Maintenance of Way
Ogden Shops,Calgary, Alberta

The Maintenance of Way Department ( also known as Work Equipment) is responsible for the maintenance of trackage and equipment for track and roadbed maintenance.The 3530 square meter (4221 square yard) Ogden work equipment shop is one of three similiar shops on the railroad that repairs and overhauls many of the railway's specialized maintenance machines.
The building, once part of the Car Repair Shops, was converted and modernized in 1992 to handle work equipment. It features four tracks and a special steam-wash bay that cleans the equipment before servicing takes place.
During the spring, summer and fall months, when most equipment is in the field, the on-site staff is reduced to close to 20 employees, the others accompany the machinery, forming work gangs repairing tracks and roadbeds. During the winter months, when most servicing and rebuilding takes place, the staff returns and the shop increases to 70 employees.
In an average season, the shop will handle between 160 and 180 pieces of equipment.

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