This page was updated on 16 July 98

Hi again, on this page We'll give you a tour of our home. The only pictures we have as yet are of the exterior, but we will be adding interior pictures as they become available.

These pictures show two views of the front of our house. We moved in at the end of June 1996, and we plan on redoing all the landscaping at the front of the house as it has not been trimmed properly and has become overgrown.

This is a view of the flower bed surrounding the raised deck at the rear of the house. In the foreground of the picture the edge of the pool can be seen.

This is a view of the flower bed at the back corner, over the fence you can see the woods that are on the other side of the park which we back onto. The park has three baseball diamonds and a full size soccer field and during the summer months we can watch kids and adults playing and practising. There is also a playground area with swings and slides.

This is another view of the flower bed at the back corner,over the fence you can now see the woods that are on the other side of the park which we back onto, also can be seen the back of the church that faces the other street.

These two pictures show the back of our house from diferent angles

Four pictures
of our pool

Here are Betty and Mike
enjoying the pool

Song Playing

~ The Skaters Waltz ~
Special Thanks to:
Deb Ackley
for the Midi Files.
And to Bluangel {Betty} for searching for them.

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