<BGSOUND SRC="/drkaito/blondiemaria.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
We have a daughter, Stephanie. She's a very active and happy child who keeps us very busy.  She likes Barbies, puzzles, computer games, music, dolls, Madeline, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Harry Potter, etc.  Stephanie enjoys going to school and learning new things.  She has attended ballet and gymnastics for almost 2 years now, but right now she is taking a break.  Since last year, Stephanie has been in Brownie Girl Scouts, often going on different field trips. Sometimes she amazes us by the new things she learns and picks up so quickly.  We enjoy spending time with her!
See Stephanie's Page
Our interests are: travel, skiing, tennis, computers.  We enjoy music very much, and some of the groups we like are  Alan Parsons Project, Dire Straits, U2, Pet Shop Boys, OMD, Depeche Mode, Fleetwood Mac, ELO, Pink Floyd, The Beatles and many more.   We also like many international singers/bands, such as Brainstorm from Latvia, Sarah Connor, and others.   We enjoy traveling very much, and some of the countries we've visited are:  Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, and Switzerland.  We have visited many places within the United States also.
In November 1999 we lost our dog, Kaito.  He became suddenly ill and passed away.   He was the greatest dog, and we really miss him so much.
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We are Lisa, Peter and Stephanie
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Chestnut Mountain Ski Resort
updated by Lisa on July 30, 2003
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Background Music:  "Maria" by Blondie
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Strawberry Shortcake
Page design, personal photos, layout and all content are the property of Lisa Pekala.  Please refrain from copying without prior permission.  Thank you for your cooperation. 
Copyright 1997 - 2003
See Photos of Kaito
See Our Wedding Photos
My Brainstorm Page