
Welcome to the Tri Sigma WebRing homepage. This WebRing was created to link all the Tri Sigma collegiate and alumnae chapters as well as any sister who has a personal web page on the Internet so we can all get to know and find each other easier. So if you are webmaster of a Tri Sigma related page, please submit your site to the webring! Once you submit your site, it will be checked by the RingMaster to make sure the links are correct and that the ring is on the corresponding site.

In September 2000, the WebRing merged with Yahoo!. The Yahoo! system requires less information, however, older forms can be used with the new system. For the WebRing to now work, the WebRing applicant must be logged in to Yahoo! when their site is submitted. If the applicant is not logged in, they will be asked to sign up for a Yahoo! ID or log in under a current Yahoo! ID.
Go here to sign up for a Yahoo! ID.

If an error occurs during the join process (e.g., a description that is too long or a title that is missing), the applicant will be redirected to the new system's standard join form. When redirected, the error will show up in red at the top and any valid information will be filled into the fields of the form.


The first thing you need to do is submit your site.

Submit Your Site

Chapter Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


Since the launching of this web site, there have been three different HTML codes created and now a code created by Yahoo! You can view them here. I have made copying the html codes a little easier by creating separate html code pages for each of the Rings that are displayed on the Ring page.

When you copy and paste the code, make sure you replace the following:

_SITE_ID_HERE_ with your ID#

YOU@HOME.COM with your email address

and YOUR_CHAPTER_NAME_HERE with the name you want showing on your web ring.

Once you have submitted the site to the WebRing queue, e-mail me so I can add you to the WebRing. Otherwise, your site will sit in the WebRing queue until I check the managing site and sometimes that may take a couple of weeks.

Once I add your site onto the WebRing, you will receive an email which will include your Site ID number and your Password. If you have any problems or questions email me or go to The Yahoo! WebRing Homepage.

For those of you who are already a ring member...

Edit Your Site

Site ID No:

Celebrate Centennial!!! Sail the SSS This Tri Sigma Ring site is owned by the
South Florida Alumnae Chapter.

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