I have three boys - Ben 13, Jared 9 and Daniel 5. They are great boys, but they are also definitely boys!!!!
Ben's hit teenage years, which is difficult enough, and now that we've moved to the US, he has a whole new world to get used to!! He seems to be adjusting okay now that he's made some friends in the congregation. The guys often get together and play football and he's looking forward to getting out and snowboarding when we get some snow. Jared has settled into his new congregation really well. He wasted no time in making friends of all age groups. He enjoys spending time over at friends homes and participating in the ministry. He was so proud of himself when he placed a couple of Require brochures recently and he's really progressing in the TMS with his bible readings.
Daniel has just started school over here. His teacher has trouble understanding him, I think it's the cross between Aussie and American accent he's developed that throws her!! He really enjoys our personal study time and is quite enthusiastic at setting his own tasks to help him with his reading and writing so he can read the bible himself as soon as he can.
My two step-daughters, Dannah (13) and Alyssa (10). For a brief time, I had the joy of having them living with us, even though it was chaotic and difficult for the kids to adjust to a larger, noisier, busier household (me too at times!!). Sadly, satan tempted them with the "greener grass" of their mother's home, and they are living with her for now, hopefully only temporarily. We pray that the love for Jehovah will remain in their hearts.