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Click on above to see full aerial view of Ogden Yards.

This web site was created by Stu Gardner and Ian Hill, employees at Ogden Shops, Calgary in 1997 when Ogden Shops was Canadian Pacific Railway. This web site is NOT affiliated with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company or Alstom Transport in any way. All trademarks appearing on the website are the property of their respective owners. This site is a hobby only and does not necessarily represent the business or commercial views of Canadian Pacific Railway or Alstom Transport.


ALSTOM took over, in June 2001, the management and operation of Canadian Pacific Railway's largest maintenance and overhaul facility, Ogden Shops, in Calgary. This allowed ALSTOM to complete its North American offer, and to provide customers overhaul services for freight cars, locomotives and components, in addition to the existing locomotive re-manufacturing, new freight car manufacturing and transit car rebuilding services located in Montreal, New York State and Mexico.

  • Total area : 64 Hectares (158 acres)
  • Factory
  • Employees : approx. 445
    ISO certificates
    Calgary is maintaining the ISO 9001: 2000 and ARR 1003 certification.

    Main products and services :
  • Remanufacture, overhaul and repairs for EMD and GE locomotives
  • Freight car renovation, modification & repair
  • Locomotives components overhauls such as: traction motor, wheelsets, diesel engine, air brake, etc.

  • tracks.gif

    Welcome to Ogden Shops, located at 7550 Ogdendale Road S.E. Calgary, Alberta. Ogden Shops.

    These pages have been designed to take you on a Virtual tour of Alstom Transport, Ogden Shops Calgary. To proceed with this tour you may use the clickable map below or click on the shop names below the map. At the bottom of this page is our guestbook. Your comments would be appreciated and all entries will be acknowledged.We have designed the Ogden Shops web pages to be viewable by all browsers in most resolutions. The photos on these pages are best viewed using 16 bit true color.


    Ogden's 75th. anniversary was held in 1988, and to75th Anniversary Pin
    commemorate this event,employees from numerous
    trades and unions throughout the plant came together
    to assemble a lasting monument that would be recognizable
    and a friendly welcome to visitors to Ogden. The
    "Mechanical Man" named SPIKE, stands 27 feet
    tall at the entrance to the shops.The first name given
    to this huge figure was Oggie, and is still called this today
    by many employees. He is constructed from Locomotive
    and Freight Car parts. The body is a boiler,the head and ears
    are gears and the arms and hands are couplers. He is holding a
    locomotive engine crankshaft in his right hand.

    History of Ogden Shops

    Main Map
    (1) Air Brake Shop (5) Adminstration Office (9) Maintenance of Way
    (2) Wheel Shop (6) Main Gate (10) Materials Department
    (3) Locomotive Shop(7) Steel Car Shop(11) Power House
    (4) Maintenance Shop (8) Paint Shop (12) Health Center

    Railway Crossing gif CP Traintracks.gif
     Go to Operation Lifesaver Go to Operation Lifesaver
    These pages were created by
    Ian Hill of HILDAVID

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    Sign My Guestbook

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    Some historical pictures and information used from The Ogden Area History Book