking $4 for each item, or $20 for it all.
I have this set of 2 Monday Morning reproducible books.It includes:
How to Be President of the USA(88pp.,retails $12.95)-Step into the President's shoes with involving activities, maps, facts, pictures, fill-ins, quizzes, checklists, tips, and more.Also includes make a white house model!Goes through how a President is elected, too.Great for the upcoming election year!
Literature Teaches about the USA.(48pp, retails $6.95)Uses classic novels and nonfiction books to teach about colonial times, pioneers,the Civil War, the age of invention, and immigration.Each unit features learning strategies, discovery activities, literature links, and a class project! I'm asking $12 for the set.
Scissor Tales for Special Days-Storytelling is a wonderful way to celebrate holidays and special days. Colored paper is formed into fascinating shapes with simple scissor motionsas the storyteller weaves a tale that will hold children spellbound. Among the special days included are: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays. 78pp.,Incentive Publications $6
Simple Machines-Studying the inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley. Grades K-3, 48pp, Carson Dellosa. $5
More Monday Morning Reproducibles -Take a Project Approach to Learning!These books include easy to make props,game board patterns,crafts,book links, and more.Grades Pre-K-K 48 pp each book. Book titles include:
Post Office
The retail price is $6.95-$8.95 on each.I'm asking $10 for all 4 books.----------------------------------------------

Monday Morning
Patterns for US History-Travel through time with units for hands on learning.Grades 2-6 128pp (MM2022) Take a jouney through American history, from the first Americans to modern America. This exciting resource focuses on 10 different periods of American history. Included in each unit are maps as well as patterns for a dwelling, people, food, tools, animals, transportation devices, communication inventions, and landmarks.Retails $9.95, I'm asking $6.-------------------------------------------------

Carson Dellosa
Sensational Seasonal Activities (K-4) Includes story starters, nature activities, puzzles, mazes, art projects, calendars, clip art 351pp, retails $14.95, I'm asking $10 ----------------------------------------

Step by Step Science Series
I have 3 books:
Rocks and Minerals
Flowers and Seeds
I'll sell all 3 books together for $5-------------------------------

Incentive Publications
Once Upon a Tradition 79pp. Uses traditional literature to develop reading, writing, thinking and research skills. $6------------------------

Fairy Tale Frolic 94pp ret.$9.95, asking $6. Fairy Tale Frolic has 7 interdisciplinary units used to teach thinking skills, science skills, language arts skills, social studies skills, mathematic skills, and much more!----------------------------------

Writing and thinking- A Process Approach
I have two years worth of this program-5th, and 6th grades. Each one consists of a large, heavy three-ring binder with 7 units in it. There are thorough lesson plans for each unit, plus a number of reproducibles for them as well.Here are the levels broken down:
5th Grade:
Unit 1 Journal Writing
Unit 2 Writing a Class Motto
Unit 3 Remembering a Special Place
Unit 4 Writing an Autobiographical Sketch
Unit 5 Writing Directions for an Abstract Design
Unit 6 Conducting an Interview
Unit 7 Writing a Persuasive Letter

6th Grade:
Unit 1 Journal Writing
Unit 2 Writing a Business Letter
Unit 3 Remembering Someone Special
Unit 4 Writing an Internal Monologue
Unit 5 Comparing Two People of Different Generations
Unit 6 Writing a Vacation Brochure
Unit 7 Writing a Letter to the Editor
I am asking $20,for each grade level, or take both for $35.

MCP Literature A(red book) MCP Literature B(purple book) Asking $7 for both, or $4 each

---------- Random House Think Series.These are softcover worktexts for Middle School Level. Each book has four units which have four lessons each.There are difficult pages as well as fun ones.Nice for unit studies.The 3 titles are: Social Studies-covers:
Unit 1: Travels
Unit 2: Voices of War
Unit 3: Turning Points
Unit 4: Of,By, and For the People

Unit 1 : Reasoning
Unit 2: Logical Connections
Unit 3 : Cognitive Play
Unit 4: Relationships

Unit 1: Vocabulary
Unit 2: Fiction
Unit 3: Poetry
Unit 4: Nonfiction

Stories of the States Activity book-$3

A Thankful Heart-perpetual calendar with a daily prayer, praise, or verse. Spiral Bound, 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 -$4

BJU Science Grade 3-Older Edition copyright 1976 $5**REDUCED TO $3**

Tools of the Trade-An Individual Idea Book for Writers and Thinkers-$4

Older textbooks
Today's Basic Science Grade 3-( Harper & Row)-$1
The Story of the Mexican War (ex-library)-$1.50

Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Ocean Sea-A Scholastic Biography-new,sc $2

