The Virginia Annex of the Walker Ranch

The Bragging Page


Our wonderful and beautiful daughter Shelley and her handsome husband Jeff Whitt. They have 3 beautiful children in their blended family. Jordan is Shelley's daughter, Lorin is Jeff's daughter, and Cason is their son. Meet their cousin, Michaela, (our other grandaughter) and her family. Click on window below.

Jordan One of our beautiful grandaughters. Shelley is the proud mother and Jeff is the proud step-dad. Looks like a real soccer champ!!

Cason Jeff and Shelley's handsome son, and our favorite grandson. What a fashion statement!!!!

Grandma Kathy, Michaela, Jordan, and Lorin.
All three children, Cason, Lorin and Jordan. Wow!! Click window to meet Michaela and her family.

Meet Michaela and her family

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