Luther Dixon and W.Denson
Gary Rogers
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All Children are a Gift from God
Blessed are we to have loved and been loved by a child.
Children are truly a Blessing.
A hundred years from now,it will not matter what my bank account was
The sort of house I lived in,or what kind of car I drove
But the world may be different because I was important in the
Life of a Child

Our love for each other produced 3 beautiful baby boys, Jeff, Kevin, Jody and 1 beautiful baby girl, Krissy.
God in his kingdom looked down from above.
Wondering what more he could add to our love.
He walked through His garden of daughters and sons.
There were acres and acres of beautiful ones.
And made his selection with the greatest of care,
And picked our bouquet of the loveliest there
Our sweet baby boys have grown into strong, caring men. Our sweet baby girl has grown into a talented, sensitive woman.
They now have little boys and little girls of their own. They will develop a new outlook on life since they are now parents.
Our children will experience the pleasures and pride their children bring to them, They will also know the helplessness and the heartache of being a parent. Through it all the pleasures that a child brings to ones life far outweighs everything else.
Each time I became pregnant it was so exciting.Children are so wonderful and exciting.There was never a dull moment in our home when our children were young.There are different kinds of "excitement"from pleasure to frustration.I miss all of these "exciting" times.
Life is a constant change and it is so short.We must never forget to let the people that we love know how much we love them.
There may come a day when they are no longer with us.Cherish what you have now,your children,your grandchildren,your spouse,your parents,are the most important of all that life has to offer.

God has truly blessed me because he has give me 4 beautiful children who any mother would be proud to call her own.It was really difficult at times raising them.I wanted each of them to know that they were special and very loved.
I taught the kids about responsibility and paying on time.Our children all had part time jobs after school.They bought many things on their own with our approval,of course.Sometimes one of them would want the old bike,stereo etc.Now they could have given it to their brother or sister but I wanted to teach them a life's lesson.They sold it to their brother or sister on time.I was the banker and although the payments may have been a dollar a week,it eventually got paid off.I kept track of the payments and when it was paid in full the other child took posession of it and then we tore up the payment book.They absolutely loved this and it has helped them now that they are adults.
When each child turned 16 they got their drivers license.Naturally,they wanted a car.There were rules for their having a car.They had to save the money to buy it and they also had to pay for their insurance,gas,oil and the upkeep of the car.This taught them more responsibility and appreciation.Funny how they took so much better care of things when their hard earned money paid for it! LOL!
It took them all a while to get their own cars but when they did they were so very proud.When Jeff went into the Army after graduation Kevin bought his car.The boys would tinker around on the cars just like they used to tinker around on their bikes.
Jody bought a broken down 76 Ford and he and his friends completely rebuilt it.He was the envy of everyone.It was metallic blue and it was gorgeous.Was he ever proud!
I also taught the kids how to budget their money.The first thing I had them to list was to pay theirself.This was to be their savings.This came before any money for movies or things teenagers spend their money on.They budgeted for insurance,gas,oil,and if there was anything left than it was for entertainment.Might seem cruel to some people but my kids were not born with a silver spoon and they had to know the importance of working for a living and to spend your hard earned money wisely.
Our children were disciplined also.That seems to be a word that is missing from todays vocabulary.If they did something wrong,it was dealt with then.I never told them to "wait until their daddy gets home".I always thought that was sending the wrong message to them.Of course what worked for one child didn't always work for another child.They were truly little human beings with their own dispositon and temperment.
When your children are so close together in age as our children are and they are constantly underfoot,there are days when you think you will lose your sanity.Then they do something sweet,draw a little picture,use the potty for the first time by theirself,or say the most beautiful words in the world, "I love you mommy".Everything is right with the world then.Nothing can hurt you.The love of a child is the most precious and trusting of all.Then before you know it they are all grown up and have left the nest.It is so hard not to be mommy anymore.It is hard to realize that you have men for sons and a woman for a daughter.Enjoy your little ones while you can,they grow up before you can turn around.
Our children are our pride and joy,3 boys and 1 girl sent from heaven above.
Jeff is married to Michelle and they have 2 children, Billy and Emily.Kevin is married to Teresa and they have 1 son, Zachary. Jody is married to Lorraine. Krissy is married to J C and lives out of state. She is attending college. She is expecting a baby in Jan. 20002. I miss her so very much.
