Mlynska and Siedleczki Family
and Waszczuniuk Family
Poland, Circa 1890s
Aleksanora (may be called Alexandria; a Polish Jewess who converted to Roman Catholicism) married and had three sons and one daughter in Poland: Jan (1873 to 1942, pronounced Yohn), son (name unknown) who came to the U.S.A., son (name unknown) who died in Poland, and Froinciszcoe (called Frances).
Froinciszcoe (called Frances) had Vloictorer (called Victor).
My best guess is that these photos were taken in Poland sometime in the 1890s.
This photo was of Aleksanora (Murphy's great grandmother, left), Aleksanora's
daughter Froinciszcoe (Murphy's great aunt, right, called Frances), and
Frances' son Vloictorer (baby, called Victor). Not sure who the lady in
the back was. The words on the back of the photo only list three folks.
photo was found with the above photo. It had no annotation as to who, when,
and where this was. I just hate it when you find a neat photo like this
and no one knows who they were.
From the type of photo, type of pose, and the attire, my initial guess was that this photo was taken in the late 1800s.
After looking at this photo for a while, it looks like the lady on the
right was Marianna (1878 to 1963; called Mary), who married Jan. Jan and
Mary were Murphy's grandparents. Mary looks like she was somewhat young
(less than 20 years) which would put the date of this photo in the 1890s.
Mary would have been in Poland then. The other two ladies might be Mary's
sister (left) and mother (center).
Last updated May 9, 2000, by Murphy.