I am the American
Author Unknown, from abcnews.com

I am the American you killed on Tuesday. I have many faces. I am an airline pilot, I am a secretary, I am a police officer, I am a flight attendant, I am a firefighter, I am a street vendor. I can be all of these things because I am, first and foremost, an American.
I am also a Father, a Mother, a sister, a brother. I am an aunt, an uncle, a Grandmother, a Grandfather. I am a child. Even though I am all of these things, I am first and foremost, an American.

You can break my body, you can destroy my buildings. But you will never break my spirit nor destroy my essence. Because I am, first and foremost, an American.
I will live forever in the hearts of loved ones, and in the hearts of my countrymen. With every flag that is flown, with every story that is told, I will survive. Because I am, first and foremost, an American.

America the beautiful,
America the free,
America my homeland,
What have they done to thee?
The hate that festers round the world
We’d hoped to keep at bay,
Has finally broken down our walls
And come to roost this day.

The nameless, faceless cowards that brought
The City tumbling down,
Forgot that this great country,
Will always rally round.
Filled with smoke and flames this night,
The City wears a shroud,
Yet turn your eyes upon the bay
Where Liberty still stands proud!

America the beautiful,
America the free,
America, my homeland--
The Land of Liberty!

© By:Linda Newman ©

America Still Stands Proud
God’s blessings on America
This night, while fires still rage
In New York and in Washington,
Fueled by hate’s jealous rage.

And woe to those, the perpetrators
Of this heinous crime,
Who dared to author history
Of the most insidious kind.

They think their hate can bring us down,
But America, shout out loud:
America still stands proud!!
© By:Linda Newman ©

A Prayer

God bless the men who died this day,
God bless the women , too,
And all the little children, Lord,
Who now reside with you.

And bless the friends and families
That they have left behind;
Enfold each one within Your arms
That they Your peace may find.

Evil may have struck a blow
And brought us to our knees,
But love will raise us up again
And give our heart’s some ease.

And Lord, be with the people who
Must, in the days ahead,
Face horrors unimaginable
As they dig out the dead.

Each and every one of us
Has been changed this day some way;
So Lord, be with America
And heal our hearts we pray.

© By:Linda Newman ©

~ © Linda Newman ~ Copyright ©9/11/2001 Used with permission
All Rights Reserved
No part of these poems may be reproduced or used in any way without the prior written permission of Linda Newman
