I've been working with a friend on this research and getting this page set up. He's got a mailing list because he's been at this a lot longer that I have(but my pages are prettier than his!) He has hooked up with Rootweb and now the news letter goes out from there. To subscribe just follow the directions below

To subscribe to the new and improved Haley mailing list send an E- mail from the address you want to recieve the news letter at to:Haley-L-request@rootsweb.com In the body of the message type "subscribe" without the quotes, and nothing else, then click send. That's it
If you wish to send a message to the list use the address: Haley-L@rootsweb.com This will send out your message to everyone on the list

Every list has rules. Those here will be very simple;
- No Flaming
- No Profanity
- No Copyrighted Material
- Enjoy yourself
- Learn About Your Ancestors
- Help Others

If you find this is not your style, or you are going away for awhile, and don't want all that mail to build up, it's very easy, just send an E-mail to Haley-L-request@rootsweb.com with "unsub", or
" unsubscribe" in the subject line

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