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Horse Council British Columbia
Notes from the Office - November 1998
Horse Council BC
Notes From the Office
Horse Council BC
Notes From the Office
By Laurel Smith
Executive Director
1998 Membership Benefits By joining HCBC an individual automatically
receives as a benefit of membership $5 million third-party legal
liability coverage for your non-commercial equestrian activities;
Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage; cargo coverage for
non-commercial hauling of another individual? horse; a subscription to
the Pacific Horse Journal; access to Price COSTCO memberships; reduced
travel costs with Travel 1; Internet Access and Web pages Quik
Internet; access to additional insurance programs through CAPRI
Insurance at special HCBC member rates; free brochures and
publications; and much, much more!!
1998 Membership fees: Senior (18 yrs & over) $25.00; Junior (under
18yrs)$20.00 Family $65.00 (No Senior children),Corporate Silver
(insurance coverage extra) $49.00; Corporate Gold (insurance coverage
extra) $199.00 all memberships expire December 31st.
Postal Code:______________________
Phone: ______________________
Amount Enclosed: $_______
VISA: _______________________ Expiry date: ______
HCBC 5746B 176A Street Cloverdale BC V3S 4C7
Income Tax Receipts Through the National Sport Trust Fund, HCBC can
accept donations and have income tax receipts issued. If you are
interested in making a tax deductible donation to HCBC please contact
the office for the forms.
Horse Person of the Year
Vice President's Awards Starting in 1997 HCBC's Vice Presidents began
recognizing individuals who have made a significant contribution to
their portfolio during the year. The 1998 HCBC Vice Presidents and
their award recipients are: Vice President Competitions - Alf Fletcher,
winner Nayda McNeill; Vice President Education - Susan Harrison, winner
Marg Davidson; Vice President FEI Disciplines - Isabel Reinertson,
winner Jan Mansfield; Vice President Horse Industry - Marcia Husson,
winner Brian Scott; Vice President - Recreation Ellen Hockley, winner
George Ralph.
1999 Membership Rates - NO CHANGE! HCBC Board of Directors voted for no
increase to any of the HCBC membership categories in 1999. Renewal
notices will be in the mail by late November.
New Affinity Partner Horses in Cyberspace! Horse Council BC is proud to
announce a new partnership with Quik Internet. All members of HCBC,
their friends and family are invited to contact Quik for their Internet
services and support Horse Council BC at the same time. Quick Internet
will be donating a portion of the very competitive monthly fees to HCBC
as a contribution to Athlete Development and Riding Trails. All members
from the Lower mainland & Fraser Valley can benefit from this program.
Please call 539-2000 for further information, from the Abbotsford area
please call 856-5554 and enter 2000 at the prompt.
Agricultural Complaint Handling Process BC's farmers and ranchers have
been active in maintaining a program that responds to nuisance and
pollution complaints associated with agricultural activity. All
complaints can be directed to any Ministry of Agriculture and Food
office where they may be redirected to the responsible Government
department. Specific complaints/concerns can be directed as follows:
Regarding farming activities related to environmental issues may be
directed to the nearest office of the BC Ministry of Environment, Lands
and Parks. Concerns relating to those farming activities causing odour,
noise, dust or other disturbances may be made directly to the nearest
BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food office. Complaints can also be made
directly to the Farm Practises Board (250) 356-8946.
It's Open! Skagit Valley Recreation Area How to get there: the
Silver/Skagit road, which joins Highway #1 3 km west of Hope, provides
access to the recreation area. It is 37 km from highway #1 to the
entrance portal and approximately 50 kms total to the newly opened
Vehicle Access Horse camp. The Silver/Skagit road is a loose surface
road that provides access to several active logging areas before the
recreation area entrance. Brochures including a map of the area are
available from Horse Council BC.
"The Spirit of the Horse" Memorial Park The park is to be located on
the north side of the Campbell Valley Park Equestrian Centre and
incorporating 1/3 of an acre donated GVRD land. It will be quiet haven
for horse lovers to contemplate and celebrate memories, old and new, of
their long time faithful companions. A meandering brick wall will host
memorial brass plaques, inscribed with name of horse, the owner and
other desired information. For more information phone: Jane Chad (604)
534-4669 or Joy Richardson (604) 534-7541 or contact HCBC for a
Trans Canada Trail This trail was conceived as a part of the legacy of
the Canada 125 celebrations in 1992. Much of the trail is on crown land
and as a result the provincial government has been keenly involved with
this project. The province's involvement is coordinated by the Land Use
Coordination office in Victoria, and they have recently begun to work
with a group of consultants to host a series of public meetings across
BC. The meetings are designed to provide information about the trail,
to obtain feedback to begin exploring partnerships with local groups
and generate ideas for continuing management of the trail. Meeting
dates and locations are available on the Outdoor Recreation Council's
web site http://home.istar.ca/~orcbc/.
