Throughout civilization, people are, have been, and always will be curious about their roots, and the ones who bore their family name.
Historically, names have served as a fingerprint of life, perhaps even a clue to one's personality. Your surname is your possession and identification, because it tells the world who you are.
Who were those people who gave you your family name? What part of the world did the names come from? Unless we have been especially wise and fortunate, many of our older relatives will have left us before we gleaned their knowledge of our family's past.
I was not fortunate enough to know all of my grandparents. both of my grandmothers, and one of my grandfathers died before I was born.
However, I am fortunate enough to have memories of my one of my grandfathers. Some of the most treasured memories of him were of the many evenings, sitting around the fire, listening to his stories about the old days.
Several years after Grandfather's death, my Mother, realizing that if she didn't pass along her family cherished memories, they could soon be lost forever, penned a story called I Remember. Then Mother, along with the help of my Father, took the old Family Bible and turned to the Family Records section and recorded as much of the missing information as they could gather. This brought about my first real interest in genealogy. (Here you can see pictures of Dad and Mom.)
For nearly 150 years after North America was settled, it remained a green wilderness with only a few trails cut through the vast forests.
As settlers moved inland, they usually followed the paths over which Indians had used for hunting and trading. Also, many trails following valley and river shores, had been worn down in earlier ages by buffalo which had roamed in search of grazing lands.
Few trails in early America were more important than the Indian route which extended east of the Appalachians from Pennsylvania to Georgia. By a series of treaties with the Five Nations of the Iroquois, the English acquired the use of the Warriors' Path. In 1744 they took over the land itself and the growth of the route became an important chapter in the development of our nation. The path became the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road, by which vast number of English, Germanic, and Scotch-Irish settlers entered this continent and claimed lands.
From the Great Wagon Road, pioneers passed through Cumberland Gap and the Holston River settlement into the territories which became Kentucky and Tennessee. This route, which Daniel Boone opened in 1775, became a route by which the first sizable trans-Appalachian settlements came to statehood.
Check out our Kentucky Connections page for more facts and Kentucky history and links to Libraries, Universities, Government Agencies, Newspapers, Counties, Parks, and other sites with a Kentucky connection.
- The Farmer's Almanac
- Language Translating Dictionaries
- Directories
- Maps
- Newspapers
- US Postal zip codes and address information
- Travel information and assistance
- Web Page HTML help and other useful information.
U.S. National Archives: National Archives and Records Administrations.
The World Genealogy Archive: Search for Birth, Death, Marriages, Census, and Cemetery Records.
Census Bureau: U.S. Census Bureau Genealogy Page.
The Crooked Tree: Census Online from the Crooked Tree
7th KY Infantry
14th KY Cavalry (Don Chesnut)
14th KY Cavalry (Stephen Bowling)
39th KY Mounted Infantry
45th KY Mounted Infantry
47th KY Mounted Infantry Co. F
East Kentucky Civil War Papers
Captain Thomas L. Speed's Union Regiments of Kentucky
Sons of Union Veterans, Dept. of Kentucky
Sons of Confederate Veterans, East Kentucky Brigade
Brigadier-General Theophilus T. Garrard Camp #4 SUVC
Clay Co. Connections: County History, Information for Court House, Historical Society, and Library, Census, Clay Mailing List, Announcements of Reunions, Special Events, Projects, and Publications.
Clay County Historical Society
GenWeb Project: Counties listed by State. To visit any County of your choice, Click on the State, then click on County Selection Page, and select the County.
List of Counties of the US: Counties listed alphabetical, and by state.
LDC Family History Centers: A listing of United States LDS Family History Centers' address and telephone numbers.
Kentucky Connections: Kentucky Facts and History, Links to City and County information, Colleges and Universities, Court houses, General Genealogy, Government, History, Hospitals, Libraries, Mailing lists, Recreation, and Vital Records.
Kentucky Counties: Kentucky GenWeb County selection page.
Kentucky Historical Societies: A listing of Historical Societies from the pages of Kentucky Explorer.
Library of Congress
State Library Web Listing
Lineages: Genealogy reference library, Searchable Records, and the American Research Room is a resource you can't afford to overlook.
Genealogical CDs: A list of WFT CDs including Census, Marriage Records and World Family Trees. The owners of these CDs have graciously volunteered to do look-ups.
Genealogy Resources on the Internet: Mailing Lists by John Fuller; General, Geographic, Surname, State and County.
RootsWeb: Regional mailing lists, hosted by Roots Web.
Rootsweb: Surname/Family mailing list hosted by Roots Web.
United States: US mailing lists, hosted by Roots Web; Listed by states.
Kentucky Military: Links to Civil War and other military records.
Acadian Genealogy Homepage: In Search of Acadian Roots, also a list of (Non-Acadian) Genealogy-related Web Sites.
Best Genealogy Links on the WWW: Has 70 Sites listed.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites: List of almost 25,000 sources.
Family Chronicle: Top Genealogy Web Sites, over 200 listed.
Family Tree Maker: Internet Family Finder, index, record lookup, message board, family trees, and software products.
Gen Forum: Family Genealogy Forum, Surnames Alphabetically, or use Search.
Genealogy Gateway: Gateway to The Web Over 20,000 Genealogy and History Resource Listings.
Genealogist's Index to the WWW: Research your family tree, links to over 11,000 genealogy pages listed by surname.
The Genealogy Home Page: Whats new in Genealogy, plus lots of helpful links.
The Genealogy's Most Wanted: A place to post and view Genealogy's most wanted.
Genealogy Roots Corner: Discovering branches to you past - Surname index and Researchers.
Jen's Corner of the Web: Trace you family roots with Jen's surname database, Discover some Appalachian facts and some great genealogy links.
Olive Tree Genealogy Homepage: Lots of Tools, Tips, and Search Engines.
Rootsweb: The internet's Oldest and Largest Genealogy Resources.
Tips & Tid-bits: Links to Language translating dictionaries, directories, maps, newspapers and US postal information.
Traveller Southern Families: Cousin Finder surname search.
The Big Page: The links are broken down by Country/Regions, then the US is broken down by States.
Regional Web Sites: From the Crooked Tree
World Gen Web Project: World wide listing of genealogy projects, listed by the country.
GenConnect: Global Surname Search
Internet Family Finder: Family Tree Maker's Internet Family Finder.
Roots Location List Name Finder: List of people researching by location.
Roots Surname List: Interactive search. Search thousands of surnames and find the people who are researching them.
Roots Web Mailing Lists: Interactive Search for Archives of Roots Web Mailing Lists.
Soundex Converter: Type a surname and get its Soundex Code.
US GenWeb Archives: SEARCH the US GenWeb Archives Digital Library.
Ships & Passenger Lists: My links to ships and passenger lists outgrew this page, and is still growing, so for faster loading it is now on a separate page. Information on a Ship Mailing List can also be found here.
US Gen Web Project Links to States: Just click on the initials of the State you want to visit.
U.S. Vital Records Information: Information for obtaining vital records,; Indexed by states and territories.
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