Jacob and Martha Casanova
Louisiana, Mid-1890s
C. (Newhouse) Casanova (1821 to 1899) married Martha Zachary (1842 to 1896)
in 1860. The name Casanova could be translated to Newhouse (nova is new,
casa is house). Some of the family members took on the last name Newhouse
instead of Casanova (it was more American-sounding). Jacob was called both
Casanova and Newhouse.
The Jacob and Martha's family settled in the area around eastern Louisiana. Jacob and Martha had twelve children.
Jacob and Martha posed for this photo sometime in the mid-1890s (an
estimate by Murphy). Photo provided by their great granddaughter Jo Ann.
Jacob and Martha were the great great grandparents of Rene'.
Last updated November 23, 1999, by Murphy.