DDSusan - 10/25/00 14:04:23 My URL: What state do you live in: Florida | Comments: Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our webring! |
Carol Myers - 09/18/00 04:17:28 My URL:/carolsfamiy My How did you get here: came thru your fall graphics page.. What state do you live in: Arizona | Comments: Hi, I came looking for fall graphics, looked at your family tree page,very nice, check mine out. I may use some of your graphic as I get my web pages ready for fall I will be sure to ad a link back. |
Laura White - 09/11/00 18:54:40 My How did you get here: Fibrohugs What state do you live in: Texas | Comments: Oh Lin this is so cool! You have such awesome talent. Hope you're still planning the dachsund page as I have 2 and the are my favorites!!!! Love you Lin! |
janet gibson - 08/20/00 20:27:18 My How did you get here: through fibrohugs What state do you live in: united kingdom. england | Comments: what a beautifull web site, i found it very inspirationall . thankyou |
dizilizi1 - 08/07/00 23:13:26 How did you get here: following my awesome friend What state do you live in: florida | Comments: oh lin!! what a talent you have!! you have been blessed with an amazing enviable gift. your art is incredible. i plan to send everyone i can here to see it--lol!! smoochies hunny |
Angel Kimberly - 07/11/00 00:57:03 My URL: My How did you get here: an angel sent me What state do you live in: Alabama | Comments: You have such a wonderful site. I would lke to invite you to check out our group of fine friendly ladies and maybe consider joining us. We have a lot of fun chatting and just helping each other in differant ways, we also have all kinds of committies if yo would like to be nvolved in those kind of things how involved you get is strictly up to you so come on buy for a visit we'd love to meet you! Thank you for the tour around your home on the web, Angel Kimberly ![]() |
Shirley (Wingtip) - 05/22/00 20:19:38 My How did you get here: Lin - fibrohugs What state do you live in: California | Comments: totally awsome!! this is a very uplifting page - thank you so much! |
fibro27 - 05/22/00 19:57:30 My How did you get here: lin's link from fibrohugs What state do you live in: indiana | Comments: hi lin, hun nice page |
Cyndi - 05/05/00 16:08:53 My URL: How did you get here: hugs What state do you live in: Ontario, Canada | Comments: I luv your page Lin, you are a good friend . Thank heavens for Fibrohugs. |
Lynda Godish - 02/21/00 02:32:08 My How did you get here: accident What state do you live in: Washington | Comments: Hi just me ....didn't know if you will get my e-mail...I could be your half sister from Washington state....Lynda |
joachim quantz - 12/19/99 23:24:39 My URL: My How did you get here: What state do you live in: germany | Comments: hello linda, i´m a great-great-...grandson from Mr. J.J.Quantz do you know him. my little sister is intereste in visiting USA for one year, starting next summer. i hope i will hear from you in the future. thanks. |
joachim quantz - 12/19/99 23:19:53 My URL: My How did you get here: What state do you live in: germany | Comments: hello linda, i´m a great-great-...grandson from Mr. J.J.Quantz do you know him. my little sister is intereste in visiting USA for one year, starting next summer. i hope i will hear from you in the future. thanks. |
just a visitor from a foregin land - 12/17/99 02:56:43 How did you get here: by chance What state do you live in: germany | Comments: Hello, nice graphics :o) I just found your site by chance. If you like to play free onlinegames visit You will see thes lack a lot of graphics there, perhaps you can help? ;o) Greetings Paul |
babs237 - 12/14/99 20:25:15 My How did you get here: surfing via e-mail sent to me What state do you live in: alabama | Comments: a wonderful site. my daughter teaches smalll children. i have sent copy of this site to her to view- the paper dolls. |
David De Golier - 12/02/99 05:11:31 My URL: My How did you get here: webring What state do you live in: Washington State | Comments: Your site is really well done. |
Great Grandpa Whitney - 07/08/99 02:55:48 My How did you get here: Sleigh ride?? What state do you live in: Confusion Ha Ha | Comments: Hi Linda: I'm surprised that U can find time to remake your Website....Mebbe all done in first days of work! I sure happy to see lil black dog still peeking out at me...mebbe nest time your new semi-mini dog will have a trick or 2 fo the page?....Ur page quite updated & still neat & interesting....Was going to write an E-mail to U & Sherry but old slowpoke me has used up all his time now....will write later! Hi Sheri....Glad U having a nice visit with Ur U take turns using the computer & air conditioner? or draw straws for first choice????....Yeah hottern heck here too....... Keep cool & have fun Alwhit |
dolphin_lover - 04/15/99 22:24:48 My URL: How did you get here: geocities search for "religion" | Comments: flutes and music rule! |
Kathy Coates - 01/21/99 22:40:14 My How did you get here: Linda's recommendation | Comments: very nice! |
Connie - 01/08/99 23:33:04 My Email:shp6037@schoolofhope,org How did you get here: heartland link What state do you live in: Alberta, Canada | Comments: Cute web site. I enjoyed the music on your 'fishy' page. My daughter really enjoys fish too. |
marsha - 11/06/98 14:09:24 My URL: My How did you get here: link What state do you live in: CA | Comments: Hi there! you have a great homepage! I enjoyed my visit very much! thanks a bunch! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Charlie - 09/14/98 19:31:43 My URL: My How did you get here: Heartland Pet Gazette ( now know as the Petsburgh Post) | Comments: Hi, I stopped by your page last week and asked you to vote for me in the fall festival contest. I promised I'd be back to sign your guest book. Well, here I am. We won the contest. If you voted for me I thank you, If you didn't then please remember I kept my promise and consider voting for me next time. As for your page. I think It's really great. And I'll be back soon. Now I'm going to continue looking around. |
Ron Curtis - 08/30/98 21:18:58 My How did you get here: from you Linda. What state do you live in: California | Comments: I must say your page is very nice. Alot nice than mine sence I dont even have one. Im so jealous. Anyway God bless keep up the hard work it will pay off. If we don't take care of our selves who will? |
Marian - 08/15/98 07:49:27 My URL: My How did you get here: from a Web Ring's Random What state do you live in: Southern California | Comments: Your homepage is very awesome and neat, especially for young ones (kids)! |
- 06/15/98 18:10:02 My How did you get here: Roundabout!! What state do you live in: Happiness?? | Comments: Saw little black dog first, he opened his eyes, saw me & smiled ( my imagination?) Glad to see boy in wheelchair with train still running..... Could only find Tenny branch on Ur family tree -- what happened to Ur fine sons & daughter?? Still tracing them?, Ha Real nice work & with music too... That U playing the flute?? Ha Keep up the good work.......Alwhit |
Idealisten - 06/14/98 07:22:59 My URL: My How did you get here: Just droped in What state do you live in: Sweden | Comments:
Laurie - 06/07/98 19:24:38 My URL: My How did you get here: hearlland select What state do you live in: virginia | Comments: I love your graphics... |
Rhonda Foster - 06/04/98 15:19:41 How did you get here: browsing What state do you live in: ut | Comments: you have a fun, eye catching sight. very nice |