>Hooray! Since I wrote this our Krissy had a sweet baby boy this past January 9th,2002. I have not yet seen him but hopefully will get to see him this Sept.She lives so far away from all of us. We miss her so terribly. My new grandson is part Lakota Sioux and also has Cherokee blood.His name is Nikita Sebastian.

This is our grown-up Krissy.
She is into dance and exercise.
She also writes poetry.
She never dated much when she was in high school.She enjoyed dancing and writing her poetry.When she did go out she probably wondered if it was worth it.She had 3 big brothers and a dad that checked the poor guy out from head to toe.they were all so protective of their little sister.In fact,Jody saw a boy kiss her.He actually went up to this boy and asked him what his intentions were.The boy just shrugged his shoulders.Needless to say,he never came around again.The "little sister" was 19 at the time!
All of our kids were on the honor roll all 12 years of school.Our Krissy was exceptional.In her senior year she was the Student of the Year.She was given a trophy for that.She was also in the National Honor Society,Who's Who in American High School Students. She received many other awards.
Our sons were all A students and also on the basketball,football and baseball teams.They were great athletes and great students.Most important,they were just great sons.
They now have little children of their own following after them.
This is a pic of Jeff & Michelle.
Michelle is a good mother and wife,we are glad that she is our daughter-in-law.She is a warm and loving girl.She would literally give you the shirt off her back.
This is a pic of Kevin & Teresa at their High School Prom
Teresa has been around our home since she was a little girl.
Her brother,Chuckie, and Kevin were best friends.
She had a "crush"on Kevin when he thought of her
as just Chuckie's kid sister.
One day Kevin saw her in a different light.
She wasn't just Chuckie's kid sister anymore.
She became his "girlfriend" and The Love of His Life.
This is a pic of Jody & Lorraine
Lorraine is a wonderful girl and makes our son very happy.
We are very glad that she has become part of our family.
If a mother could pick a girl for her son to fall in love with and marry,she would pick a girl like Lorraine,Teresa and Michelle.They think of their mates feelings before anything else.Any Mother would be proud to have three such daughters-in-law.
Just had to let you know that Lorraine and Jody won first place blue ribbon at the Pumpkin Show for their bread & butter pickles,2nd place ribbons for their salsa sauce,spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce.That was over the weekend 10-24-1998.
This is our sweet Billy.
This is our sweet Zack.
This is our sweet Emily.
This is our precious grandbaby,Nikita Sebastian
Soon our children will be watching their children board the little school bus heading for school.
When the little ones board that bus, it is sure to bring a tear or two to our children's eyes.This is the time when it gets harder to kiss the boo-boos and make them go away.
A happy heart is one that holds a warm remembrance of
The thoughtful things that children do with so much joy and love.
All of our sons are into camping.They always loved to camp when they were little.
Now they take their little ones camping.Kevin,Jeff,and their families went camping together.Kevin and Jeff were at the lake fishing.Billy,the youngest grandchild,went with them.Zach and Emily were back at the campsite with Teresa.Michelle did not get to go as she had to work.
Chuck and I went out to see them.I took the little ones on a hike,or should I say they took me.As we walked past every campsite,Zack said "let's check that out Nana"! Emily was chattering away and chewing on her "fruit rollups".We had a good ole time.
We then went to the lake and surprised our sons.Billy had caught a little fish and he was so excited.He was so cute as we walked up to where they were sitting on the bank.He had his little fishing pole in his hand and was being so very quiet waiting for another bite.
The little ones absolutely loved the campfire.They thought it was so great to live and cook outside.They liked eating the hot dogs & marshmallows too.
Our sweet grandbabies have begun to go out into the world.That is at times a frightening thought.We try to shield our little ones from all the bad in the world.So the first week in Sept.our sons watched their little ones board the big yellow bus to go out into the "cruel world"
When I spoke to my sons, they had a tremble in their voice.There little ones were now going to be influenced by outside forces and that is sometimes a very scary thought.
Emily is 8 years old,Zack is 6 years old and Billy is 5 years old.They are all growing so fast and they are all learning so quickly.They are all alike but different.Alike in the respect that they have a curiosity of life but different in their personalities.After all they are just little people.Emily loves to swim,do acrobatics,crafts and cheerleading.Zack and Billy loves any kind of sports.They both play on teams in our city athletic programs.They play soccer,football and T-ball.They are all as smart as can be.Grandma's do have bragging rights.Although this is no brag it is a fact.
