My Boys...
Here are some professional pictures of Tic Tac of HanoHano
and his brother Quelle Surprise of HanoHano
were shown as HouseHold Pets Kittens (HHP)
during the 1998-1999
show season in TICA.
Tic Tac ended up as 5th best HHP kitten
in the NW Region, 54th best HHP kitten
in TICA overall (out of 378 shown).
Prizzy ended up 7th best NW HHP kitten &
76th best HHP kitten overall!!!
Good going boys!!!
Tic Tac is always a crowd favorite, with his
green, green eyes and sweet face!!

Quelle Surprise (Prizzy) is the sweetest boy.
All he wants in life is a warm lap to cuddle on.
As the world's first & only
Colorpoint Nebelung, he carried himself with
great beauty and grace in the showrings!!

TICA takes great pride in all cats,
including everyday House Hold Pets.
HHP's are honored with points, titles, Regional &
International wins and top 20 picture spots
in our yearbook, just like their pedigreed cousins!!
Not every Cat Registry honors ALL cats like TICA does.
TICA HHP written standard