
In Loving Memory
Melanie Athena Williams
February 26, 1983 - June 18, 1996
Sire: Dubay's Rinky Dinky
Dam: Dubay's Little Dolly
Sex: Female
Breed: Poodle
Owner: Patricia Gray
Breeder: Doris E. Taubitz |
To Melanie
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
And until we meet again
May the Lord hold you in
the hollow of his hand.
You will be missed greatly
You will always be with me in spirit
And you will forever be loved more than words can tell.

(A tribute to Melanie, a very special
Melanie, My Sweet Angel
Every Morning you woke me with your Puppy Kisses
Love was what you had to give
Always you hold a special place in my heart
Never to be Forgotten
In every breath I breathe, You are there
Even though your gone, I feel you near
All life seem to stop when you died
The world seemed so Dark,So
Hard and unfeeling
Everyone just walks on by
Never stopping to care
Are you there at Rainbow Bridge
Walking, running, and playing
In fields of Daisies
Love is everywhere around you, Do you
Look back into this World...?
Is it me your watching
And waiting for
Melanie, My Sweet Angel
Someday we'll be together again
C~Patricia Williams-Gray
July 1996

I wanted to include these Stories in memory of My Beloved Melanie And All
the pets that have passed over. Maybe they can offer comfort to those who miss their
beloved Fur Babies.

If you have any comments,
contributions (stories, poems, etc..) or have a link you would like to add to this page,
Please E-Mail Patricia
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since June 7, 1998

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Last updated Tuesday, June 11, 1999
This Page is created and maintained by Patricia Williams_Dupuis
of SpiritWolf Designs