By Susie Ensz
Clarinda-- Construction of the new additions to the Clarinda school is progressing right on schedul, with the high school construction completed. Superintendent Paul Honnold said the construction of the middle and elementary school is progressing nicely, and the projected completion date is set for April. The mechanical system, which includes heating and cooling, needs to be up and running before the move to the new buildings can be made. "We probably won't move in until after the school year" explained Honnold. "But, everything is going well." Elementary Principal Bill Crilly said he sees no large problems with the construction. "The teachers are really flexible and roll with the punches," said Crilly. He added that the outside construction has not affected the teaching, but that they have worrked alot of nights and weekends to get settled where they are.
CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES on the addition to Garfield elementary school in Clarinda. The construction is on schedule said Superintendent Paul Honnold. The high school addition is completed, and April is the set date for the middle and elelmentary schools. Following this school year, the teachers will be able to move into the new facilities.(VNT Photo by Susie Ensz)
picture and article taken from VALLEY NEWS TODAY, Sept. 19, 1997 issue.
(EXCERPTS)Clarinda - Under a plan developed by the Clarinda Association of Business and Industry, Clarinda will be erecting four new community welcome signs. These signs will replace the aging green and white signs that currently welcome visitors to Clarinda. "The old signs, built in 1990, served their purpose well, but were showint the strains of time" said Dennis Simmons, one of the committee members driving the project. The new signs will take on a whole new look. The color scheme will be gold lettering on a black background with the sign being supported by brick columns on each side. The sign will also be lit at night for added visibility. Lettering on the sign will have Clarinda written in a bold clean font with no other words or slogans on it. -------------Funding for the signs is being raised through community donations. Many itmes are being donated, such as the bricks for the columns, to help keep the costs down. Even with the donated items, CABI directory Mark Norman estimates that the cost is somewhere around $4,500 to $5,000 per sign to get them set in place. Norman also explained the committee is well over half way in their fundraising efforts for the signs. ------ The committee would like to get the project underway and completed before the onset of winter.
NEW WELCOME SIGNS are being designed by the Clarinda Association of Business and Industry. This model shows shat the new signs, which will be located at the four entry points to Clarinda, will look like. CABI is raising funds for the project and expects to install the signs yet this fall. (VNT Photo by Susie Ensz)
taken from the VALLEY NEWS TODAY - September 26, 1997 issue.