From its ancient, mystical beginnings in Northern Russia, the Nebelung, a semi-long haired cousin of the Russian Blue, is making a comeback in polite society. Sweet and gentle by nature, with the natural shyness common to the Russian Blue, they make excellent, loving, playful companions to their owners.
Although their coat is semi-long, matting and shedding are seldom problems. A brushing once or twice a week is sufficient to keep their coats in soft, silky, flowing condition. A show quality Nebelung will have a nicely groomed, semi-longhaired coat with a plumed tail. The coat should show a silvery tipping at the ends, giving the impression that the cat is slightly 'frosted'. Their head should have the same seven planes common to the Russian Blue, although, due to the longer coat, the planes won't be as obvious. The eyes should be green, preferably a deep emerald green.
Slightly larger than their Russian Blue cousins, a Nebelung male will weigh between 8 to 10 pounds, with the females
weighing between 6 to 8 pounds.
HanoHano's Malie & Kula Mist
Malie was International Best NB kitten 1998-1999
and Kula Mist was International 2nd Best NB kitten
Nebelungs are still quite rare in the cat fancy, but, from time to time, kittens will be available for sale by contract only. Occasionally adults may be available also. Please note: all HanoHano Nebelungs will be sold already neutered to their new homes.
As the Russian Blue is the allowed outcross for the Nebelung for genetic diversity, some of these kittens will have a shorter coat than required by the show standard. These kittens will be used either in a breeding program or sold as pets. They have all the wonderful characteristics of the Nebelung, it's just their coat length does not meet the standard for showing.
HanoHano Nebelungs only breed Nebelung to Nebelung, with an occasional
outcross to a Russian Blue to improve features such as eyecolor or tipping.
There are no 'foundation' cats allowed within four generations
of a HanoHano Nebelung.
After ten years of being in the NBC class (New Breed or Color), the Nebelung was accepted for championship status in TICA effective May 1, 1997.
For more information on the Shorthaired Nebelungs
New!! HanoHano's Tiny Topsy Turvy
Kittens & Cats now showing...
Nursery Photos!!
The Kitten and the paperbag
Kitten Photos
Visitors since September 10, 1997
At the cat shows:
Romani Prince Charming of Nebelheim being
examined by TICA
Judge Fate Mays
at the February 1998 Seattle TICA show.
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