An Al Khamsa Supporter
Sunset Arabians
"Davenports for Disposition, Conformation, Versatility"
Bill & Billie Oates
Rt 1, Box 62
Diboll, Tx 75941
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Minstrel showing at ADAP
Alice Martin, rider
June '98 Photo
Bon Vivant with friend
at Sunset Farm
SA Starantez
Still at Sunset Farm Oct. '97
CH Fair Dawn and Moselle CF
with The Southern Fork
and The Western Fields
Filigree CF with her new friend
(Filigree was not trained for riding)
Oct '97
Copper Hill Rysa and Companion
Oct. '97
SA Apogee with small friend
Lead-line class
(Apogee also competes in Reining classes)
At The Barn
Occupied Stalls:
Minstrel CF
(Ibn Alamein X Trill)
1982 Bay Stallion
Bred by Craver Farm
Owned by Bill Oates
Bon Vivant CF
(Lysander X Bonne Fortune)
1984 Grey Stallion
Bred by Craver Farm
Owned by Bill Oates
SA Starantez
(Kamil Antez X Filigree CF)
1991 Chestnut Stallion
Bred and Owned by Bill Oates

Due to the poor health and advanced age of their present companion, the above beloved Davenport Arabian horses are seeking new homes and new companions

Residing Elsewhere
SA Apogee
(Ascendant X Copper Hill Rysa)
1990 Chestnut Stallion
Bred by Bill Oates
Co-Owned by
Carol Lyons and
Lisa Spackman
Copper Hill Rysa
(Flight Plan X Lyras)
1983 Chestnut Mare
Bred by the Loves
Owned by Colleen Koch
Filigree CF
(Lydian X Fiddledeedee)
1985 Grey Mare
Bred by Craver Farm
Brought to Texas as a yearling
Residing with PeggySue Packard
Adored CF
(Lydian X Adorned)
1985 Grey Mare
Bred by Craver Farm
Brought to Texas as a yearling
Residing with Darcy Westfall
(Monsoon X Demetria)
1979 Grey Stallion
Bred by Craver Farm
Brought to Texas
Now in Illinois
S A Lassie
(Alaadri X Copper Hill Rysa)
1988 Chestnut Mare
Bred by the Loves
Foaled at Sunset Farm
Now with Bill Cifuentes in Ill
SA Premier
(Minstrel CF X Filigree CF)
1989 Bay Stallion
Bred by the Oates
Now with Bill Cifuentes in Ill
SA Aclaim
(Ascendant X Our Alleya)
1990 Grey mare
Bred by the Oates
Now with Bill Cifuentes in Ill
SA Adorable
(Minstrel CF X Adored CF)
1989 Chestnut Mare
Bred by the Oates
Now with Bill Cifuentes in Ill
Moselle CF
(Mimic X Sauterne)
1984 Grey Mare
Bred by Craver Farm
Brought to Texas
Now at The Western Fields
CH Fair Dawn
(Flight Plan X Astranah)
1984 Grey Mare
Bred by the Loves
Brought to Texas
Now owned by The Southern Fork
SA Beaujolais
(Kamil Antez X Moselle CF)
1991 Grey Stallion
Bred by Bill Oates
Now with the Apple Circus
SA Apex
(Ascendent X CH Fair Dawn)
1995 Bk/G Mare
Bred by Bill Oates
Now with Janet Chiesma of Oregon
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