The Shetland Sheepdog
A Sheltie is a medium sized dog with an intuitiveness that often mystifies their owners only to reinforce the realization of the true, loyal and loving bond that can rarely be duplicated.
Discipline is seldom needed, as the Sheltie instinctively knows when his master is displeased.
It is a highly intelligent breed who needs no formal training to become a very special part of their familys lives.
They thrive on love and companionship, so therefore, they will have different relationships with each member of the family depending on each person's attention that the Sheltie receives.
Each Sheltie is an individual with his or her own personality and uniqueness.
They are a home protector and are an alert or alarm for protection.
They are a pleaser, a lover, a giver and the best of friends!
The beauty of the breed cannot be denied. Their flowing coat renders the exquisiteness as the Sheltie moves or a breeze catches the coat by chance. The colors too are unique and individual as each Sheltie is in itself from the red coated sables, rich mahogany sables, iridescent tris to the all too imaginative blue merles, as well as the bis - both blue and black.
Of utmost importance to becoming an integral part of their human family is their almost sudden adeptness to human living. They will almost instinctively housebreak themselves needing to please and become that family member.
They understand and respond to the individualism of each family member due to the Shelties commitment to the family unit.
A weekly brushing will keep the Sheltie neat, the harsh undercoat repeals dirt and with their instinctual cleanliness, they will lick and clean themselves like the feline species and again making their human/canine co-existence of such relative ease.
Once you have a Sheltie family will always have a Sheltie!
Nothing can ever duplicate the love, the intelligence, the beauty or the Shelties heart!
Le King Shelties
Buena, New Jersey 08310