Missing Horses - See Below for Images.
The following horses went missing from Coleman Alberta on June 25, 1998
and were possibly stolen.
Breeze An 8 year old grey mare with four black legs, both back legs are
scarred. Her rump is darker than the rest of her body, grey freckles on
face, scar under chin, black/dark mane. She is shod and has a trimmed
bridle path.
Vegas An eleven year old bay gelding, white star. He has a cut across
back of right hind heel and may be very lame. His mane was roached and
has grown back to approximately three inches. Slightly narrow through
the chest. He is also shod.Neither horse was tatooed or branded.
If you think you have seen either of these horses please contact your
local RCMP office or the owners
Gary and Delphine Crayford PO Box 23 Coleman Alberta T0K 0M0 Phone(403) 563-5576

$1,000.00 Reward
Purebred Arabian Mare, 15 years old, 15.2 hh, bay with heavy roaning in
flank area extending to shoulder> White markings - star, stripe and
narrow snip onto left nostril, upper and lower lips, right for pastern,
left fore pastern, right hind partial fetlock, left hind partial
stocking. Every foot is part coloured. Last seen July 29, 1997 wearing
Toptani jumping saddle with quilted black saddle pad and black fabric
halter/bridle combination with pelham bit.
An extensive search has been carried out for this mare. She vanished
without a trace within 1/2 hour of getting loose. If you have any
information, which might lead to the recovery of this very special
mare, please contact me at the following numbers. Aside from having
very distinctive markings as can be seen in the photograph, this mare
has a fungal infection on her left hind leg, which if left untreated
will cause problems.
Darlene Gordon
RR2 Site 255 C5
Courtenay BC V9N 5M9
Phone (250) 334-2031
e-mail: darleneg@island.net

Crosby Prixdenations Saddle
Serial #6-4-1069
Saddle #4500
Size: 17
Note: Under Left Saddle Flap had written, "To Kia" Signed "Hugh Graham"
Also stolen:
1.Sheepskin Pad
If found please call Harry Poulos at: 604-720-5743