My sons have come to me many times now and said what a good mom I had been.They had not fully realized how hard it was just to "let go" of the little ones hand on that first trek out into the "big,cruel world."
I sometimes look through the albums of when our children were litle ones and a tear comes to my eye longing for the days of so long ago.
We have a "family wall" that is covered with pics of our "kids and our grandkids".Whenever I feel blue I just look at my loving wall and feel all warm and glowing inside.Every parent knows the feeling that I am trying to express.
Memories are one thing that can never be taken from us.They are always held close in our heart.I remember so many years ago when our oldest child, Jeff, was about 4 years old.He sat on my moms lap and was having a conversation with her.The kind that only grandmas can really appreciate.Out of the blue Jeff put his arms around grandma and gave her a big hug and kiss.He than said,"guess what, grandma"? She asked him What! He replied that we were Reallllly Rich.He emphasized the word really as only 4 year olds can.My mom was flabbergasted.Had we won the lottery or the great Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes and had not let her in on the excitement! She told him that we were not rich at which point he became puzzled and said to her that "we were rich because mommy told him that we have something that money can never buy,we had the love of each other and no one can ever take that from us." My mom hugged him and said yes, he was right and she looked at me and smiled.Guess I may have turned out alright in spite of things that happened in my past.I had my kids and Chuck and that was my life.
My dad died on Christmas morning when Chuck and I were helping Santa get things ready for our little ones.My youngest,Krissy, was only 3 at the time.We got a call from the hospital at 1:30 a.m. on Christmas.I did not get to the hospital in time to say goodbye to my daddy.I worshipped the ground he walked on.He was my hero.That was the hardest day that I had ever went through in my entire life.I had to put up a front for our babies.I could not ruin Christmas for them.They wanted to go see grandpa at the hospital the next day.I could not tell them that grandpa was now in heaven,there was plenty of time for that.My babies loved their grandpa so very much.Jody was in the 1st grade,although he was only 5 years old.He used to cry and say that he wanted to die so he could go to heaven and play with grandpa,Jesus and the angels.I had to explain to him that grandpa would not want him to come right now but that grandpa was in heaven watching over him and would always watch over him and his brothers and sister.Grandpa was his "special guardian angel".When it would storm and the thunder would boom,the lightning would crack the kids would say that their grandpa was playing baseball with the angels and he hit a homerun.They were not afraid anymore when it stormed because it was grandpa having fun.
It is so strange at times how life comes full circle.I remember thinking when I was younger,just wait until I am a mom and I will never be so strict on my kids and yadda yadda yadda.It is scary but I have heard some of the dumb things that all mothers tell their children coming out of my mouth."Make sure you have clean underwear on just in case you are in a wreck".I guess it is o.k. to have dirty underwear on if you are not going anywhere.Or how about "I don't care if Susie's mother does let her do that.If Susie were going to jump off a bridge would you want to? Or because I am the mom and I said so that is why.Yes,I plead guilty to saying these stupid things to my children.Then I hear myself and I think did that come out of me.Guess we are all guilty of stuff like that occasionally.I can see Chuck in my sons and how they treat their children and they at times say some of the same dumb things.They also get that bewildered look on their face and I can almost hear the wheels turning in their brain.They are probably thinking,Oh geez! I am turning into a real parent and saying dumb stupid things that I swore I would never do.
This is an addition to this page. The year is now 2004.
When I first wrote this page my children were all happily married.They thought they had found their life partner but their partners had other ideas.Michelle and Jeff got a divorce.She had to " find herself", whatever the heck that means. The worst was what Teresa did to Kevin. We did not know but she had been having an affair with a jerk at her work for over 2 years. She took this jerk on back roads in the new minivan Kevin bought her.They were not " talking " or admiring the scenery. I think we all know what they were doing. It was a bitter divorce and Kevin was devasted. He is coping now much better.Krissy's better half left her when the baby was 6 months old. She came back home when the baby was about 16 months old. She got her degree first. It makes me so sick when I see my kids hurt and there is nothing that I can do to help them. I can just lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on. My boys are such fine men. I only wish my daughter would find someone as good as her brothers. My sons and daughter are all coping well. They are all survivors and will find a Real True Love Somday.That is my one wish before I leave this earth is for all my children to have someone that loves them and only them.
I must tell you that I used to have my grandchildren's pics on my site.However,after learning that some predators have been downloading pics of young children I have taken my grandchildren pics off my site.
Learn about the danger's of placing your child's photo on the internet

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