Went astray Just wanted to say hi. : ) & moved back home.
          This is a quite a bit of what I've been experiencing during my stay in Japan. It covers various things from: school, to life, to feelings, to questions about Japan etc.  If you have a question of your own send me an email and I'll see what I can do for you. Hope you enjoy, if not ...your bummer. 
What is the JET Programme? Take a flight on the Jet Programme. Interested in teaching in Japan and you don't speak Japanese??? 
A list of stuff
  1. General Information
  2. Each Month 
  3. Brief Job Description
  4. The introduction speech

General Information:

Departed: July 20, 1997 (Sun.) Arrived: July 21, 1997 (Mon.) JPNese Knowledge B4 I left...
Home addresses and phone:
Esuto Sawa 102
3-2-47 Hon-cho,Asaka-shi
***Please only send letters and envelopes no larger than the size of a magazine to this address. Thank you
Work Address and phone/fax:
Asaka City Board of Edcation
1-1-1 Hon-cho, Asaka-shi
***If you are planning on sending a package, PLEASE send packages to this address. Thank you
Speaking-About 10 words, maybe.
Reading- One character of Hiragana.
Culture/Society- A good understanding because I went to school with Japanese students in the states at Teikyo Post Univ.
If you are calling from another country DO NOT  dial the first zero in the area code.

What happened... Each Month.

July 97 August September October November December 97
January 98 February March April May June 98
July/August August-January

Brief Job description: (brief)
I am working in 5 junior high schools in the city of Asaka, in the prefecture of Saitama. I will work at each school for 2 weeks. Within each school there are 3 grade levels: ichi-nensei (1st grade), ni-nensei (2nd grade), and san-nensei (3rd grade). The ages of the students range from 13-15. Each grade has a number of classes. For Example: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2. That is the set-up of the number 5 junior high school which is called go-chu. I hope that is enough information to help you come up with questions about school life.

The Intro. Introduction Speech:
GOOOD MORNING!!!! (i try to get everyone to respond with good morning, a few times if i need to) Hi, my name is Gary Ploski and I am from a small town called Prospect, in the state Connecticut. I am very happy to be here in Japan and to be here in the gym of (school number) with all of you!
In Prospect I live with my mom and her boyfriend. They are probably home right now, maybe watching t.v. -- im jealous. My girlfriend is going to school at Teikyo Post University, maybe she's studying. I just graduated from Teikyo Post University in Connecticut, so I am only 22 years old. I am the youngest teacher in all of Asaka.
Some things I like are: soccer, tonkatsu, rice, volleyball, movies, music, japanese mayonnaise, american comic books and toys. I look forward to teaching with all of you. I hope we have fun in class, yoroshiku onegaishimas.

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