Clarinda, Iowa
This is what it looked like until July 2, 2001!
Building demolished to make room for new
This page will grow, we will be adding pictures and information periodically. Our hope is to make this site a touch point for class members, (and anyone else who is interested) with news of the town and of other class members, with a home town source of information built in. We encourage (are BEGGING for) email, contributions and feedback....sock it to us.
50th Class Reunion
Class of 1957 celebrates their GOLDEN anniversary
Sept. 19th and 20th, 2007

More 50th Reunion pictures
Carla's Mom's story - Escape from Germany Here
45th Reunion Held Oct. 2002 Friday Night Chili Supper Pictures Here!
45th Reunion Held Oct. 2002 - Saturday Night Dinner at Jay's Pictures Here!
40th Reunion pictures - Aug
Having Breakfast out with a visiting classmate - Picture here
The Class of '57 supports the Clarinda Football team for their homecoming football game on Sept. 20, 2002 by entering a float in the
Homecoming Parade

Do You Remember These?
Pictures from the
near and distant past, from Lincoln school kindergarten and fourth grade,
McKinley 4th grade, and from Junior High.

The PROGRAM - from Graduation Day

Hot Wheels, Your home town, Roots, Kevin Costner

News - of the Clarinda Area - from various sources.

Contributions! Poems, letters, any items of interest are welcomed here. Do YOU have something to contribute?
CLICK HERE to see ground breaking for new library.
(click here to find out more)
Click here to go to see some GREAT links to pages about Iowa.
In Tribute to those who have passed on
The guestbook has been taken off this site as a result of spammers filling it with advertisements. That is not the purpose of a guestbook. I regret having to remove it, but know of no other way to keep these unethical persons from filling the bandwidth for their own personal gain. Spammers also need be advised that any email they send to the below address will be reported to Geocities/Yahoo as SPAM.