...is in our thirtieth year of commitment in the hobby of providing show prospects for our enjoyment of the sport, as well as correctly placing those Shelties who may not fit into our immediate or future goals. We have always been committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the breed standard while educating the previous, present and possible future Sheltie owners and providing a continuing link of information.

Shetland Sheepdogs are a breed of exquisite beauty, steadfast loyalty and unfaltering intelligence and we remain dedicated today in the appreciation and continuance of this exceptional breed of dog.

If you are considering adding a Sheltie to your family, please visit our links below for some great information about the breed and how to find the right breeder. It is very important that you first find a reputable breeder and then wait for a pup from him or her. Reputable breeders have waiting lists and pet quality pups are usually promised in advance of the time the puppies would be placed in their forever homes.

Whether or not you are considering a future Le King sheltie, we are here to help you make the right choice. If you are interested in a pup from us, please email us with some information about yourself and situation for a future pup. It is very important to us to find the right homes for our pups. Puppies need a lot of attention in those early weeks and those needs need to be met for a successful placement and a happy, healthy Sheltie family member.

Any questions about our Sheltie family or the breed please email us!

Le King Shelties
Buena, New Jersey (new location)