Favorite Greek Myths-A Blue Ribbon Book-sc,new-$3.75

Life as Worship in Jesus' Name-$2

Basic Learning in the Language Arts-$3

Wind Sports-HC, VGC covers from the earliest gliding in the early 1800's to sail skating on skateboards today. Good book for unit study.-$4 **REDUCED $3 **

Books:Eye Tricks-New, still in shrink wrap.A book of 3-D images and other really weird stuff.sc-$2.50 **REDUCED $2.00**

BJU Heritage Studies for Christian Schools Grade 2 Teacher's Edition-in 3 ring binder exc.cond.-$22.** REDUCED $18.00 **

Mountains-A Rand McNally Where are We? Book pb,includes fold out map-$1.50
Bible Adventures HC-Parochial School Discard-$1

First Story-A Macmillan Learning Window Book.Contains a 24 page picture book, a learning window, and an envelope(attached) with 24 window cards. It is designed to help develop careful reading. K-1st gr. level. Retail $7.95 Asking $4 **REDUCED** $3


Flash cards- card deck sized. I have multiplication,division, and subtraction.36 cards in each deck. All 3 for $3

Problems Plus Mathematical Problem Solving workbooks:
Level B-$1
Level C-$1

Golden Step Ahead Math Skillbuilders workbook, grades 3-4 , 64 pages,$3.50

A Year of Bible Puzzles-reproducible book 1 puzzle for each week. $4 **REDUCED** $3

Juvenile Reading

These are hard cover readers in excellent condition.Reading level is I'd say 2nd or 3rd grade.Asking $1 each, or all 9 titles for $7. The titles are:
Beautiful Zoo Animals to Come and See!
Friendly Farm Animals having Fun!
The Story of Noah
ABC's of Lunch
Animal Babies
Puppies and Kittens
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Ugly Duckling
Hansel and Gretel

Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur (Hardcover,5 copies)-These are new. $1.50each ** REDUCED** $1 each, or all 5 for $4
Jaguar hardcover brand new never read retail $15.95- $6**REDUCED**$3
Bedtime Bible Story Book- sc, 365 read aloud stories from theBible-new,never used $5**REDUCED**$3

Chapter Books

These are $1.50 each.** REDUCED** $1 each, or all 6 for $5
Lucky Lions, Lazy Lambs
Good Charlotte
The 89th Kitten
The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein
The School Mouse
The Best School Year Ever
Murf the Monster-$1** REDUCED** 75cents

Older Readers

$5 each
The Bobbsey Twins (HC)
#10...on Blueberry Island c.1959
#55...and the Goldfish Mystery c.1962
#70 The Smoky Mountain Mystery c.1977
The Hardy Boys (HC)
#3 The Secret of the Old Mill c.1962
#14 Hidden Harbor Mystery c.1961

Bible Study/Helps

None at this time.

General Reading

I remember,I remember...(a novel)-$1

New Traditions-Redefining Celebrations for Today's Family.Gives ideas on starting celebrations for families,religious holidays,birthdays,anniversaries,and other rites of passage, national holidays, single-parent traditions, daddy traditions, second-stage traditions, when there is just you, getting traditions, and getting started. (195pp,sc,new) $7

Ordering Your Private World-pb-Gordon MacDonald-$2
Dropping Your Guard-Chuck Swindoll- Inside spine has split,all pages are still intact-$2
The Sanctity of Life/Swindoll-$1
Raising Wise Children-$2
Legacy of a Pack Rat by Ruth Bell Graham-$2
Teaching Reading in Today's Elementary Schools-Excellent book.teaches how children learn to read,how to assess their progress,various activities-640 pp.-HC-$8. **REDUCED**$5
Keeping Your Kids Christian-SC-new-$4
Healing Women's Emotions -This book is a treasure,esp. for anyone who has experienced any type of abuse,loss of a child, the impact of alcohol,etc.The author always has scripture to back up her views.-$5
Men and Women-Enjoying the Difference-Larry Crabb-$4

Videos,Software,& Music


Jack and the Beanstalk 30 min.(A We all have Tales Video) $5**REDUCED**$4


None at this time.


The Twelve Voices of Christmas: SC Book and 2 CDs by Woodrow Kroll new, book never read,-$10**REDUCED**$8
Avalon-Avalon CD-$7

Wanted to buy

These are items I need for MY homeschool. I am willing to trade or purchase, if the price is right.

Houghton Mifflin English TM's for Grades 2,4,5,&6.Please email me if you have any, and I'll check for the copyright date on the student books. Thanks!

If interested in anything, email me at mailto: hlivengo@geocities.com. I'd love to trade, also.You can cut and paste into the email what you are interested in and I will get back to you with a total.

You are the person to come into my hideout.

This page was last updated on February 18,2004.
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