Hi I'm Valerie.
Searching for Barbara Ann Kaiser.

I was born Katherine Ann Kaiser on October 23, 1944, at Tompkins Memorial Hospital, Ithaca, NY. My mother, Barbara Ann Kaiser was an only child, single, a student, having finished three years of college majoring in music at the time she gave birth to me. She had no other children at this time. She was from California, but was visiting Ithaca and went into premature labor, causing my birth to be in Ithaca, New York.

After nursing me for a week and taking me home to California, I developed medical problems. In November of that year she and her mother traveled to Illiinois and on November 29, 1944, relinquished me to The Cradle Society, Evanston, Il.

My mother had known my father for five years at the time of my birth. she was 21 and he was 23. After three years in college, my father enlisted as a naval flier in WWII, which was his occupation at the time of my birth. My mother was of Dutch and English decent and my father was of Swedish decent. My father was an only child and single with no other chhildren. Both had lost a parent by the time I was born. I was placed with my adoptive-parents on April 28, 1945 and my adoption became final on March 14, 1946 at which time my name was changed to Valerie Jean.

I have been married since January, 1967 and have three daughters, one son, one granddaughter and two grandsons. I would truly love for my birth family to get to know my wonderful family including Chuck, the wonderful man I have been married to for the past 31 years.


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