Trail Information - Island 22 Chilliwack This location offers riders
trailer day parking or overnight camping with paddocks north of the
dyke road by the Fraser River. How to get there: from Highway #1, take
the Chilliwack Airport, exit and go north on Yale Rd through Chilliwack
at the fork keep right on Yale Rd. Turn left on Nowell St, turn left at
Mellard Ave and right on Young St. A sign indicates Island 22 turn left
at Cartmell Rd (gravel) Trail description: 80 acres including 70
designated jumps. Horses are not allowed on the north side of the road.
Beach access is restricted to the extreme western corner. Learn about
this and more trails in the Lower Mainland in the Southwestern BC Trail
Guide, 150 comprehensive pages. Available from Horse Council BC at the
special sale price of $6.95 including postage and handling.
World Equestrian Games Congratulations to the following Horse Council
BC members who represented Canada at the World Equestrian Games in
Rome: Colin Schmidt - vaulting, Stephanie Guidibono - vaulting, Liz
Hopps - dressage, Karen Brain - eventing.
Christmas Flea Market & Trade Show December 12th 9:00 TO 2:30pm at the
Abbottsford Ag-Rec Centre #3 32470 Haida Drive, Abbottsford. Featuring
the PRDA used tack sale. Cost for tables ordered and prepaid through
Horse Council BC by December 1st : Horse Council BC members
$20.00(including clubs and affiliates); Horse Council BC Corporate
Members $20.00; Non Members $25.00; Additional tables $15.00; All
tables paid for at the door $27.00 Payment can be made by cash, cheque
or VISA. If you have a craft or used tack to sell, a business to
promote or a club to inform the public about and do a membership drive
this is the place for you. ADMISSION FOR THE PUBLIC IS FREE!
Videos Videos Videos Just in time for Christmas Horse Council BC
offers: Dr Deb Bennett's Secrets of Conformation or the 1996 Centennial
Olympic Games Dressage Freestyle either video is available for $56.95
including GST and postage. Hall of Fame - Great Dressage Horses is
available for $46.95 including GST and postage.
Members Not in Good Standing The following individuals are currently
not in good standing with Horse Council BC and as such do not have
access to the Horse Council BC liability insurance or other affinity
programs: Jim Langelaan, Christina Langelaan, Dan Langelaan, Lori
Langelaan, Mark Langelaan.
Member in good Standing Mat Langelaan is a current member of Horse
Council BC.
CEF English Coaching Evaluation/Exam Schedule Lower Mainland: Exam
November 6-8; For registration contact Wendy Christoff (604) 946-9195.
Important Contacts Western Heritage Championships - June Lalonde (250)
545-0803; CEF English Coaching Program - Wendy Christoff (604)
946-9195; CEF Western Coaching - Marg Davidson (604) 864-0218; CEF
Driving Coaching - Ken Huber (604) 826-4412; CHA Coaching Program -
Bill Enns (604) 796-9832; Vaulting Coaching Program - Lynn Wallden
(604) 823-6928; Canadian Equestrian Federation (613) 748-5632
Affinity Partners Quik Internet phone (604) 539-2000 tell them Horse
Council sent you; Travel 1 phone: (604) 940-8350 - Receive reduced
rates on travel bookings when you give your HCBC Membership number;
CAPRI Insurance 1 (800) 670-1877 - Tell them you're a HCBC member and
receive reduced rates for your personal insurance needs; Price COSTCO
your HCBC membership qualifies you for access to a COSTCO membership,
check the telephone Directory for the store nearest you
How to Reach Us
The Horse Council BC office hours are Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 p.m. If you need a HCBC service and just can?t get to
the office during regular hours please call us and we will make every
effort to accommodate you. The address is 5746B 176A Street Cloverdale,
BC V3S 4C7 Phone: (604) 576-2722 or 1 (800) 345-8055. Fax: (604)
576-0401, E-mail: laurel@uniserve.com or hcbc@uniserve.com.
Web site:
Horse Council BC
Laurel Smith
5746B 176 A Street
Cloverdale BC V3S 4C7
Phone: (604) 576-2722
Toll Free: 1 (800) 345-8055 - BC only
Fax: (604) 576-0401 |