Darlene's Bookworm Home Page

Hi, this is my home page. Do you like it? I'm not even close to done yet, so please keep checking back - you never know what you'll find! Keep an eye out for bears, teddy bears, that is, and maybe puppets, computers and telecomm. Please feel free to stay for a while and browse, and please sign my guestbook before you go.

DISCLAIMER: This page was created in 1997/1998 and hasn't really been updated since - it was an exercise to learn to do web pages, so do not expect any intellectual or stimulating subject matter here.

PSSSSST! Want to meet some clowns? VERY SCARY!! Click on the hand!

My Favourite Book Links

The Bloodstained Bookshelf - new releases
Children's Books - My Favourite Characters
Clifford Stoll: The Cuckoo's Egg
Crazy English by Richard Lederer
Dirk Gently & The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Mystery Books - My Favourite Authors & Major Characters
The Nautical Mind Bookstore
The Sleuth of Baker Street Bookstore in Toronto

Flights of Whimsy

My Sister's Home Page
M&M Gang Puppets
INNMUG Pictures - 2000 - New Orleans
Coronation Street
The Vermont Teddy Bear Company
Visit Hrastovac, Slavonia, Croatia
Visit Prince Edward Island
The Full Monty
Fawlty Towers
St. Elsewhere
Detroit Tigers
The Partridge Family
The Little Rascals
Mental Health Information
Vernor's Ginger Ale

Where I live: Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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