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Horse Council British Columbia
Horse Person of the Year
Horse Council of BC's "Horse Person of the Year" 1998
Horse Council BC is pleased to announce the winner of the 1998 HorsePerson
of the Year. This year the prestigious Capri Insurance trophy and honors
go to Mr. Alf Fletcher of Kelowna BC.
Alf is well known around the equestrian community. Locally in Kelownahe is
an active member of the Kelowna Riding Club. Throughout BC, Alf is
recognized as a CEF steward and Judge. Alf is also an important equestrian
figure throughout Canada, being a Senior FEI Steward, and perhaps best
known for serving as President of the CEF for three terms. He also has
served on the executive for Horse Council BC for many years, is the
Vice-Chair of Competitions, and is in charge of the Drug Committee and
Provincial Officials.
Alf Fletcher has lived his entire life in BC, and has always givenfreely
of his time to further the aims and interests of the Kelowna RidingClub,
Horse Council BC and the CEF. Since his retirement from the Fire
Department, he has dedicated even more of his timeto the equestrian
Alf resides in Kelowna, when not travelling for HCBC, the CEF, or acting as
steward at many competitions throughout BC.
Mr. Fletcher was chosen from a group of well deserving nominees. Horse
Council BC congratulates him on his well-deserved recognition as a
dedicated, hardworking and knowledgeable equestrian as well as a
significant contributor to the Horse Industry in BC. |