Power House
Ogden Shops, Calgary, Alberta
The purpose of the Ogden Powerhouse is to provide steam for heating of various buildings and to provide process steam for the Proceco washers and steam wands. It also provides steam for one large steam driven steam hammer which is used for blacksmithing duties and is located in the southwest corner of the Locomotive Shop.
The Ogden Powerhouse also provides compressed air to the shops by way of compressors which are located in the room opposite the room that houses the boilers.
The huge smoke stack and coal burning furnaces have long ago been replaced with the more efficient and enviromentally safe, natural gas.
Then ( 1928 ) and Now ( 1997 )

2 Saskatoon, 2 Cleaver Brooks Packaged boilers.
Gas fired firetube, 600 horsepower, 3000 sq. ft. heating surface.
Feedwater temperature 260 degrees F. Design pressure 150 psi. Operating pressure 100 psi.
Natural Gas 79,736 metric cubic feet
Water usage 7,281,000 u.s. gallons
Steam generation 103,977,000
There are a number of safety features the boilers are equipped with such as Low Water Cutoff, Auxillary Low Water Cutoff, Flame Scanner, Safety Valves, High Limit Pressure or Temperature Control, Air-Gas Interlock Switch and a Main Gas Shut Off Valve.

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