HanoHano Nebelungs

From Romani Princess Lea of HanoHano &
HanoHano's the Truth is Out There

Here just a couple of weeks old...3 sisters

Here are the two long-haired sisters
at about 2 months old..
HanoHano's Malie (l) and
HanoHano's Kula Mist (r)

a longhaired Nebelung (Kula Mist) alongside her
shorthaired sister.

Here is a wonderful photograph taken by
Tetsu Yamazaki of HanoHano's Kula Mist in March 1999.
Tetsu was in the Seattle, WA area taking pictures
of cats for possible inclusion in the book
The Legacy of the Cat, II
due out later this fall.
(keep your fingers crossed Kula makes the 'cut'!!)

and from HanoHano's Star Won O Won Five and
HanoHano's the Truth is Out There

Four boys...

Here is another sweet little boy, from Romani Petit Image of HanoHano (Pixie) and Truth--
he is looking very nice so far...

Here you can see the boy's nice profile, and on the right
is his shorthaired sister...she is very sweet also & is going
to have a very plush, shorthaired coat!!