Local History Links

amended 29 August 2003 (links checked and updated)

'Local History' to me means the area around Radcliffe and Bury, Lancashire, England (or if you wish, Radclife, Greater Manchester, England). As I worked for most of my life in Manchester, there will also be links for personal interest to various items relating to Manchester. For another personal reason, you may find the occasional link to Bolton as I live within a mile of the boundary between Bury Metro and Bolton Metro.

This web page started off years ago as my main site for links to items of local history but has been overtaken by an extension of my interests and my web site interests, so much so that readers looking for local (meaning Bury Metro) would be better advised to visit some of my other sites specifically about the townships of Bury Metro (see links to the left).

Below you will find misc. links to sites not included in either Bury Metro, or for which I am not the webmaster. Links to theses sites should open in a new window to allow the reader to keep site of this page.

As always, if readers comes across any broken links I would be obliged if they would contact me so that the problem can be rectified. Thank you. John Higson

Please click on the item of interest:

Bury Metro







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