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This page is primarily to put on-line the past 17 years of research that I have managed to find on my relatives. As with all Genealogy research it is an ongoing process. The main families that I am researching are - FORDHAM, MCCORKLE & BYSTROM. However there are a lot of branches & twigs that spread out in my family tree which include numerous relatives. I am most gratefully for all the cousins and families that supplied me with documentation. A special thanks go out to all my cousins in the United States, Sweden, Canada & Fellow researchers in the United Kingdom, without their efforts this would not have been possible.


FORDHAM Genealogy Page

From England to North America, Starting from the year circa 1520

BYSTROM Genealogy Page

From Sweden to Canada, Starting from the year circa 1700

MCCORKLE Genealogy Page

From Kentucky,Indiana,Iowa,Nebraska,Wyoming & Canada.

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to this web site since October 8, 1997


Please visit a few of my cousins located as follows:

Gerry Mack in California: Gerry's Genealogy

Norma Jennings in Iowa: Norma's Information


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