HanoHano Nebelungs

The Shorthaired Nebelung story

HanoHano's Mister, a shorthaired Nebelung neuter,
at 15 months of age, Sept 1999.
As you can see, the shorthaired
Nebelungs look very much like Russian Blues
but slightly larger in size. They have the same shy, sweet
personalities and soft voices of the Russian Blues.

For this, we have to reach back into our school biology days
(see kids, learning never ends). In the cat genetics world, the shorthaired
gene is the dominate gene, which means,
if you breed a semi-longhaired cat to a shorthaired cat
(like a Nebelung to a Russian Blue),
you will get an entire litter of shorthaired kittens
carrying the longhaired gene!!
Then, if you take one of these kittens as an adult
& breed it back to another semi-longhaired Nebelung, then
approximately 50% of this litter will have longhaired coats.
In order to make sure a rarer breed like the Nebelung has
enough varied genetic material, occaisional outcrossings
to the Russian Blues are allowed, therefore, a certain percentage
of Nebelungs will have the shorthaired coats.
The best examples will be used in a breeding program,
and the others will be sold as pets
to qualified homes, because the do not meet the Nebelung
written show standard for coat length.
A shorthaired Nebelung will cost
between $200 to $300 depending on the breeder.
The shorthaired Nebelungs are registered in TICA as
non-standard coated Nebelungs because they are not
yet allowed to be registered as Variant Russian Blues.