In Loving Memory

Champion Black Pearl's Whirlwind TT99

Pearl's Pedigree

Pearl was out of Ch.A-Capella Xiao Peng Lil Hobo(Bum)

A-Capella Chantilly Lace(Lacey)

Bum was a red fawn and Lacey was a cream, Lacey delivered 9 black pups, 2 males and 7 females. All lived with supplementary feedings.

Our days & nights were long....

When we first started taking Pearl out to be shown there were hardly any blacks being shown, and it wasn't easy, winning didn't come quickly. Everybody told me it was going to be hard to finish a black, but we stuck with it.

We did pull her and let her have her first litter of pups and when she came back out she was mature and finished in just a few shows.

She went on to be the first Chinese Shar-Pei bitch to finish in the World Wide Kennel Club.

She went on to capture a title in Florida of First Coast Exotic Breeds Associates, then she recieved her Temperment Test and passed recieving her title of TT99.

Pearl also made the final cuts at the '94 Nationals with Madeline Tingen at the end of the lead.

Pearl's final show was the New Orleans Specialty, where she went BEST OF Opposite,over some of the top ranked bitches in the country.

She was ranked number 24 th that year,1994.

"Lacey" gave me 9 beautiful little pearl's, but they were all black.........and thus came Black Pearl Shar-Pei.

We lost Pearl March 25, 1995 at 3 1/2 years old to Mass Cell Cancer. I miss her!

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